What makes me a good demoman?

>what makes me a good demoman?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mastering the sticky spam


being Kaidus



An Australium Strange Festive Professional Killstreak Stickybomb Launcher with various parts and spells because a plain one just doesn't cut it

If I was not an exemplary Demolitions person, I would not be conversing with you, now would I?


being in the best game

If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight! Sun Tzu said that and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting than you do, pal, because he invented it! And then he perfected it so that no living man could best him in the ring of honor. Then he used his fight money to buy two of every animal on Earth, and then he herded them onto a boat and then he beat the crap out of every single one. And from that day forward, any time a bunch of animals are together in one place it's called a zoo!

______ ___ _ ____.



>The Heavy and Medic never got class-specific domination/revenge quotes
Feels fucking bad man.


>>The Heavy and Medic never got class-specific domination/revenge quotes
fine by me, Medic rarely actually kills anyone himself to be worth giving domination lines and Heavy just thinks entire team is babies

I'm more mad about Medic not getting voice lines in Meet Your Match

>that pub stomper demo with a kritzkrieg pocket

TF2 really does take a lot more skill than OverWatch.

That being said though, Overwatch is fun for people who are bad at regular fps games. It's very slow-paced.

Stickybomb Launcher and an index and ring fingers.

>inaccurately throw stickies
>opponent walks around them
you need a wrist you dungus
t.demo main

This 6.

>tfw can't play demoman for shit, so I always go for soldier if enemy sentries need taking out

They got more feckin monsters in the great loch at ness than they got the likes of meh.

Can they legally copy Junkrat, or is Blizzard going to sue?

>I'm more mad about Medic not getting voice lines in Meet Your Match
I'm honestly fine with this. I hate just about every new voice line the classes got because it's clear the guys behind TF2 development now don't know what the game is about. The lines are just too self-aware for my liking. Most annoying examples are these:
>Soldier: Mess with the pocket get a rocket
>Spy: 6 healthy backs just waiting to be stabbed

It's obvious by just the voice lines alone that the fruitcakes at Valve actually tried to emulate Overwatch to some degree.

Also the fact that both the scout and demo have a line parodying fucking Duke Nukem.

it depends, if the scent tree is in a high place or around a corner you might be better off with Demo
but that's not a 2

>Also the fact that both the scout and demo have a line parodying fucking Duke Nukem
>this is somehow a bad thing

>or around a corner

Corners are actually advantagous for me, because I can either hit the floor next to the sentry to splash damage it, or I could mash A and D next to the corner to shoot the sentry, then get back to cover before it does much damage to me.

Kick ass and chew bubblegum is a done-in joke from the fucking 2000s.
Yes it's a bad thing.

Getting crunk off the highest alcohol percentage drink in your home and pressing M1 -> M2 -> M1 repeatedly.

TF2 is right out of the 2000s, the best decade in human history. Step off user

I'm talking about corners that are greater than 146HU, for example Doublecross intel room or Turbine intel room

>tfw can't land grenades to save my life
I'd actually play demo if I wasn't so pathetic at it. At least I can play Soldier

Because there's an actually open map, and your only way to kill people is by aiming at midrange, rather than 60% of the cast being close-range and ability-based like Overwatch.

Oh, I was thinking of 2fort's intel room. Sentries there are quite easy to take out.

Bitch it aint 2007 right now it's 2017. That joke would have been funny back then.

yeah as a Soldier absolutely
but you really shouldn't be playing 2fort if you're looking to cap the intel, it's the worst map by far for that

>not having a nostalgia laugh
it was funny to me just like thinking about the game


>your dad will never walk 20 miles in the rain to bomb the Queen for a nickel

I've done it quite a few times. I like to use

>Regular rocket launcher
>Concheror for the regen and speed buffs
>Escape plan for when I'm on low health and I need to go fast

Remember when TF2 had dignity?

>those comments

I haven't played TF2 since it went BR to play, did they nerf sticky launcher or something?

great classic hits

>literally every TF2 thread has someone complaining about Overwatch

For me it's similar, Cow Mangler+Conch+EP, while the cow mangler does fuck all damage to sentries I can just disable them in an AoE and take them out with my melee, and it stops me from running out of ammo if they're camping sentries in the room just outside the intel
yes user, I remember today, why?

>he doesn't play with gibs

>demoman takes skill

It's always been a cheap, casual shooter pandering to the Reddit audience that spends more time making le epic memes than playing videogames.

>It's obvious by just the voice lines alone that the fruitcakes at Valve actually tried to emulate Overwatch to some degree.

they did, with a massive damage nerf which pissed everyone off, so they rolled that nerf back and then nerfed it again later for a smaller amount

Demo's stickybombs used to have much larger explosion radius than the Rocket Launcher, but now they have the same radius and take a short time for their radius to expand when they hit the ground

>the best decade in human history.
t. millenial

Okay the "Reddit audience" autist is here

Make sure to not give him any replies, he literally has a fetish for Reddit and will feed off your posts, and ban evades just so that he can shitpost TF2 threads

>TF2 really does take a lot more skill than OverWatch.

And TF takes far more skill than TF2

And so does Quake 3.
Probably because TF2 did what Overwatch is doing now.
They are both the blight of their respective generations.

>retarded scout is as unpredictable as a good scout
This is the true hell.

Probably the most EPIC quote in vidya xD

Don't feel ashamed of your origins, Reddit newfag.
We all know the Overwatch cancer overstaying it's welcome made you think you are welcome too.
Hint: you are not, neither of you are.

I believe they got their falloff increased and have a reduced radius while in the air

Reddit was founded in 2005, according to Wikipedia.

>And TF takes far more skill than TF2
it's not really that big of a gap, the only difference remaining is bunnyhopping, and there's a lot more actual combat in TF2 than in TF/TFC, which was more co-ordinated flag runs by runners actively trying to avoid combat and get in and out quick as possible, or in Quake Team Fortress, people simply walking and hardly rocket jumping at all because overheal wasn't efficient and Gunboats didn't exist



besides, TF2 is highly populated and TF has precisely one active server, so it hardly matters if TF is more skilled (which Quake TF really wasn't-- it had more skilled techniques but far less opportunities to use them in an actual game due to cramped map design and less viability)

>besides, TF2 is highly populated and TF has precisely one active server
Overwatch is already showing signs of decay anyway with slow match making and the fact that Blizzard hasn't released any player stats.

>slow match making
TF2 also has this, and so does Siege.
It's because the matchmaking is trash in all of them.

>TF2 also has this
are you fucking with me? it takes me 15 seconds to get a full 12v12 game

It's definitely not as fast as quick play or using the server browser back then.

It's still slow as fuck despite having 80k players.
Titanfall 2 for example joins matches faster than any of them despite having only 2k players.

Old server browser:
>open it up, refresh, and look through a multiple-server-long list searching for individual maps I like playing ranked by playercount for about 10 seconds
New matchmaking:
>click search because the list of maps I like playing is already pre-loaded, alt-tab out and do other stuff

It's quicker.

I wouldn't call it slow.
If you're looking for a balanced match then it's a coin flip so it can use some improvements, but don't act like it takes more than 5 minutes at worst.

>quick play was actually quick
>mmmmmmm yeeeah

I really wish competitive TF2 wasn't dead

>15 seconds
>"""""slow as fuck""""""
What sort of ADHD child are you that you can't handle waiting 15 seconds while alt-tabbed out browsing Sup Forums?

I don't care if titanfall 2 is literally instant matchmaking, it's still titanfall 2 which is downside enough

TF2's matchmaking is fine

For me it takes about 2 minutes, and I doubt it's my internet considering I download at about 38MB/s
None of these games have good matchmaking.

it isn't, there's literally a game played every minute.

A log was uploaded literally 1 (one) minute ago.


Imagine being so retarded you don't even know how to properly use a server browser

>have filters and tags
>instantly get populated servers but not full with great ping and the maps you want without any mods


what third world country do you live in where it takes 2 minutes? I refuse to believe this bullshit.

That's still not very slow user. Play some music or some shit in the browser, or alt tab out if you really have that much of a attention defect.

I was talking about the scene as a whole


Or Valve should improve their system.

Special kind of stupid.

I do know how to use a server browser you stupid cunt, even with filters and tags you have to spend time doing it and browsing it manually compared to matchmaking which lets you hit one button and alt-tab to do other stuff

You clearly don't though because it's instantaneous

Just check more game modes and maps, I live in France too and it takes less than 30 sec

>the scene is dead
>posts a frag video from last year
Red Light Green Light is a classic though.

I just play Quake Live. There's literally never been a time of day, 365/24/7 for the last 12-13 years, that I haven't been able to find a server to play on with some people or maybe even just one other person to play with. Quake never died, it just changed form a few times.
By the way, this is how people normally play Quake, shadows off, textures turned down to a single color. Consistent, never wavering 250fps on almost any PC, the worst people can do on fucking microwaves is smooth 125 fps.

For over 15 years, this is how Quake competitive has been played. Anyone can join, no skill cap, no skill required to join. Jump in, play, get good. The community will support you once you start performing a little, and your Steam friends will just keep climbing as you find comfy servers to play on and your close friends will recognize you instantly.

Just buy Quake Live and play. Stop waiting.

this is what I meant to post with it, goddamn it.

>manually selecting a server via server browser

>Tried to go back to TF2
>Loch 'n Load got nerfed to hell and back
why do you do this to me

go make your own thread

Not the guy who you're arguing with, but its way fuckin faster. Click on a server, you're in.

>clicking on a random one in your list because they're all valid
>not instantaneous

Damage control more faggot

>Click on a server, you're in
Clicking on a server requires actually looking at the servers first for fuck's sake.

TF2 does not have slow matchmaking. People who say this are retarded.

>Clicking on a server requires actually looking at the servers first for fuck's sake

Not if you know how to use the server browser you mongoloid

I live on east coast usa, there's never more than 1 server with less than 100 ping at any given time for me, and most of the time it's clan arena so there's basically none at that point

And you call me the mongoloid? Hilarious.

>Moving goalpost

I didn't once said it was long. Just that it was shorter. Because it is. No amount of denial is going to change that.

Get fucked.

Matchmaking lets you alt-tab out until the game is fully loaded. It's objectively better.

>being this desperate

>le desperate xDD
you know you're wrong.

tarnished legacy...

Defend this.

What am I looking for here?

you are using a gun and he isn't
if you're soldier just pop him in the air
if you are scout just hold s
if you are spy just shoot him
if you are a sniper then just shoot him
if you let a medic sneak up on you and either get away or kill you he deserves it