Will we ever get a proper JoJo game?

Will we ever get a proper JoJo game?

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we did, 19 years ago

Part 7 horse racing simulator.

You mean a visual novel instead of a fighting game? Because fights in jojo are all about making crazy decisions, not about out-fisting your opponent.

Best we can wish for is that we will never get a JoJo Musou game.

Don't worry they surely realized Eyes of heaven was a mistake and All Start Battle 2 is on the works.

What the fuck is a proper Jojo game even supposed to be?

I just want a 2d JoJo fighter

This guy knows what's up. While the Jojo fighting games certainly are a lot of fun, they don't really represent how fights in Jojo go down.

Alright, listen to my 10/10 idea

>JoJo Generations or whatever
>It's basically a Xenoverse version of JoJo
>Make you're own custom JoJo, make your stand from a selected number of traits and abilities, also customize it's appearance
>Story is your own bizarre adventure that's just an excuse for fanservice and hype, maybe another time/dimension travel bullshit to fit everyone in


Well, you got one.

that already exists


Is this (dare I say it) a Jojo reference?

Jojo is a very atypical shounen, it wouldn't really work as a video game

a game like Urban Reign

That actually sounds like a decent idea. Problem is, how on Earth will any dev be able to incorporate mechanics that can accommodate every single Stand? It's not like DBZ where most attacks are just ki blasts anyway. At this point, there's way too much versatility for it to work.

nigga I dont have a dreamcast

get fightcade you mongoloid

then go here and get the rom to play jojos

Emulate it then.

>Make you're own custom JoJo, make your stand from a selected number of traits and abilities, also customize it's appearance
This but in a Yakuza/Deadly Premonition-like game set in Morioh after the end of part 4 or part 8

I've never owned a gamecube, nor known anyone with one, yet I've played twin snakes
Can you guess how?

Your next post will be :

"Is this a JoJo reference ?"

Is this a Jojo reference?

Only problem is that stands can do literally anything, it'd be impossible to program every possible ability

>Is this a JoJo reference ?


Has nobody here even played 7th Stand User? I'm looking forward to the DiU sequel, they're saying you can date Josuke and Okuyasu in that.

Anyone play the snes jojo game?

its ok. some fights where bull shit. i couldn't get past yellow temperance

How did an Alpha like Joseph have such a gay son?

>can only select abilities/traits that theyve put into the game

Thats every game ever my man

They don't have to program every possible one, just as the guy said, a number of given abilities and traits.

Just because Sup Forums's favorite pastime is posting Josuke lewd doesn't make the fucker himself gay. I'd go gay for him, though.

Are you retarded? That'd be fun.

The PS2 Jojo beat em ups were fun.

All they had to do was make ASB2 but no that would be too simple.

Imagine an educational game where you play as Narancia in his quest to study and graduate elementary school.

Heritage to the Future and ASB are good,though

>reeee ASB isn't EXACTLY like street fighter so it sucks!

fuck off

Fucking kill yourself Musou fag.

The only thing getting educated would be that ass.

Not for lewd.

ASB and EoH are fine as fanservice games, an actual JoJo game would be more akin to than an actual fighting game.

>Visual Novel
You mean point and click adventure

ASB was aproper jojo game, it just wasn't a really good fighter

>mfw I have an idea for something like a Jojo game where different people have *insert Stand rip-offs here* but you use them to fight while taking your surroundings into account
>Fighting in a construction zone where you can snap the wires on a lift and have it fall on the enemy, or knocking over gas tanks and starting a fire to rout the enemy from cover
>Essentially Ghost Trick, but as a 3-D SRPG
>mfw I can't program.

Look, all I'm saying is there's another set of cheeks getting stabbed if you know what I mean.


Those morons will eat anything up. I still remember the defense those fuckers used for All Star Battle

>It's NOT a fighting game! It's a JoJo game, and the fan service is really good!

Yeah I'm sure a JoJo visual novel would sell like hotcakes I'm so shocked it hasn't been done yet. You're a genius!

>Fighting vidya

That shit is still around?


Why wouldn't it be?

>there will never be a SBR racing game

>Set in Morioh before the events of part 4
>Create your own stand user with a unique ability
>Go around town and either use your abilities for good or evil
>Encounter other NPC stand users, some of which are friendly and some of which are enemies
>Earn XP to level up and earn new abilities for your stand
>Maybe add some sort of souls-style PvP element, where other players invade your world, and hide their stand user while attacking you with their stand

It's childish and pointless at this point.

It's just a video game genre.

Holly is a girl, you dingus. Surely you don't mean Josuke either, because he has pussy falling into his lap without even trying.

I'd really like this.

I also want a Part 1 rugby game.

a "true" jojo game should be like a more tactical version of toribash or something

you move your character and determine all their physical movements down to each limb (but it's not pure ragdolls like toribash because you shouldn't have to be able to get a high score in QWOP just to walk your jojo thirty feet), pause in real time, use stand abilities, have shitloads of ways to interact with and destroy the environment, line of sight mechanics based on the field of view of your character and so on


Why only part 7?

Diamond records while not being a proper Jojo game is pretty fun as far mobile games go.

How many other Parts have horse racing in them?

>Implying All Star Battle was even good.
But he only wants that sweet Koichi boipussy.

>only SBR

>Sup Forums's favorite pastime
No, that's only you.

>I'd go gay for him, though.
Me too, user. Me too.


Fuck that. Gimmie a WW1 dogfight game starring George Joestar.

Admit it user, you would.

Why did Araki turn Josuke into a twink? What was wrong with this?

>danny powered

>JJBA done by Telltale

Remember that JoJo is primarily about smarts not beamspam


I am currently reading the manga and currently on part 6

Will there ever be something else absolutely broken like GER?

>Hasn't finished P6
Oh you sweet summer child

He is coming

no never, nothing telltale ever.

as long as they dont fucking change a single thing
>then maybe

I honestly think Jotaro/DIO could beat it.


It's easy if you want to do the manga route, can lose most fights and have everything happen like in manga(like Anubis who you actually can beat).

Hardly any fights exist where losing is a game over, can only remember the Hangman where you gotta use the skill for the coin but with Kakyoin that one is easy, shoot J.Geil before crowd and mirror man kill you.

Might not get any special endings this way though, gotta beat up bosses with your bro of choice.

what if DIO comes back as a good guy in part 9 to fight the big bad

I wonder if this ever get old

He was transitionning into his "same face" style

>Ken smiling in the second picture

How do i notice this just now?

That's why we have fightcade dude.


The only part of JoJo that isn't laced with sameface is mid-Part 4.

No, because he already came back in Part 7

>kira yoshikage is josuke higashikata

what if it happens again

No. GER is the single most powerful stand in existance.
Part 8 might pull out something even worse, but so far, the ability to return everything and anything to zero is an ability that can only be beaten by the writers ignoring it, like DIO Over Heaven did.

This image is what got me to read Jojo and will always be bothered that part 4 isn't even a fifth as cool as this image made it seem.

>I'm gonna make him an offer he can't understand

>learn how to stop time
>lose to an angsty schoolboy with same stando because you cant keep your mouth shut for 5 seconds
Dio was a retard.

>Alright, no fucking around this time. The only reason I lost to Jonathan was because I was testing my limits and not taking the fight serious. I'll just kill you all with The World and be done with it.


>I'm gonna make him an offer he can't understand

>Will there ever be something else absolutely broken like GER?
Pucci's horsecock.


How about a jojo game that takes place in another bigger city or town with the same sub plot of DiU, someone is shooting people with the bow and arrow and creating stand users.

You are shot and killed by it but survive. In the charactet creation, you get to pick a bunch of crazy ass hair and outfits and it comes to your stand design. The design is pretty generic and singular so its always the same for fanart and figures, but its effect is determined by picking out adjectives and words.


something like that. The world is then designed around a bunch of these little elements. So no matter what your stand comes out as, you can still have a fun time and do a lot of different stuff.

Get a party system going on, different areas od the town are locked from you unless you have a specific stand user. (Someone who can manipulate or break rocks, can bust open the cave entrance.)

Give some story decisions and generic bad guy and have tons of jojo esque moments.

The important thing to remember is JoJo is not about manly men beating the piss out of each other with ghosts, its about outsmarting your opponent.

In what way is Jotaro angsty?

Star platinum suddenly being able to stop time out of nowhere was such a fucking asspull

The formula is, every other part has Dio in it.
P1, P3, P5 (Giorno kinda), P7, and then Part 9.
Dio is already confirmed for Part 9 in some way shape or form.