PCuck thread

I fell for the PC meme Sup Forums, and I love it. Rate my casual setup and recommend me some good games

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Guild Wars 1

Looks slightly comfy. Try getting a mount so you can mount your pc under the desk. Itd allow you more desk room

Total War War-hammer is great
Civilization 6 is pretty good
Rainbow Six Siege is great on PC

I had 3 choices:
Ps4 games will probably be ported to PC and nintendo will probably go third-party if the switch fails

Fell for the micro atx meme as well I see.

stardew valley

>one monitor

Not OP but what's the point? If you actually want to use whatever is on your second monitor then you still have to alt+tab. A second monitor is only good for gaming if you don't actually want to use what's on the second screen and just look at it instead.

Hey, I used that case when I built my in-laws an internet machine.

>micro atx
>desktop microphone
>cheap keyboard

Don't like your choice of headphones and mirror behind the desk but having a fan below to cool your balls is pretty decent.

If you bought a second monitor and all you use your PC for is gaming or watching movies, you are a certified KEKOLD.

Desktop mic would be fine with good headphones

Not really. It looks like an incredibly cheap model plus it will pick up the vibrations when he's typing

You don't need a blue yeti, just something decent like a ModMic attached to a solid pair of headphones.


Trying to build a 1080p 60fps machine for my first PC build.
Any suggestions or changes?

what monitor?

>PC under desk

Cute box OP, post specs.

Hey I have that microphone too, good shit

Try getting 16 Gb RAM, and also a 2TB drive. If you can spend more, the companion 2 from Bose are top tier.

I actually wouldn't mind spending $1,500. Alright, I'll take your advice user.
How does my motherboard look too?
and video card?


Motherboard looks fine, and GPU as well.
Have not personally tried the 480 (I own a 1060 6Gb, but I heard good things about it).

Yeah, I'm torn between the two, actually.

Oh about the case, check out the Fractal Design Define R5, it's great.

>Fractal Design Define R5
I know! I actually would like that case. But here is the issue. My friend/roommate has the same case with a window he built last summer and we always have the same shit...

Shame to let that put you off, it's really handy. Changing parts and cleaning it is super easy.

>tfw keyboard is starting to wear out
>everyone focuses on muh minimalist mechanical shit
>no proper alternative for this comfy thing

Should have got two or something. Fuck me.

Dammit. You're right. He even seemed annoyed I was considering the exact same case he got since there are so many others out there and I had to get his...lol.
I still might
It's even on sale.

Go for it, you'll end up regretting it.

Can you still hold out a bit?
You should wait for Ryzen 5 cpus before buying

why not just take the I5-7600K, better performance and a slightly higher price


You can still operate your other monitor even if you have a game up lol.

Yeah but you have to alt+tab to unlock your mouse from the first monitor which completely defeats the object. It's ten times worse if the game doesn't have borderless window because it's not guaranteed to open again as we all know.

damn, that's a pretty good sale, fair enough

I think I might. I could get the titanium and or white one since he has the black, at least.

Would that really help me any? Especially if I can get this CPU for the price?

If it's just the looks, go for a white one. Some things are popular for a reason.

the Ryzen 7s are really promising, you might get i7 levels of performance with Ryzen 5 and its unlocked
but of course you have to wait alot

Anyone used the HyperX Cloud II headset?

It looks comfy. Has memory foam on the headband and cups. Heard the mic is pretty decent but the bass on the headphones themselves is a bit mediocre.


White one isn't even on sale sadly. Might just have to go with titanium.

Very good headset for the price, the build quality is awesome

t. Cloud Core user

Guess I'll go ahead and order one.

Need to replace this shitty Sennheiser HD205

Really rough on the ears.

>tower on top of desk

I heard a lot of good things about the cloud series.
They even got the best overall headset in this list.

I'm using the first cloud, its decent but the mic is low and shit,.
anyone could recommend a budget desktop microphone?
a budget one because i barely speak so i don't need anything expensive or fancy.

or you can just buy a tablet and not have to deal with games locking your pointer to one monitor.

Alright guys. Should I go with a 144hz monitor, a 1440p monitor or an ultrawide?

144hz if you play competitive shooters
1440p if otherwise

Forget the ultrawide, shit support. Otherwise depends on the size of the monitor you are getting. The smaller the screen, the less you'll be able to tell the difference in resolution, but you'll always notice the framerate.

I do not play shooters, especially competitive ones.
If I go 1440p what size monitor should I go with? 27inch or 24?

Are there even 1440p monitors smaller than 27 inches?

Why not 144hz and 1440p. You poor son?

idk, im new to this world. Still learning.
But this guy is right, i will always notice framerate.

A shit

Only isn't a meme if you are a tryhard in competitive FPS and must have that 0.1% of advantage.

A best

Not poor, but not sure how much I want to invest into a damn computer. And since I already have a 1080 60hz monitor i thought i'd build around that..

1440p IPS.

Ive never seen one irl but im on my friends 144hz tn 1080p right this moment. Very smooth.
I need to see one if person first.
Might need to go to bestbuy today.

>micro atx

Seeing the case, it must be Mini ITX. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with small form factors nowadays.

Nioh, GR2 and Y0 aren't going to be ported.

>using a monitor instead of 40in+ tv

All the emulators
Any multiplat that lagged on the consoles you played them on
Try the 4x genre. There are many different themed ones, civ 5 probably being the easiest and cheapest to buy and get into(there is a humble bundle of all the civ games right now).
Get the humble bundle monthly as well, you get total war warhammer right away and the rest of the games on the third i think.

Depends on the TV. Many TVs have shitty specs. Getting a second/larger monitor is a good idea though.

only worth if you play tons of online mp games

only worth if you play tons of singleplayer games

only worth if you like tinkering in .ini files/hex editors or waiting a week on a mod for a new game other wise its great for singleplayer games.

3 games out of several thousands isn't a lot

Well, I do only play SP games, MOSTLY>
Might want to play Souls and Terraria with a friend, eventually...

Enjoy your backlight bleeding. TN panels are better for gaming. I would also rather have 144hz over 1440p even if I didn't play competitive games. Once you experience the smoothness from gameplay it's hard going back to 60hz. That being said, 144hz 1440p is the way to go from here on out. It'll become the new standard in the coming years.

gives you a great overview of 21:9 compatibility.

I went from a 1080p 21:9 to a 144hz 1440p and miss the extra peripheral vision the extra width gives you. But since I also have my ps4 hooked up to that monitor the black bars would should tingle my autism too much.

what's wrong with that?

>A second monitor is only good for gaming
All the computers in the engineering center at my university have two monitors.

You know how Windows 8 let you make metro apps half the screen and how Win10 lets you do it with any two regular windows? It's because it makes workflow easier. It's the same with multiple monitors, but you get bigger screen space with each.

I had mine last like around a year until the mic started to fuck up (I was using it everyday though)
Mic is what you'd expect for a headset
Excellent otherwise
I don't really know if I'm willing to buy anything else anymore because the others that basically offer the same thing cost way more

Nothing, it's a meme Sup Forums loves to go on about. I have a full sized ATX tower and the fucking thing has wheels. Why would I put it on top of a desk?


>only worth if you play tons of online mp games
Not true. I actually got it for that reason, but I was surprised when I noticed a difference in literally everything, not just CSGO.

Everything just feels smoother. A brief warning though, after a while you'll get used to it, and 60HZ will feel laggy.

>actually playing on a computer

what are you doing senpai

I got mine recently, soooo buttery
Gawd I hope my eyes aren't gonna bleed when I got play my ps4


Way to chop my sentence in half an read it completely wrong.


>if the switch fails
and no , i'm not implying it wont fail

60 fps is quite visibly shit in any 3d game where you move a character, as soon as you turn around you can spot the blurriness