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Doesn't even look like LotR anymore

See, thing is, whether your racist/not racist, /black/white, whatever you are, you have to at least acknowledge that this shit is really being forced, I mean REALLY being forced, and that's part of the problem.

she gonna get a taste of that bbc

how can Rohirrim boys even compete??

sauron under the helmet is old white dude

meh, it's movie universe trash anyway

why is this allowed? srly

Get educated


There were literally zero black people in the LoTR franchise, just a minor group that were always evil, this shit is insulting.

We reached the point where people get triggered by every black guy they see. And that is the point where I start to think that the SJW are correct: There is something still very wrong in society.

Can western Video game crash just happen already? Every single company including the parents (EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Activision) need to die.

Who got raceswaped this time?.


You sound triggered as fuck right now my dude.

I would rather be called sjw and have no problem with black guys in games then get mad at this shit.

I don't care if there are black people in games the issue is context and setting. LotR has NO GOOD Blacks eapecially in the realms of men. Easternlings are evil as shit. Whoever decided to black a character needs a good, swift kick to the jaw for being a fucking retard and tarnishing the lore. Ih but I bet (((they))) at Warner Bros are frothing at the mouth with the idea of blacking LotR just oike DC.

someone just had an idea to put black man in whitest fantasy setting ever possible

I bet you don't even know jack shit about the lore outside the movies, and muh blacks are evil.

Please point out a single shred of evidence that a black easternling worked with or is with any man kingdom faction.

Usually I don't care about this crap, but Middle Earth specifically has ethnic distribution throughout the lands, for example, the Rohirrim were noted for being blonde and blue eyed, earning the name strawheads from the Dunlendings. The ethnicities of the various realms of Middle Earth are made up of a blend of mostly Northmen and Numenoreans, and are meant to resemble the Norse and Anglo-Saxon peoples. When black people fighting in the army of Rhun do show up, their skin is compared to that of half-trolls, because they are clearly meant to be an ethnicity not usually seen in Gondor.

Why don't you go to Africa and start inserting whites in their culture and their lore?
Brainwashed imbeciles

Does it hurt the IP though? What does it change except that there is one guy who is darker than other guys. In his books, Tolkien never really focused on skin color and neither do I.

>black people are shoehorned into literally everything
>they even depict margaret of anjou as a nigress
>leftards haven't figured it out yet that the more they call pointing this out as 'racist' the more 'racists' they create

Its all going to work out. Real racism is beginning to show its head and the more bold it becomes as the word loses meaning the closer we approach the day of the rope.

>REALLY being forced

But not for the reasons you think. Everyone has realized that pandering to sjws does nothing, but appearing to pander to them creates outrage. They don't need to spend a dime on marketing because all the rrreeeeeeing does it for them.

>the day of the rope

Please fuck off to stormfront or reddit or wherever the fuck you came from you absolute idiotic imbecile.

When will this white genocide end?

>5th triggered Sup Forums thread
Go back to your own board to rant about this

Because I dont care. I dont care about muh misogyny and I dont care about muh lotr lore. Life is easier when you dont get angry at every bullshit you see. Call me cuck, call me patriarchy supporter or whatever, I will play the game and I wont care for the black guy.

Please fuck off backto Reddit or Tumblr or wherever the fuck you came from you waste of oxygen and energy.

>getting this triggered

You faggots have literally made like 6 threads freaking out about the appearance of a black dude in a video game, 4 have been deleted by moderators.


You could always just not go to threads you don't want to discuss. You don't decide the things people want to talk about.

Anti-SJW getting triggered like the SJW faggots. We're going full circle here guys.

>Call me cuck
>call me patriarchy supporter
You just have no idea, do you?

What game is this anyway?

When the black genocide begins.

I am just telling you that I dont care for either side.


>goes against everything in the lord of the rings universe and doesnt make any fucking sense other than the fact that they are just trying to pander to SJWs
>lol u so triggered!

>yes, goyim, don't pay attention to our propa- I mean agen- I mean message of diversity, it's just video games!

When every single one of (((them))) are exterminated.

You're a fucking leaf aren't you?

itt: a bunch of racists who havnt read the books flounder about their insecurities

I'm not the one having wet dreams about the dumbest fucking fantasy of hanging all minorities when you're an absolute beta idiot that can't do anything in real life about your supposed incoming race war so you just shitposting online like an inept impotent raging loser. You talk the big talk about some supposed day of the rope but if and when it ever happens you'll have no part of it and you'll stay at home posting online about it instead of actually even being a part of it or doing anything.

Because you're a fat mouthed loser that talk the talk but don't walk the walk. Poser loser idiot.

SJW's are getting trigered by a non-issues, not a real world problems.
Anti-white propaganda, white genocide and rewriting of history are very real.

Everybody is racist to some degree. You honestly say that people are racist like it actually matters.

I bet some 1488ers would respond to you by accusing you of being "culturally suicidal" or something

Dont know if you are too stupid to understand, but: I dont care either way. Make all videogame characters white and call them Hans Gruber for all I care, as long as the game is good, I ignore every bit of propaganda, agenda or whatever. Dont need to protest on the streets for shit like this.

well said

it's just videogames autists

The best propaganda is that which you think you can ignore because the message is undetectable to you, goy.

Just like you faggots decide for the board that anyone non white shouldnt be allowed in games or stories?
Fuck off shitter, I can fuck up threads just as hard as you can and I'm on a 5 thread track record for thread deleting derailments.

So argue with me, get triggered and join me in sending another one to the garbage can

Notice how the glob of Reddit and Neogaf go into defense when the most obvious BLACKED media piece is released and talked about on this sight.

Well then I guess a game where I can gas jews is fine then too.

Let them. If I start getting angry at every bit of media propaganda I witness every day I would be angry all the time. I have my job to be angry, thank you.

youve either been on Sup Forums too long or youre an idiot

It does seem a little shoehorned. They can at least explain his origins that he's from Ahead or the Far East whom defected.

if i didnt have a family, you fucking bet i would

More like rational people calling out stupid shit made by people with an explicit anti-white agenda.

This is why centrists are the worst cucks. in fact you're not even centrist, you're just a Sup Forumsumblr beta cuck who hides behind centrism

So what? Even if I get manipulated by white supremacist black life matter feminist-racists, I dont care. As long as that doest detract from my fun and my quality of life, thats fine.

>hanging all minorities

Not all minorities, just negros and Jews.

Everyone else is alright. But here you are getting all bent out of shape acting with as much vitriolic hatred as I do toward people who destroy society and acting like you have any moral high ground to stand on. Ironic, no?

You're not going to do anything yourself, faggot. The right is sweeping all across the West and there's nothing you can do to stop it. You've already been losing steadily in every political arena and its because of the overabundance of this very thing we're talking about.

If you were rational or at the very least intelligent to any degree you'd see what I'm telling you and agree with me if only to some small part that this rubs many more people wrong than "some Sup Forums shitposter that triggered you."

Instead here you are, being a mad little bitch and acting every bit the child that has so far galvanized the right into making such sweeping victories.

You just don't get it, do you. If you ignore the subtle subversion of whites now, it will soon start to affect you. It already is affecting us.

Just look at how many homosexuals are popping up out of the woodwork. Because white men are programmed to not approach white women, and the void is filled by blacks.

>white genocide
Yes my dude, all these whites being systematically purged.. it's happening by the millions practically slaughterhouses in every nation! Wake up sheeple!

is this the new dragon age?
I thought middle earth had no black people outside of harad

How come in every fantasy setting black people are always from a "hot desert/jungle land located south of the world or the main location story" ?

Yeah, yeah, everyone who doesn't agree with your pathetic little opinions is an "idiot." Ooh, my feelings are so hurt that some fucking loser called me dumb.


no you see we're just trying to get you cucks to realize you should exercise your buying power and not buy games that are blatantly not catering to you despite you, white males, being the majority fo vidya consumers

but i guess you guys dont have respect for yourselves or your ancestors

Then you might as well tie a noose around your neck and hang yourself now. It doesn't matter right

It's called not lying to yourself, faggot.

Try it sometime and maybe you won't be such a cuck.

Nigger here
Dont ruin LotR pls

cuse thats where theyre from on earth

To quote a german satirist: "The extremists have won cause they ate the center"
I am fine in my center, thank you. Extremism doesnt pay my bills.

>Dude Nihilism lmao

LOTR was ruined by the movies and games.

Because WE

whoa whoa whoa, fuck off dude watchdogs 2 was actually decent


damn you're retarded

Sup Forums is Sup Forums, cuck. If you aren't on our side, you can fuck off to reddit where you belong. You still want to shitpost here? You're a soldier now.

Because the majority of fantasy settings are built upon classic tropes

Oh wow who would have guessed that online you talk like you're a big man ready to kill blacks but you have a million excuses for why you can't actually go out and do anything. Keep posting those absolutely hilarious nazi pepe images and keep alluding to the day of the rope. You're totally not some big mouthed poser loser.

>thinking you're neutral just because you're not choosing a side when our country jumped off the liberal deep end

As I explained, when it comes to video games, my focus is: "Do I have fun?" if the answer is yes, then I go on. It the answer is "no" I would perhaps try to understand why. But at least till now the skin color or gender of a character was never the reason for my amount of fun. I do not tend to make everything political. I have stuff to do besides videogames, and there is way too much politics already.

>lying on an anonymous site with 0 accountability

There are more important things to be concerned about than your children's toys. Your LIFE is at stake. Do you not understand?

Voting CSU. thats not neutral.

I enjoyed Watch Dogs 2. They even make it clear that the two black guys there are racially looking out for each other just like every race on earth does except white people.

>he says unironically, posting on an imageboard owned by a nonwhite


Japan is honorary Aryan. Since it's the only uncucked Asian civilization.

The biggest issue is that they are STILL making Lotr games.

Lotr has been getting ass raped to death for years now. Just let it die with some diginity intact.

If you cliam to be a no-racist, then you just have never been exposed to a different culture for some period of time. You haven't lived in Africa, Asia, Russia other corners of the world. You, western people are just afraid to admit it. You are afraid of other people opinions and this is you weakness. Europe can't, for example, deny entry of the illegals, otherwise thay are going to get called racist, get bullied and possibly lose their jobs. They are hostages of a social engeneering. They have been brainwashed good.
Don't fool yourself, everyone is racist.

Japan is one of the two model countries (the other being Russia) that every white country should have followed. They are more redpilled than the cuckoldry that is modern Western society.

Oh I understand completly. You wanna know what my RL job is? I manage adult education for refugees at a university. What do you think, how much politics are involved in my job? More than freaking enough. If I start crying about black faggots in my entertainment I could really hang myself. Dont know what you guys all do except playing games, but part of me is impressed that you have the energy and power for this bullshit.

Oh look at that, yet ANOTHER game that now justifies Sup Forums raids here - and another game name to put on the filter.

>muh Tom Bombadil

keep cuckin yourself with your anime girls gaijin

surely the nips controlling you through their propaganda is TOTALLY different than the jews doing it

How to tell if a Sup Forumsreddit/ poster has never actually been on Sup Forums in 1 easy step:

1. They refer to Stormfront and/or call someone a Stormfag who should go back to Sup Forums

Stormfront hasn't had any presence on Sup Forums for over a year and a half, when everyone got tired of their faggotry and drove them over to cripplechan.

He wasn't even the guy who said that, but there will come a day soon enough that people will have to make a choice. And by the way, I know you say the shit you do in confidence that racial Europeans are too cucked to actually do anything - but where my people come from you don't find blacks, and if you did they'd get racially cleansed in a second. Because, again, races aside from whites aren't beleaguered and guilted into submission and some of them actually agree that blacks are terrible