Meanwhile at the kame house Sup Forums

>meanwhile at the kame house Sup Forums

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Man I sure do like these capsule games

I wonder how many PC-88 hentai games Roshi has.

18 is a pigslut.

*blocks your path*

bulma smells nice

Go back to planet vegeta

don't worry guys, I'm fine


Chichi smells nice too...


Would you live in a house on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean?

Is that the place from When Marnie was There?

Because he's Master fucking Roshi. The better question is how he gets food, water, electricity and a TV signal out there reliably.

How do we stop Saiyans from stealing our human women?

18 is a pure waifu who has only had sexual relationships with the based manlet Krillin.

>Canon strongest human being
>Invented the Destructo Disc, a technique so godlike and capable of cutting anything that every fucker bites his style and uses it
>Gets to nut in 18 every single night of his life

Truly the greatest DB character in existence.

keeps the degenerates away

instant transmission

Did someone say strongest human?

>kame house
More like came house

step down son, the undefeated tournament champion is coming through

>the only character that is naturally strong
>doesn't do shit
imagine if he actually trained. He would slap shit so easily

how did they get plumbing?

Roshi is secretly a Pajeet.

Is Carpet Robe the Freeza of humans?

Spoiler : In Super, he will train for two minutes and will win against a God of Destruction.

By stealing their women

oh wait

he isnt a hermit, so he can go to the town whenever he wants
>what are solar panels/ batteries for the night
>TV signal
that would be an issue if satellites didnt exist

also, its not like the island is in literally in the middle of the ocean, it could be located just far enough to not see the coast in the horizon

How has a huge wave or tsunami not wipe out his home yet?

Nothing that a kamehameha can't prevent.


it's pretty far from shore desu. ever played budokai 3?

Does this turn into porn? It better turn into porn.

Also shouldn't the Saiyan blood line be wiped out from delusion with some much breeding with humans?

Roshi stomping everyone shit at the tournament when?


Based Plague

Some small,purple haired child punched the ground and split the ground in half, should i be worried?

Put your dick away user this isn't going anywhere

>first appearance: qt3.14 with slicey helmet and metal bikini
>second appearance: qt3.14 who can capably fight against goku
>third appearance: nagging mom who wont ever shut the fuck up or stop trying to get gohan to study
why did you do this to me toriyama

she's just being a good mom, faggot

them pregnancy hormones bro



i'm not into cuck porn sorry


Right? Capsule Computer Master Race.

Because she would rather her son become an educated upstanding productive member of society, when his dad was literally raised in the fucking woods.

Guys, don't forget about Launch

What happened? The one time /ourguy/ gets best girl and everyone wants to cuck him.

toriyama did

>tfw she and Piccolo succeeded into turning Gohan into a good, reliable husband and father

Jealous faggots who can't handle the fact that she only loves that manlets monster cock.

sauce plz b0ss

Piccolo truly was world's best green dad.

You got all the tags you need in that picture to look it up m8

A literal savior of the universe isn't an upstanding, productive member of society?

>not watching Dragon Ball movies at Kame House

>he isnt a hermit
>Roshi the turtle hermit
>not a hermit

Goku saved the world many times, and yet the fucker as no money to show for it.



Good luck, that turtle has a power level of 17.

>Needing money when you got that sweet golden Heart

>goes to city at least once a week

His best friend is the billionaire head of a massive corporation.
Do you think she'd let him handle his own finances?

That was beautiful.

Canonically, Sayians only like the cunty ones.

The dialog is corny and the art style is weird, but that's exactly how I remember that going.

Apparently since Chi-chi is ways bitching about not having money

Who the hell is that?


Good god.

Not hearing Chris Sabat as Vegeta really.....really feels a bit wrong for some reason.

Its been years since I watched GT, did they really replace Sabat for all of GT or just that video?

That might be from the ocean dub of GT.
>ocean dub
Yeah I was surprised too.

There are multiple dubs for this series.

That I think was the Blue Water Dub and not the Funimation Dub.

I can stand Vegeta's jap VA and Chris, but that's about it. They both perform very well.

>tfw there's a really good track that plays during DB Z and can never find it

It's a really intense sounding track that plays a few times during the Buu Saga when Vegeta and Goku are beating the hell out of eachother out in the middle of nowhere, though I think the track itself is older than that, that's where it stuck with me

Or he'll steal a GoD lunch and they'll use him getting punch in the face as distraction.

Seriously tho, Yajoribe is a fine dude

More that saiyan women are very aggressive and love to fight.

It's just that humans don't have much of an analogue for that other than cunty loudmouths. Which we have a lot of.

Probably the kind of woman that would refuse a generous gift from bulma.


What happens if the water level rises slightly

>What happens if the water level rises slightly

My thought exactly

>he isn't a hermit
>is literally named Turtle Hermit

what games dose she play

The "What does Yamcha want to fuck most?" game

Do you think /OUR GUY/ will get a big boost for the next arc? Something that makes him capable of competing with Goku and Vegeta?

I found the track I was talking about

Does anyone here have any idea what the name of this track is? It doesn't play for very long during this scene but god damn I love it

No one asked.

Jokes on you, the drugs I'm on causes loss of feeling and coldness in all my extremities, including my dick.

Maybe I should resume making edits like that.


Don't remember if it's manga canon, but in anime it is mentioned that he moved the island. He could potentially have cables running under water?

Krillin really lucked out with a wife that's going to look like a teenager for most of his life. I always wanted to see more about how they first started dating though.

Puar is a boy


lol internet



I just want to slap 18's face with my dick. Why is that such an impossibility?