>Suspect the other player is a girl
>Type "haha" at the start and end of every other sentence
Suspect the other player is a girl
haha good thread op this sure is a funny one
I don't get it.
haha lol funny joke
Good. You won't do it then.
Upvote! ;)
Good one man haha :)
good sub, AMA
I see this happen all the time in Monster Hunter. The girls type with emojis and in a cute way too.
Then they turn on their Mic and it's a guy
I'm 27. When I talk to women through text, I never use abbreviations or emojis. I actually use haha.
>monster hunter
Don't use any fucking abbreviations you fucking beta males. I only using them when talking to my lads, and then only for actual fucking jokes you absolute autists.
On the Wii U.
Or you check their profile and they have a male mii
Or an "anime girl" mii.
Players that use a character that isn't their gender in a game with character creation are cancer
This. I don't know why, but I feel stupid using "lol" or "lmao" or any of that shit. I just can't do it.
i wonder if op gets embarrassed around girls haha
>Players that use a character that isn't their gender in a game with character creation are cancer
Spoken like a thirsty beta.
Guys, seriously this is what we think when you do this creepy haha shit.
I feel stupid doing both. I'm not sure what to do. Then again, I feel stupid just talking to people in general.
I'm the thirsty beta? Not guys pretending to be low test girls on a video game for brownie points?
yeah i get ya, it's weird thing to fuss over but i just can't shake that feeling. it's not a beta thing or whatever the fuck, i do this even with my close friends. i just never got on board with abbreviations/slang or that shit.
What kind of adult uses lol? Maybe when you're my age it'll be a little more acceptable.
I finish sentences with lawl. Girls fucking love it
le hivemind meme
>type like a kawaii faggot to trigger people
>they eat it up and send a friend request
>hover around me all game
please dont do this
>girls fucking love it
Exactly. Young girls. Women don't want an immature beta.
What kind of adult uses haha?
>not pretending to be a girl to leech off thirsty betas
You're the type that makes female characters in games with character creators
yes :3
Recent MH games don't even allow you to trade weapons and armor
Its pointless
>suspect the other player is a dinosaur
>type "haha" at the end of every sentence
upvote! epic thread is epic!
I stopped using emojis when I'm 15 I find it really gay using emojis especially :) and :3
but all the germans do it ^^
Try writing three sentences in German with using emojis or sounding like a passive aggressive asshole.
Pro tip: You can't