Stop putting token black people in games

Black man here, I hate the shameless blaxploitation these fucking jews get over putting black people where they never existed. It's actually more offensive to be included out of fucking nowhere as a token black character that doesn't belong. Life is like that already, you aren't helping nobody.

Especially when you replace white folks, it makes us look bad like we asked for this shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

I've always wondered how actual black men and women feel about this stuff. I guess it just us white folk trying to make up for shit. We'll get it right eventually. I hope.

Blame the BLM and landwhale movement, they've helped inspire to create more racism than cure it.

Stop making shit so obvious for starters, you really are trying way the fuck too hard lately.

I'm black and I'm glad to have more representation.

Want to fix things? Stop trying, faggot. Don't do anything

Nigger here, when we gonna get us black assassin in assassin cred?

I like niggers in my games tho
>oh hell naw
you cant say that´s not funny

I'm black and I'm glad to have more representation.

I'm sure you're black, buddy

Oh shut up you nigger faggot. Appreciate the screen time you get, quit being so greedy kek

>As a black man, I disown this kid
stick to what you do best lad

All they did with blm is make black people angry by givin them false/partial news, this news incited people to rage which was the plan from the very beginning. They wanted this racial chasm again which had been gone since the 80's practically. BLM acts just like the panthers did in the 70's.

Special snowflake ass nigga

You didn't play liberation?

wasnt there a psp game with a black assassin?

>what is freedom cry

That too, liberation and freedom cry

My question is when are we gonna get that cotton picker sim.

silly fellow black man. don't you know? adding black people to vidya isn't for us. it's for the white people and their brownie (kek) points.

>freedom cry
Oh mai god, my boys at ubersoft hooked me up with wat I want.

I thought was common knowledge that the newly represented group often says "This is borderline condescending, stahp."

Some people are love being pandered to, I for one nearly came when that one XCOM mission was in Newfoundland. Sue me, I'm easy. But I just as much hear complaints that are also entirely valid and well founded.

keith david posts on Sup Forums? holy shit i loved you in mass effect

whos Adéwalé ?

>brownie points

>tfw no Farming Simulator 1850 edition

This is why I suggest more games have character creation.

But CC is never up to snuff quality wise I have yet to see a game with CC that looks better than the original created character for the game, I am looking at you MGSV.

>black man here

you know what to do

post your ps4 collection

There are no Black people on Sup Forums but nice try, also who are you to tell artists what they can or can't make?

As a black man I don't really care either way since I'm a weab anyway

or how about just a fucking texture edit? I always play as dark link in smash. Let the default covers and shit be blond link and let us choose some skin and hair colors for the fuck of it.

funny. everytime a game even remotely leans sjw this board goes into a frenzy because its something they don't want

Honestly op, shut the shut up.

I want more black women in video games.
I've got jungle fever something bad.
Wiggidy wooty, gimme the booty.


Well dumbasses making the noise in the real world don't understand that demanding they be in everything is the same as taking pity on them when pity isn't needed.
Saying "they are inferior, so give them a little something to make them feel better."

Personally i'd be pissed off as a black guy about that aswell, aswell as the porn industry upping the expectation of the normal black guy to women.
What's worse?
>Black guy gets a woman home, she pulls down his pants and he has a perfectly average normal dick and she expected a huge dong like in porn
>White guy gets a woman home, she pulls down his pants and he has a perfectly average normal dick and she expected that
>Asian guy gets a woman home, she pulls down his pants and he has a perfectly average normal dick and she expected a micro dick

So freedom wasn't enough you have to be jews to? What more do you monkeys want?

haha retard

for the rest of the week you're gonna have trouble sleeping becuase of this

My nigga

Token black characters are annoying as fuck. Don't bother unless you are going to actually write a character

BLM and SJWs have made it look like this is what all black people want.

So now we have shit like BF1 and other games

Good token black bro: Garrett etc. cool dudes, no SJW shit, in there because they're badass and no reason not to if the setting allows it

Bad idea: SJW stuff by the devs to "shock" westerners, like what happened with BF1

Japanese devs do it right, westerners do it cuck

t. white boy trying to justify having autistic manchild spasms every time a minority or woman is in a video game

I do enjoy occasional comedic squeaky voiced manlet black sidekick in games.

Jokes on you bitch, been on a 4 night bender.

monkey supporters btfo

fuck you

t. a Pasty white knight trying to virtue signal for good boy points

>black man here

Sure you are white boi

Nigga, your obviously not black, because if you were you wouldn't give 2 shits about a game and a book series you've never read before.

A black man like I am wouldn't care because being represented in any form of media is worth it. It lets in a sense purity and diversity to know that the writers want to include everyone, like my man Joel Olsteen. This guy has people from around the world EVERYWHERE in his one church out here in Houston and is so welcoming.

There's no quarrel in Supporting your own race to be big or to get bigger in society because everybody knows that blacks are born Libertarian. If your black and right wing then you're retarded.
Stop making shit up whitey.

Saints Row IV

>these fucking Jews
>generalizing entire dev teams as one unified religion
>'muh equality'
>'muh type-casting'

You don't know your ass from your elbow you damned flat head

>being represented
not if they can't do it without actual interest in writing us black people. Nothing pisses me off more than someone writing a black man or woman because they want to seem like or out of pity. Where's YOUR sense of pride, nigga?

Vidya is escapism. As in I want to try and escape the fucking jungle of niggers I have to see on a daily basis.

They have an invert y axis checkbox. Why can't they have a "SJW" on/off switch too?

>Nigger here

Your ancestors are rolling in their graves.

>no Burt edit
Nigga wut?

>right wing
No you're retarded, I'm indepenent because I'm woke. Gov't got you on food stamps and junk food to keep you sick, so you can't see wtf is going on out there.

Putting a black man in a white boy's story is offensive and stands out like a sore thumb. I want to be represented appropriately and with respect. Not for cheap media coverage or diversity quotas. I'm better than that, go fuck yourself you old yessa ass nigga.

Ha! Yeah right man. Let's go! Why don't you get out of that leather stuff? I'll strip down out of this and we'll settle it right here in the ring. What do you say?

>tfw only white people care about the word nigger anymore

Son you really are trying way the fuck too hard. I'm more offended by "boy"

>being people

>yessa ass nigga
I'm sorry but I'm taking this.

Prove your black. Timestamp with your PS4 and sports games, maybe throw in your favourite fighting game too.

I feel sorry for you either way that you had to resort to even saying 'nigger, here'. I don't give a fuck what word offends you most, but rather identifying yourself as that for attention on an anonymous image board.

Seek help

lol not everyone is a coon like you

This post is cancer

fuck off newfag


Mostly for the reason that "being Token" is extremely subjective at best.

Frankly, the notion of "Token" imply that somehow, white is somehow the default race.

See it like this, user: Some characters happens to be black other happens to be blakc and whatever reason they might be this or this race is Sup Forums and SJW wankery that is not worth getting issue with.

Is it summer already?

>I'm indepenent because I'm woke.
You're as 'woke' as a lethargic man washing down melatonin with ZzzQuil. Don't go around using pretentious fucking terms to illustrate your enlightenment to shit that's commonly known, as if you're somehow above the average.

Anyone within the middle class economy can rely on food stamps and benefit from them to put more of their money into things that will benefit them in the long run. And it doesn't mean you can only purchase processed shit with them.

Also, don't go preaching for appropriate representation when you're a fucking living sterotype.

10/10 if I fell for the bait


Lurk moar.
Post [spoilers]neverfag[/spoilers]

>thinking about how is it that there are no black guys in tolkien's middle earth while playing total war warhammer
>'damn, I should try to play the shadows of mordor game'
>suddenly see a trailer of a new shadows of mordor title
>there is a token black man featured
>go check Sup Forums to see if they're bitching about it and blog a little bit
>this thread exists

Waow, this MUST be fate unyielding, what a weird turn of events.

None of the games I play right now have a black main character.

being a token is almost never subjective and theres plenty of situations where a certain race would in fact be a "default"

when they just slam in some character who doesnt have any story relevance but somehow gets tons of dialogue just to be like "oh playa you actin a fool baby" thats a fucking token

when the game is some victorian aristocracy shit and you just have like a black noble in the british court its just painful pandering, a circlejrk of white people congratulating each other for their tolerance

it especially stands out in a video game because there's no like, casting or anything. Like oh yeah this black actor is really good so we cast him, you just made a model black for the pc points.

>Dragon Age
>Dark Souls

Pretty sure you can make your character to be whatever race you want them to be in this game.
Fuck, maybe even Shovel Knight, provided there's some art without his armor on.

>Putting a black man in a white boy's story is offensive and stands out like a sore thumb.
Uh, no. There is no reason it couldn't happens to a black too. I mean, Not all blacks come from the hood. There are also middle and upper class black people.
No reason they don't get into video game either.

First you come in and fuck up our culture with your stupid worldstar shit and dabbing and the fucing ney ney ghetto shit, now you're trying to fuck up our games.

Fuck you

What culture? We destroyed all culture they had back in Africa and enslaved them, lmao white pride am I rite my kkk bros

Why is there no proper fantasy game set in prehistoric africa?
With all kinds of african magic, hot amazon babes in leopard fur, etc
Doesnt africa have enough folklore to provide for such a thing?
Hard to believe.

You coveted it yourself.

You operate under the assumption you are the target audience for this shit.

The target audience is limp wristed, white cucks and numales who want to feel good about playing progressive media.

I love seeing nu-Sup Forums pretend it's not a newfag, sort of in the same way people like cutting their wrists I guess.

>Doesnt africa have enough folklore to provide for such a thing?
Plenty, actually.
There's tons of shit to make really interesting video game concepts with mystical shit that also includes shapeshifting.

A majority of the African folklore stories I know end up promoting peace and prosperity and rely on clever wordplay and scheming though, so I don't think you'd get much mileage from such non-violent themes.

Everyone is Afraid to to touch it for a two reasons:
We don't know if it'll sell
People may cry racism regardless

>Not all blacks come from the hood
Like we don't know nigga. But there's a difference between a well written black character in a vidya game and a black character being written for a vidya game. One is made because of interest in the character, the other is made with interest in filling a quota.

swinging in the trees more like amirite?

i've already broke the minds of 4 black fighters and now they guard my place as slaves

>being a token is almost never subjective
I will see Sup Forums shooting "token" the moment they see a shad too far from white.

>theres plenty of situations where a certain race would in fact be a "default"
Arguable. Even several ceturies in the past, there were still trade route that inevitably let to other race to be present in other continent.

>when they just slam in some character who doesnt have any story relevance
Uh, no. Not how it work. character re made for the sake of the story and they have such of such race.

Adding a character as an afterthought just to meet some sort of quota is bad writing, but that is not how it is done most of the time. Also, sometimes, adding a last minute vcharacter can actually turn out to be be an happy surprise and mke the story much better. there is no certain formula when it comes to writing.

And no, you can't tell whether or not a character is a last minute addition unless you have been part of the creative process.

People who pretend they can just like to be offended by race issues.

>when the game is some victorian aristocracy shit and you just have like a black noble in the british court its just painful pandering
OT's called fantasy writing. There is zero reason to be upset about it. it's as realistic as exploring the past with a gene reading machine. I will defend creative freedom there. If a creator want a black aristocrat, or if a creator want an all white cast, it's their right to do so.

>it especially stands out in a video game because there's no like, casting or anything. Like oh yeah this black actor is really good so we cast him, you just made a model black for the pc points.
Dude, voice acting.

>feeling sorry on behalf of a nigger
you have to go back

>Black man here
nice try, fucker

Because people would get triggered about you as a character killing black people and call it racist. Happened with RE5.

Augustus Cole debut in Gears of war in 2006 and no fucking game dev has been able to make a cool black guy since. the COLETRAIN BABBBYYYY is literally the apex black man. Louis, Coach, and Lee Everett are tied for second place, but they can't contend with the star defensive lineman of the Hanover Cougars.

Outside of those and a few exceptions every black dude in video games has been some soft, easily approachable mary sue wet dream of some disgusting and stinky college girl or "My personality is entirely anger" black guy from every developer who wants desperately for their wives to stop being faithful and fuck other men.

You can't debate me, I'm 100% right.

>One is made because of interest in the character, the other is made with interest in filling a quota.
Again, avery subjective notion you can't ever assess for sure unless you have been part of the creative process.

and even a last minute addition can work out if it is actually written good.

The issue, in this case, is not whether or not a black character was added at the last minute for quota ratio, but if the writers did a good job of making it part of the story. anything else is irrelevant.

worlds of ultima the savage empire was basically set in africa, wasn't it? Kind of old, but it has happened.

But with how sensitive people make things today it probably wont happen unless this politically correct bullshit dies off, or some African game developers do it themselves.

Ah yes mister white liberal save him, save him from the error of his ways. Save us all, white liberal man. Save us all from this racism.

>thinking about how it's weird that there are no black guys
what is wrong with you to actually spend time thinking about a lack of black people?
I mean, if it was africa or detroit I'd find it unsettling, but why does it cross your mind when you're playing videogames?

Ladies first
And take your crayonposting threads with you.

asian man here.
fuck you monkey lol

I'm mulatto you insufferably dense faggot.

yeah, i liked anderson in mass effect and that was about it. they totally fucked up with jacob. should have just let keith david roll through mass effect 3 with you. hopefully liam is better.

>Post doesn't even disprove their race

You DEFINITELY need to go back.

so basically being white/asian and having a big thick dick is awesome.

being black and having a big dick is just expected?
