Played through Transistor finally

Played through Transistor finally.

I hope the devs killed themselves too when they finished the game.

- Shit mechanics
- Shit theme
- Shit characters
- Shit plot

How can someone give this game a 10/10 and not collect welfare for being a fucking downie?

I liked it.

Not many endings where the protag commits suicide beside their lovers corpse.

It was fucking great tho.

I have the soundtrack. This and Bastion's

I hated this game too.
It made absolutely no fucking sense.

>>shit mechanics
>mixing and matching abilities to create vastly loadouts, vary gameplay and expand on the lore of the world is shit
>>shit theme
How do you even qualify this
>>shit characters
>implying Red isn't qt as fuck, and Boxer isn't relatable
>>shit plot
It muddles together a bit without a few key details, admittedly, but it's still a beautiful trip otherwise, and the story is incredibly touching, even without understanding the logistics behind the Process.

tl;dr kill yourself

I would've bought it if Bastion wasn't such a pile of shit.

>implying Red isn't qt as fuck

Not him but if you want to defend a character, actually do so. Don't just say
>but she's cute!

You just come off as a meme spouting faggot.

>clearly hurt about the loss of her voice
>willing to go to any lengths to get Boxer's voice back
>acts as Boxer's support (primarily when she communicates to him via Terminals, but also potentially keeping his spirits up by lightly toying him)
>loves Boxer enough to impale herself with a glorified USB drive to be with him
>You can feel the pure love and happiness flowing from her when she says her only dialogue in the game ("Hey.")


How does that make her a good character though? I'm not the guy you're replying to. In fact I've never even played the game. But literally everything you just posted makes her sound cliche as fuck.

She's likable and relatable. What do you want, faggot?

People bashing Bastion/Transistor are soulless millennial drones, 100%.

They're great games not because they bake up some new incredible gameplay mechanics, but because they hit a very compelling artistic framework and the soundtracks/narration and overall presentation are overwhelmingly good.

They're not really so much 'games', as an artsy experience. Which can be very satisfying to go through.

>Keep being edgy though, kids. Sure is cool.

>being a strong woman and a good partner while leaving room for strong emotional distress (lingering by her poster, worry followed by despondency upon reading/replying to Terminal replies) is cliche
What the fuck do you want out of a character?

Oh ok so pirate only? Ok.

cool thx.

The game felt like it should be way longer. The final boss just seemed like a way to introduce a new mechanic and continue on after that.

Yeah, pirate everything, cool. Good job buddy. On you go.

It was good, but incredibly short (finished the game and again in New Game+ with every difficulty setting set on within 10 hours)
The story wasn't that engaging.
Combat was (almost) bearable.
Theme was great.
Music was great.
Characters, I have no idea. I liked how you had to fight the final boss though.

Sure convinced me with all those hot, in-depth opinions user

Gameplay was great concept with weak execution.

I loved the way you design your own abilities but in the end they weren't fun to use because the game tried to do both real time and pause&plan combat but just felt wonky in both ways.
I wish they would have just picked one of those combat types and stuck with it to make it more polished, Bastion after all showed that they have the ability to make fun combat.

Everything else like the plot, music and art style were great though.

I was really let down coming off of such a Bastion high.


I thought it was great and a fun time. I'll leave it to others to say good objective stuff about it. I just know I liked it.

nah op, you just got terminally shit taste, kys

The game was too fucking easy. I don't mind artsy fartsy games driven by their narrative but holy shit was it easy. It made me feel like watching a longplay instead to save myself the trouble.

>>mixing and matching abilities to create vastly loadouts, vary gameplay and expand on the lore of the world is shit

Explain why it wouldn't be a million times better if it was turn based if the mechanics are so good.

Explain why there is a "best build" and other builds are trash.

>>How do you even qualify this

>Give a 13 year old a philosophy book and teach it coding slang
>Sell end product as "Transistor"

>>implying Red isn't qt as fuck, and Boxer isn't relatable

I didn't care that they were alive, I didn't care they were dead.

>It muddles together a bit without a few key details, admittedly, but it's still a beautiful trip otherwise, and the story is incredibly touching, even without understanding the logistics behind the Process.

It was ok I guess.

omg spoi- o wait, i'm never gonna play this shit.

I enjoyed all the elements you have pointed out OP. Nice, relaxing and extremely comfy game, solid 8/10

>nah op, you just got terminally shit taste, kys

Bastion is one of my favourite games, how can modern science explain that?
