Remember Shadow of Mordor? That one game with gameplay so casual you could play it with the monitor turned off?

Remember Shadow of Mordor? That one game with gameplay so casual you could play it with the monitor turned off?

Man, that game sure sucked. But they're making a new one, because casuals were actually stupid enough to buy that terrible game.

Now we're gonna see some more raping of Tolkien's legacy, and normies will lap it all up, just like with the last awful game.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Monolith is doing retarded LotR shit now instead of NOLF or even condemned

That sucked

Sup Forums

>half human, half wraith
What the fuck, who wrote this shit? Some deviantartist? The writers of the DMC reboot?

b-but muh nemesis system!

Is my ethnic minority represented properly on the game?

Seriously, why is there a Balrog in Sauron's army? When is this even taking place?

t. SoM fanboy

I genuinely enjoyed the first game and I've played it to completion 2 times.

>tfw you get to enjoy new vidya while dumb people sperg out over the most asinine things

There was nothing even remotely Sup Forums related in that post, shitposter.

>making this post in every thread
pretty pathetic desu

This belongs on Sup Forums, not Sup Forums. Please go be cancer somewhere else.

They had to stretch with the first one to try and make references to the source material, and now "stretching" is putting it mildly for this one based solely on that trailer alone

Why the fuck is this Middle Earth at all

>Blacks in the Tolkien universe

Niiiicee. liked the first game. Fuck you based scum.

>I enjoy eating shit, shame on you faggots not knowing how to savor the sweet taste of feces

>new ring of power
Literally fuck yourself with this shit. What kind of idiot thought this would be a good idea?

Seriously, this is so unrelated to anything Tolkien I don't understand why they didn't make their own universe. Are there any Tolkien fans out there that are actually excited for this? It shits all over the universe.

>I enjoy eating broccoli, shame on you faggots for not knowing how to savor the sweet taste of veggies.

>What kind of idiot thought this would be a good idea?
Did you see the first game? The protag is some human/wraith hybrid, which makes no fucking sense.

>Remember Shadow of Mordor?
No, I don't, just like not even LOTR fans do.
But now that there's a nigger in it, we are going to see Sup Forums spamming threads over and over because they are triggered, flooding the catalog with shit games, just like they did with Mass Effect, BF1, Mafia 3, etc.

>make a game with fucking perfect hitboxes
>the combat is brain dead

Shadow of Mordor was huge when it released. A bunch of youtubers even got payed to make positive videos about it, and the normies fell for it completely. It's amazing how you can convince the masses how something utterly mediocre is a masterpiece just with some clever marketing and a shit ton of money, just look at the Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite.

The time has come
All western games will now have black character in it.

Why would you loudly proclaim your poor taste and low standards?

Actually, probably the only game where i died copule of times somewhere the middle of game and that's all.

Oh yeah, that's why absolutely everyone forgot it existed hours after the game's launch.
And now, thanks to WB putting a nigger in it, we are going to get thousands of threads in Sup Forums about a videogame that absolutely no one gives a fuck about.

So? What the fuck do you have against black people? Seriously, I don't get why you're against having other people than just whites in these games, it's so fucking stupid. Grow up.

See this is what I don't get.

Yeah negroes having a prominent role in this game is obviously money-grab pandering tactic that doesn't respect Tolkien, but so what? Do you think it respects Tolkien otherwise? Bullshit, this game (and all LotR games with the possible exception of the old Interplay RPGs) is mindless rubbish that glamorize slaughter and promote meatheaded might-is-right school of thought. Obviously they're going to be like this, they're action games, but even to adapt Tolkien's works as action games is to totally ignore the way in which he thought and wrote about violence. Tolkien would have spit upon such things and thought them unfit entertainment even for children and you know it.

The game is terrible and the plot has nothing to do with anything Tolkien ever imagined, but in Laws and Customs among the Eldar he actually does discuss the mechanics of how necromantically summoned souls can possess the unwary.

>black men like half-trolls

>we are going to get thousands of threads in Sup Forums about a videogame that absolutely no one gives a fuck about.

this is the real tragedy

The game sold millions of copies, what are you even on about?

>mindless rubbish that glamorize slaughter and promote meatheaded might-is-right school of thought

And everyone forgot it existed the moment they finished it because it had literally ZERO memorable moments.
Well, there's the kick in the nuts about Sauron's fight being QTE, but that's it.

looks like aboslute garbage

>absolutely no gameplay
>looks like absolute garbage
Really fires those neurons.

There were plenty SoM threads on Sup Forums for while, and it got on most game of the year lists.

The first game was good, so this game will probably be good too.

>dumb retarded wraith ring plot
>shitty cgi
>sequel to shit game
i bet this will be a hit

Considering the first one was, it probably will.

So Tolkien fans, on a scale of 1-10, how accurate is this adaptation?


>Do you think it respects Tolkien otherwise?
I think distorting a setting for the benefit of enhancing gameplay is a perfectly good reason to do so. I don't think injecting token black guy to meet some diversity quota is a good reason to alter a setting.

>There were plenty SoM threads on Sup Forums for while
Wonder if they were legitimate, or just shill threads like with other WB games like Mad Max.
Even more considering they paid money to Youtubers to shill SoM.

>The first game was good
I bet you have Ghost Recon Wildlands preordered.
great game

You autists just need to learn how to appreciate games.

Really Sup Forums, not all video games suck. Some are good, like Shadow of Mordor.

I can easily live with a black guy desu senpai.
The thing that's really activating my almonds is this stupid shitty "second ring" plot that makes no fucking sense and rapes the lore harder than I've ever seen before.

>What are orcs ?

It's distorted so much it's not even recognizable as lotr at all.

b-b-but... someone used the dodge mechanic over and over and over and never took any damage!!..

It's not something Tolkien ever wrote about so in terms of narrative you could call it a 1.

If they actually make it about the corrupting and destructive influence of power like the trailer seems to suggest it'll be more true to the themes than the first game though.

Fuck off SoM was fun and comfy. I was waiting for a sequel. I will buy it, and nobody will stop me.

Where's the Shadow of WAR gameplay my dude?

Sorry, I like my videogames being more than Assassins Creed reskins.

Nobody fucking cares what you like though...

Which shows your respect to the source material is selective and hypocritical, not invoked for its own sake but only as a weapon against things you find ideologically disagreeable.

>Orcs were...squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow-skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes; in fact degraded and repulsive versions of the (to Europeans) least lovely Mongol-types.

Nah. Blacks in LotR are...blacks. Theres a group fighting for Sauron at the Pelennor.

Considering Assassins Creed is now a dead franchise and that people are trying to do different stuff with open worlds, it works for me.
The stragglers need to die though.

Triggered nigger.

This pretty much.
The needle prick virgin in here cannot stop me.

I been waiting for a sequel to get announced.
so I completely finish the first game

Remember when you had fun with video games? :^)


Yeap, like a couple of days ago when I was replaying Shadow of Mordor.

imagine being so indoctrinated by identity politics that you cant even look at another race without screaming OPPRESSION

I will be purchasing this and helping to continue the tolkien rape.



Nobody defends the final act, it's the rest of the game that's pretty good

Ask yourself, why did you feel the need to use that word? Do you feel proud of yourself? Does putting other people down like this make you feel good? I'll ask again, why are you all so against black people being put in games too? Do you want gaming to be completely white? What is your problem with black people?

Nice falseflag tbqh.

Are you just as upset with the films for the artistic license they took with the setting? Or the card game? I don't think its unreasonable that a franchise adapts itself to the product its putting out. I could be wrong but I don't think there's any motivation for altering the setting to adding a black gondorian.

I guess it really depends on what LotR fundamentally means to you. Obviously you can't consider the games canon but I was able to swallow the first game and had a good time with it. I'm glad I waited for a sale though. 5usd for game and all dlc was pretty amazing.

Hey OP, are you 16? If so, your anger and upset over "normies" liking a game that "rapes... Tolkien's legacy" is, while not reasonable, at least understandable.

If, however, you're an actual adult, then Jesus Christ you are an enormous faggot.


Yeah, I just played the Witcher 3 for the first time. I had the same immersive feeling I hadn't had since I was a kid playing Ocarina of Time.

Am I the only one that actually liked the first game.

>mindless repetitive shit combat fighting the same enemy thousands of times

>pretty good

you're literally retarded

No. You're not. Lots of people enjoy the game simply for what it was. It's 'fun'.

>And not a single argument was made by user that day.

>>mindless repetitive shit combat fighting the same enemy thousands of times

Care to explain why you mindless and repetitively come here day in and day out making the same exact shit posts thousands of times?

You're literally retarded.

This. It might have been fun in a very surface level, shallow way that didn't justify the price, but it was fun regardless.

>Are you just as upset with the films for the artistic license they took with the setting?

Not him, but basically yeah. They have no respect whatever for the plot of the book. It's a series of big budget action movies that hits a number of the same plot beats as the book while being almost entirely the opposite of it in atmosphere, characterization, and themes. They're good movies, whereas Shadow of Mordor is a shit game, so I had fun with them anyway, but they're terrible adaptations.

>the age of white men is OVER!. webm

Got the original for five bucks, pretty boring. It's a good time killer but there's absolutely no depth in the combat or world. Having played The Witcher 3 first didn't help either, I could see game developers really had to step their shit up after W3 released. They were just copying Ass Creed and Batman before it.

My argument: Actually giving a shit about how faithful videogame adaptations are to their fantasy novel sources is prettttty gay. Saying, "Hey, they changed that, that's shitty" is one thing, a butthurt post about normies raping your special books is a whole other level of autism.

>if someone does something you don't like you MUST like it or at least not care or you're a faggot

Wow, they broke the mold with your genius, user. Teach us how to be super cool apathetic badasses like you.

Shadow of Mordor was so damn fun.

I feel bad for people like you, who can't seem to enjoy games anymore. Maybe it's time to move on to another hobby?

This. Tried the first one for $3. Made 45 mins in before I quit. Boring combat, awful story and a bland environment.

>i can't explain why i like this objectively shitty game because i'm retarded

>The age of men is OVER

but that is a man

>objectively shitty
Top kek my man.

As far as big budget films go, the LotR trilogy is as good as it gets, and they will probably remain the greatest fantasy films ever made, considering the way the world is going atm.

>They're good movies, whereas Shadow of Mordor is a shit game, so I had fun with them anyway, but they're terrible adaptations.
So then it's not about adhering to the source at all and only about the quality of the product. That's reasonable. The other user was suggesting I was a fairweather fan because if it wasn't written by Tolkien himself then I should hate it automatically.

>being this triggered over literally nothing

ITT: newfriends who didn't play the 1st one but hate the sequel because the MC is black.

war in the north was fun desu

They're probably going to remain the greatest fantasy movies ever made because there isn't any other work of fantasy so widely recognized, or even close really.

>ywn see a big budget Worm Ouroboros

>Caring about shit is autistic and gay bruh

I can dislike things without crying on Sup Forums about "muh normies" and "muh lore-rape". I can also make my own opinion on a game/movie etc. before checking whether or not the meanie Chads like something.

I loved SoM but I'll wait and see how the gameplay looks before I decide on it.

The game is mediocre because the most intriguing aspect of it "the nemesis system" rewards sub-optimal gameplay.

For there to be a change in the ranks of the nemesis system you had to die. By the end of the game I would have to let myself be killed so I could advance the nemesis system.

Plus for orks to come back you had to kill them by a means other than beheading despite that being the quickest way to end most encounters.

Leave Sup Forums, go outside and talk to an actual real person, and explain how your genuine anger over the orcs and elves in a videogame being different to the orcs and elves in a fantasy story is not autistic or gay, brohams.

>getting angry about video games on a Taiwanese knitting board instead of just ignoring it.

Laughing at you always Sup Forums never change.