How quaint. We are allies! The Occuria give men power as a master feeds his dog: it is meant to tame us...

How quaint. We are allies! The Occuria give men power as a master feeds his dog: it is meant to tame us. How well you've resisted their wile. By turning your back on their stones, you give us free hand to write our own Final Fantasy XII thread.

How does this runs on emulator? Last time I tried I could barely read the texts, but then again I didn't touch the configurations.
I'm wondering if I should emulate it or wait for PS4 remaster.

It runs amazingly well.

What settings should be used?

I guess I'll get it, then. I had to stop playing when I was 3/4 into the game and I never got into it again.

why wouldn't you get the remaster at this point?

They aren't outsourcing it to china, like FFX Remaster, so it should be good.

>Game with varied races
>Everyone in the main cast except for one is human

I still don't have a PS4, so I have to decide if I should weigh in the remaster into the reasons for getting one.

the real hero was venat

If you play FFXIV you'd be sick of constant potatoes and cats anyway.

I liked FF12 anyways, but it's even much less varied for FFXV.

>same age, color, gender, etc

SE are making bad choices lately.

There's a high likelihood the remaster will come to PC.

having played the tactics games before it i was surprised barely any non human npcs were even relevant

You'd probably enjoy Last Remnant.

What is Xenoblade Chronicles X?

There's should've at least been a Bangaa as a Guest member at some point.

>tfw seeing random Bangaas running around fighting and you fight alongside them, knowing they'll never actually join you

>implying any of them are playable, bar L

Friendly reminder that Venat did nothing wrong. Occuria can go suck a dick.

Friendly reminder that the game would have been better if Vaan had been replaced with Reks.

Venat did everything wrong,he succeeded in giving control back to humanity which in turn,fucked over humanity for a thousand years leading them into the dark ages.Venat is what happens when a Sup Forumstard gets power to wipe out the elitst jews,the Occuria were a necessary evil

Sometimes you gotta fuck humanity to help it grow big and strong.

The game would've been better if Penelo had a more revealing outfit.

>Shards of nethicite! Cocoon of the Sun-cryst! Spill forth your Mist upon this Ivalice! Let sea and sky be awash in it, that Bahamut may come and drink his fill!

Elma, L and Celica.

I was erect the moment Gabranthe showed up. Jizzed the moment Cid did.

I'm not saying that there weren't xenos in the party, just that there was a ton of tasted potential considering all of the cool races they introduced.