You are not Saren.
You are not Saren
That would make me one ugly son of a bitch.
Yeah okay we all enjoyed Mass Effect 1 but saying that "we are beyond your comprehension" is just bad writing
>Sovereign is actually intimidating in ME
>ME3 makes him a complete joke
What happened?
Write something better for a species beyond their comprehension.
Especially when the reason for their existence is to be a galactic zamboni
"Would you explain to an ant why you're about to step on it? or a field before you harvest it?"
that was before me3 turned them into shit
ME1 reapers were perfect lovecraftian cosmic horror
"I would braaaaap on an ant. Would make me look beyond comprehension."
That was one of the best parts in ME1
In fact ME1 is the only good thing in the entire series
They're not though, that's the point. They want to preserve developing organic life by wiping out existing races before their synthetics kill them so new life can flourish.
I'm not going to judge ME1 writing on the abortion that was ME3
>In fact ME1 is the only good thing in the entire series
The typical "I'm trying really hard to fit in" comment.
Nah, you are just an idiot.
I think that was really the reason they had planned all along. I mean the Geth vs. Quarian conflict is pretty much the basis for that and it's heavily touched upon in the first game to demonstrate that.
Why would the reapers know what an ant is?
>Hey this whole thing is pretty illogical
>Nah it's too deep for you to understand
>You are just an idiot
Kill yourself retard
Not him, but...
"Your understanding is irrelevant to our mission."
They've been around for 30 million years + and leave undeveloped worlds alone, so in all that time they've probably seen an ant or two.
For the same reason Turians seem to know human idiosyncrasies.
Oh shit it's robot Chthulu.
>2 games later
>if we don't kill all the organics, the synthetics will kill all the organics even though two major plot points in this very game is an AI and a human falling in love and a synthetic species making peace with an organic one. So says I, hologram ghost boy.
Well, he wasn't wrong
There are 12,000 species of ant on Earth. How many can you name?
Now how on earth would the reapers know or care about the name or classification of tiny fucking fauna on one random planet out of the billions of potential planets.
Peace doesn't last 50,000 years
>write about something that literally is beyond our comprehension
>Lol plz explain xD
No, you are just an idiot.
they were incomprehensible at the time that line was spoken
Then just replace ant with insect for fucksake if were arguing semantics.
>Now how on earth would the reapers know or care about the name or classification of tiny fucking fauna on one random planet out of the billions of potential planets.
because theyre unfathomable all knowing intelligences, faggot
The typical im a faggot shill for bioware comment
Well if we go by known information regarding what planets to harvest and what to leave alone they probably scan each planet to assess growth and probably scan a multitude of things including evolution of species on whatever planet they're currently scanning.
Not to mention interception of signals so they could have caught a nature documentary from us.
>"Would you explain to an ant why you're about to step on it? or a field before you harvest it?"
Would you tell an ant "Would you explain to an aphid why you herd it" before you step on it? Why would the reaper say that to some fucking human, which goes against the very thing it's saying, you fucking idiot?
>>I think that was really the reason they had planned all along
No, they were very clearly setting up the idea that Element Zero use was killing the universe or whatever, (kind of like that Star Trek TNG episode with the space speed limit) and that the reapers set up a system that would attract element zero using races and signal them to come do a culling of those advanced every now and then.
The topic is writing dialogue, so literally fucking semantics.
Sovereign randomly knowing the name of an insect on earth and using it in an appropriate agricultural metaphor in first contact conversation with humans would be unexpected to the point of being an anatopism.
In other words, hack writing.
>The typical I have no argument so I'll scream buzzwords like a faggot comment
Not even that other user, just trying to encourage you to put more effort into it, Shitposter-kun.
Everything in this universe is able to be explained
How you managed to live this long is probably the hardest thing for me to understand right now
Well if an ant managed to trace the movement of an agent I'm controlling, not only match but exceed his/her ability and shut down several destabilization tactics and plans I had to summon my brothers in arms, then infiltrated the base of my agent and then made a phone call to me I would be inclined to at least talk back a little, as would most people you fuck nut.
Spend the next ten years explaining how a microwave works to your dog and see how much he picks up.
No the original storyboards had it that the reapers were the leviathans and they were trying to figure out a way to stop entropy from killing the universe (said entropy being caused by organics utilizing dark energy which rapidly increased its effects). They were stuck in essentially a groundhog day loop of repeating universes and harvesting the organics both as a way to slow heat death and to figure out a way to stop it entirely.
What even gave you this idea?
Reapers should never have had their purpose explained. Even the "dark energy" shit was garbage. We never should have known what they were doing, or why the fuck they were space ships.
No, you idiot. And even if it was. What's wrong in having something we will never understand? I rather have this then a stupid explanation aka ME3.
They haven't evolved enough for that
We have
You clearly haven't
That's even worse that what Mac Walters wrote if that's true
>faster than light travel
>hyper ancient civilization of living space ships return from the dark side of the universe
>lol everything in teh universe is explaineble t. le black science man
You blindly defend one game while ignore any benefits brought from any sequels because it's not the first game. You're the very definition of a shill at the worst, a complete nostalgia ridden faggot at the least. All the games have good and bad points, even your beloved ME1.
Why did they even feel the need to explain the reason for the Reapers in the first place? Just leave that shit alone.
>We are beyond your comprehension
After that line, any reason for their being would be shitty writing. If Bioware were decent writers, there would have been no more conversations with a Reaper after ME1. But no, we instead got a Reaper version of the Adoring Fan and people goo for the rest of the series.
Fair point
>anything can be worse than the literal asspull of 3's ending.
Holy fuck the entire plot of ME3 will never stop making me angry.
How could they fuck up so bad?
There is cause and effect to everything. You are pissing me off because you don't possess two brain cells for instance.
Never explaining something is half assed, lazy writing and you cannot name a story which is good which has done so.
>Everything in this universe is able to be explained
this has to be bait
Go to bed Alex Jones
You know why you're all so mad about ME3?
Because the ending was incomprehensible to you.
Sovereign TOLD you you wouldn't understand, and you didn't listen. The ending wouldn't make you so butthurt if you were a reaper but you just can't fully grasp the ramifications as a shitty human.
I believe that was what the whole level about the planet with the fucked up sun in ME2 was about.
If you are playing for the combat, then no game in the series is more than garbage, if you are playing for the RPG elements then only the first one manages to be mediocre, if you are playing for the characters then you're an idiot, but the first game still has the essentials, if you are playing for the story then the first game is actually quite good and lastly if you are playing for the setting the first game is awesome while the other two are garbage.
All in all only the first game has redeeming qualities.
With research, yes it can. We've been filling in gaps for years while people like you have been hurring and durring still wondering how a light bulb works.
Either this is bait, or you've actually got some issues to come to grips with.
This is my headcanon now. Thanks, user.
You're not Alexander
Stop pretending that you are smart because you are not, you bloody idiot.
>opinion stacked on opinion ended with opinion
You sure told me.
Now hang on, I am in the group that thinks that the first game is the only really good one, but ME 2 was good at expanding the setting, but was shit with making the story progress.
I feel like 2 should've come first (Without the Reaper parts of course) as a "Shepard's Specter wild ride game" then have 1 be 2.
It would've flowed better I think. Have the first game establish the universe then the second one add in the universal threat.
>still haven't provided any arguments
Besides those aren't simply opinions those are generalizations of things like the stupid changes on the lore for the sake of """gameplay improvements""", half-assed narrative like the second game's story and so on. I could actually go in depth but you aren't worth the time.
The problem with that is how much of the previous background the second game simply disregarded, things like every reaper looking exactly equal, the mags updates on guns and so on. It was a shitty expansion to the universe.
2 before 1 only works if you have all the Reaper side missions of 1. The missing ships, mad science crews etc. You would need to give hints about the Reapers.
>I could actually go in depth but you aren't worth the time.
Thank fuck for that. Last thing I want is a rant from a blind ass ME1 fanboy.
In those terms, yeah, they fucked up. But everything else to do with inter species relations, what the underground crime scene of the universe is like and the shady nature of cerberus is pretty well done.
Ah yes, that would work well. Drop hints about the Universal threat.
Another thing that bothers me about 2 is that even though a fucking Reaper was RIGHT FUCKING THERE NEAR THE COUNCIL, they still go "lol, we don't need to worry about those things"
>Enemy not explaining their motives right away
>Bad writing
Its naive to believe that there will always be answers to everything if you simply research enough.
I doubt greatly that you have made any discoveries of note.
I'm Wei Chen mother fucker, who are you?
Yes and no Cerberus in itself is a huge contradiction because while a human supremacist organization, they deal and employ aliens. Yeah right certain things they expanded upon were quite cool like the asari planet and the whole plot with Samara, but the bad changes just leave a taste on your mouth. The first game was absolutely better even on that regard.
>still haven't provided a single fucking argument but still feel the need to reply
Get a fucking trip so I can filter your retarded attentionwhoring ass.
Wei Shen?
No more Drew Karpyshyn writing.
t. HP Lovecraft's wife
I'm your prom date, you ugly sack of shit.
What people don't realize is that ME2 did significantly expand the story. It's just that faggot Mac Walters threw it all away in ME3 and completely diverged from the original planned script.
So now people are saying ME2 is bad, because ME3 was a retcon written a shit-tier hack who ruined the entire series.
Would a single thing have changed if they just said "We're gonna kill everybody"? Their motives were as shallow as can be and they had never stood any chance of being stopped.
Actually they say ME2 is bad because most of the story revolves around your companions and because you start by literally dying. Not only that you have to deal with global cooldowns and ammo.
Sure there are some good parts on it but it's a half baked game overall.
Is anyone else bothered on how Biocuck ruined Cerberus so badly? Why make the prime opposition some edgelord katana weilding chink in a Greco-Roman inspired Enclave? A real enemy should have been a hulking giant of a man with the strength to lift and crush Krogan heads like grapes. With a name Achilles or Agustus instead of weeb Kai Leng.
You are not Ur-Quan.
Too bad, it was great to watch a rewrite of the Inhibitors cycle.
So egotistical super robots from beyond the galaxy are asked what they're up to.
If the answer was comprehensible, There would be a direction, a goal or an target that could be expounded upon.
In the case of Sovereign, he elaborates up to the point of sophont comprehension: We're in charge, you're under our control, Your existence is through our grace, and we will snuff it out when it suits us.
That's literally all that can be effectively elaborated to Shepherd on Virmire. Any further understanding required the information conveyed by Vigil.
It didn't end up mattering because EA/Bioware decided "Cosmic Gardeners" was good enough for a cash-cow shooter WITH CHOICE!, but he isn't wrong
Expanding the story doesn't matter when you literally put the game on pause to do it.
ME2 is literally "Hold it, We wanted a few more characters and places... Can you give us another game before the Reapers get here?"
And then ME3 was "Huh? No, I don't remember saying anything about that. Codex? We don't have a codex... Here, I saw this in Star Trek and it looked kinda cool. Just wait till you get to Space Batman!"
No, it's Saryn
>as would most people
I'll just point that out.
>How could they fuck up so bad?
Well, ME2 was completely pointless and EA gave BioWare one year fewer to work on ME3 than ME2. ME3 had to do double duty as a trilogy closer and had to pick up where ME1 left off.
While I found the random kid being the focus of the dreams retarded and mildly ruined them, the background lines of anyone that had died being in them did a good job of inferring Shepard having a bit of PTSD. They range from crushingly depressing to just unsettling.
Sovereign was never in ME3
>We are beyond your comprehension
>We are a race of synthetic beings built to prevent organics from building synthetics that would one day destroy them. So we come every couple of thousand years to destroy all advanced organic beings
They really are beyond my comprehension
Fuck you Frederick.
Unlike ants, we and reapers CAN UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER
>the background lines of anyone that had died being in them did a good job of inferring Shepard having a bit of PTSD
not when you get to make choices about your character and then suddenly you're given huge changes to that character and their motivations without any build up. you see a kid in a vent and that single event is supposed to be the triggering point for Shepard's PTSD? shoddy writing.
>What happened?
He was destroyed at the end of ME1. That's what happened, you nugget.
>If we don't think about the needs of the whole crew people could get hurt, maybe even killed.
I love how a line that was just her describing her people's ways when she said it initially becomes real fucking depressing in this context.
I mean everyone can agree the child being the trigger that set off the dreams was horrible writing but the echos of your dead crew were one redeeming factor.
I promise you that wasn't the original purpose of them. That was just the shitty idea the new writers came up with whilst dropping all of the interesting points.
Remember how Mass Effect 2 started building up the threat of dark energy or some shit? And then they completely dropped it in the third game?
In the end it was one of those things where fan theories would almost always be more interesting than what we finally got. They sort of doomed themselves by setting up such an interesting premise in the first game.