Use auto-detect graphics settings

>Use auto-detect graphics settings
>Game sets everything on lowest

>performance gets better with higher settings

name any game that does this

>Auto-detect sets everything to ultra
>mfw best my pc can do is lowest settings at 20 fps

>game sets everything to ultra
>only 100fps
Why do games prioritise visuals over framerates?

Saints Row 2

Ages ago on ATI graphics cards if you didn't have ambient occlusion on all the geometry would become see through and the framerate would drop to single digits. But Saints Row 2's PC port was legendarily bad.

>game sets everything to ultra
>main menu running at 1 fps makes navigating to lower settings nearly impossible

Do people seriously need to play their games at anything over 60 FPS?

>Launch game
>Popup Error
>This game requires 128 MB of RAM
>You have 32,000 MB
>Refuses to launch

>boot up game for the first time
>resolution is set to some awkward value like 1366x768 or 800x600 on my 1080p monitor

>Use auto-detect graphics settings
>Game sets everything on highest
>Average 30 FPS or lower

>fullscreen mode
>cursor is invisible
>spend half an hour trying to reach the option for windowed
>finally succeed
>hit cancel instead of confirm when exiting Options

dark souls 3


>alt tab out of game in fullscreen
>crashes, literally every single time
Fucking Super Meat Boy

>buy and download game with lightning speed from the Xbox store
>can even play the first parts of the game while it downloads the rest
>don't even have to touch any graphics settings, game works as well as it can on the hardware thanks to optimization

*sips tea*

>settings on low
get 20fps
>settings on medium
get 20fps
>settings on high
get 20fps

Yes, unless it's a fighting game, visual novel or otherwise optimised for a specific framerate.

>FPS sucks regardless of settings because your CPU is bottlnecking hard af

The Witcher 1 did this for me. It set Textures to less than max by default, when I turned them to max it ran better

>tfw stuck with a seven year old laptop for games (with a GT 540M 1GB only) because NEET and a lot of poor life decisions

>Game detects your hardware and recommends lowest settings
>Doesn't account for your overclocking, have to manually switch to Ultra

>Use auto-detect graphics settings
>15 fps

>He wasn't born into a rich family

I would kill myself if I was poor.


Blog for me senpai

>tfw stuck on 5 year old GPU (660ti) but it runs modern games just fine

Being born into a rich family is nice, but earning your shit makes it smell less shitty.

But you're right user, the children of rich people are weak and would kill themselves when faced with any adversity

>Game enables FXAA
>Game enables motion blur

Planetside 2 is the best example of this

>Computer can't even run Stardew Valley

artificial academy 2

>buy GTX 1070
>play DOOM once
>go back to only playing Overwatch which I could run anyway

>A director looked at this scene and thought, fuck it good enough

That's embarrassing, user.

Well that's because you're a poor nigger

Literally how

Is it even considered a computer at that point

>pirate game
>enjoy the first four hours
>launch it a few days later, won't even come up
>CanYouRunIt tells me I couldn't in the first place

i wish I couldn't relate to this

why would they bother letting you play the game again when they've already implanted the bitcoin miner?

>not browsing Sup Forums using MS DOS

>was rich during childhood
>poor during teen and early adult years
>now doing well for myself again

I may not be happier than you but I appreciate not being poor more than you ever will because I experienced the good life of not having anything to eat the end of the month and never getting anything I wanted.

That could probably be done and be comfy desu

>Not having sweet soundblaster 16 midi songs play when you get those sweet (You)'s

Post specs

>buy 1060
>play GTA V, OverWatch and witcher 3 for a month
>go back to endless TF2 on 2fort
i cant escape


>graphics are automatically set too high for my pc
>have to do the tutorial before having access to any menu
>do all the tutorial at 10 fps
>game sets the difficulty according to your performance in the tutorial

its already too late user

Name 1 (one) game

Stop streaming archives of porn in the background.

>Autodetect settings
>Sets to low
>Barely reach 30fps
t-thanks ghost recon wildlands


>Decide to spend weekend playing vidya
>Shitposted on Sup Forums for 40 hours straight

>5 year old laptop with an intel integrated GPU

just end me for i will never get to become the high power that is custom built pcs with high specs


got a friend who stopped pc gaming because of this.

told him to build it instead of buying some alienware craptop, but didn't listen.

>step 1 save money
>step 2 build shit low tier APU build thats better than you laptop for cheap
>step 3 save money over time or wait until you can afford a GPU to put in your pc
>step 4 ????
>step 5 PROFIT!!

>stuck up rich kid would off himself if he faced the slightest hint of adversity

Par for the course really.

Buying an apu now is seriously a waste of money. Intel igpus will get you nowhere and amd is just about to release ryzen this week

>game launches
>AMD driver has crashed and recovered

>It sets everything to a mix of highest and second highest.
>Raise everything to max.
>Runs exactly the same.

That's gotta be a joke build

What is Doomâ„¢?
Took an hour of messing around for it to randomly start working properly.

>gtx 1080
>1k ultrawide gysnc meme monitor

end up shitposting all day anyway with no real desire to play anything

i swear i buy shit out of boredom and regret it every time

It must be a joke. They had to have took the CPU bracket off and put it on the case fan slot manually. Meaning it was ruse from the start but a funny picture nonetheless.

>call myself pc master race
>my toaster barely even plays a game on low settings

>can run game maxed out at over 60 fps
>game is single threaded or has other ussues so regardless of your performance the game stutters
Playing Stalker with no stuttering would be like playing a new game.

So is there no fix for this in the year of our Lord 2017?

>game runs like shit even on low settings
>buys a intel cpu
>game start being playable on ultra at 60 fps

why did crytek do this with crysis 1

There's some things you can do to alleviate it if you're using a lot of script mods but I've never found anything that completely fixes it. Even vanilla you're probably going to have 100% cpu usage and there's an issue with some luajit file that might have something to do with it too that the people who work with the source code haven't managed to fix yet.

You sound like a consolefag
>30 fps is just fine, r-right guys?