Why aren't you playing Revelator, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing Revelator, Sup Forums?

Because I'm PERFECT

Is this a Jojo Reference?

i cant git gud


what did he mean by this?

Because I'm having more fun with CF

I just played KoF14 and I am tired of fightans for today.

Online is dead as fuck. I have an easier time finding games in Marvel 3. A game released in 2011

game is shit with horrible mechanics, neutered chars, story mode and how the chars act don't fit with how they originally were.

yeah i'm an oldfag and ya I actually play fighting games, xrd is a fucking joke.

What the fuck are you talking about? Are you playing Rev on PC or something?

>he plays rev on pc
There's like a bunch of people around 5 on PS4. Looks like you fucked up kid.

I play rev on PC and can find ranked matches and rooms instantly.

kinda done with arcsys after how they handled this and bbcf's localization

Anime games are way too hard to get into I feel like I missed the boat with these things although I have a lot of problems with SFV I can just jump in and play and lab work is just setups and fine tuning while in anime games its grinding out combos and advanced movement options. I can't spend my limited free time grinding that.

Cause i'm waiting for Rev2.

No. PS4. Granted I play late but even then I have a better chance of finding games in Marvel. There's only ever like 2 lobbies up and I ain't waiting 20 minutes for my turn. I just want a quick set and move on to the next person.

>ranked matches
I didn't know these were a thing. I've never been able to find one.

Honestly I think we can all agree that DUBFAGS BTFO

too expensive on steam. Its completely bullshit they're charging full price for basically a dlc pack. At least USFIV was a 15 dollar upgrade if you owned the super SFIV. I already paid full price for fucking XRD. Fuck Arcsys.

>Xrd is weebshit trash like BlazBlue
>I have an arcade that has XX Accent Core so I just do that whenever I want to play guilty gear


oh, but of course.




>Xrd is weebshit trash
>Accent Core
How is a game that has Bridget, Jam, Ky, and May not weebshit trash?

I agree, can't take GG seriously after they added otaku trash like Dizzy. Shit looks like it came straight out of Deviantart and panders to just as many fetishes, pretty embarassing to see honestly. Heard that they might even be adding some retarded trapshit into the game, hard to expect anyone to take it seriously when they're doing things like that.

>Granted I play late
How late? By 7-8 PM Eastern the first server in New England is usually full with the second getting 10-30 people.