Who's your main?
Who's your main?
The uninstall wizard.
>having a main
Picks are based on what the team needs.
But, obviously I tend towards a few characters I play best.
- zarya
- pharah
- lucio
- winston
That brown girl that reminds me of samus, and needs better porn.
Is the new season started yet?
Based Lucio, of course.
if not tomorrow then next week since it's the start of a new month.
Oh genji I was wandering when you'd show up
strong, brown cutie of aerial superiority
she's been getting quite a lot of love recently
>anyone in Overwatch needed aim
Nice aim
Thanks I try
>Get blamed for every loss, no exceptions
>If I drop my shield before it breaks, I get chewed out
>If I let my shield break, I get chewed out
>If I ever, ever miss a pin I get chewed out
But hey, Reinhardt is part of the meta. Someone's gotta play him.
These are only my most played per category. I switch often.
Proof Mcree does not exist. Mcree is a concept, an idea, mcree is the feeling you get in your heart when you don't want to be a sniper but you like sniping
>when they put one of the best dps characters in the healer slot
Zenyatta is pretty much mccree but can also heal others, has shields, can shred through tanks and can 2 shot other dps heroes even without headshots.
Shame most people have terrible positioning and movement and also click m1 instead of holding m1 and tracking.
Same characters as you, but Zenyatta instead of Mercy for support needs.
After "maining" TF2 Medic for years I just don't want to play Mercy at all.
>I paid to get shit on online
I dunno why you guys play these games
Fantastic taste, friendo
Though instead of Mercy I choose Lucio or Zen
Also alternate between D.Va and Reinhardt
Advanced patch just went out. My main will be whoever the new fuck is. At least until the inevitable nerf.
Nah man, I love Reinhardt. I just wish the competitive community actually took responsibility for their own mistakes and didn't always default to "Reinhardt must somehow be responsible!".
Seriously, you need thick skin as a Reinhardt because the second things look bad everyone defaults to you being the problem. Most of them don't even play Reinhardt because he is "boring", so they have no idea how you operate and what makes a Reinhardt player good or bad.
If only I could put turrets on other players....
So Hanzo
>put turrets on sombra
>invisible laser show
>sombra finally finds her spot in the meta
I tend to gravitate towards one specific role per match, if I can help it. dva and road are my favorites.
I hate nothing more than being forced to play reinhardt because no one else will play him to balance a comp, or suffer a great disadvantage.
I just love indirect fire and splash damage. I also cant help but smile as I listen to Junks quips. I do switch to Pharah if need be. I know when Junk don't work. I was originally a Pharah main but as I climbed the ladder people started to actually fucking aim and I couldn't fly as much. Figured if I'm on the ground so much may as well Junk. Found out Junk is WAY fucking better. Its just that he is countered hard by Zarya who is there 50% of the time. Any good Zarya will just treat you like a portable battery pack. People say Pharah counters him to but if she is close enough to tunnel me she is close enough for my car bomb and its easy to just shoot her with a pill.
Interchangeable really. Depends on the map and the team comp. I like building things and the arcing shot is 10/10 I love sniping widows from cover.
Don't player her anymore since the nerf except when my team goes full retard and we have no tanks. I play her aggressive and as a trench buster so with the lower armor I get ejected often.
I like her healing even if she is shit. Wish she was better but it will never happen.
>Still playing cuckwatch in 2017
Also would you know keep her alive since they would absorb full damage of shoots. Would giver her time to actually kill something.
Can someone explain to me how to make Reaper interesting? I got the wight skin for Reaper and every time I see him with that skin I feel like playing him but the game quickly becomes w+m1 and the occasional ult for me.
Oh and Rein, Zen and Torb are my ''''mains''''.
Pharah because I love to torture myself and every other fucking hero is her counter.
Better shut your mouth, kid!
>tfw this gif is what the entirety of human history has been culminating into, the apex of our civilisation and the supernova of our accomplishment
I feel sad that humanity will never go to such heights again, yet happy I was there to see it
>tfw that gif is actually a jpg and you're a potato
>pick one
I mostly play rein because everyone else is a bitch and fucks up his ult and flames so I do it and because everyone else wants to be dps even though they only get 10 kills a game.
I don't play this casual shit game, sorry. I play quakeworld and CPMA, sure there aren't many players and I have to idle in irc rooms, and I get stomped and skullfucked, but there's no cancer and I have nowhere else to go since quake live sucks and every other fps has been casualcucked.
I may go Widow. I know how that sounds but I got her 3 times in random heros and the second I did I just shut the other team down. Got play of the game which was just five head shots in a row and watching the last flee away around a corner giving me the point. I've been testing her out in Quick play and the same shit is happening. The other team just melts and I end up with 28 kills and 0 deaths winning the game.
No idea how she will hold up in comp though which is the only place that maters. Arcade and Quickplay only goes so far in terms of gauging how good you are at a hero.
I meant that full image which is animated
Its so great I'm going to get banned from Sup Forums just so people can see it
Rein followed by Lucio.
Coming from a fighting game background, I can honestly say I don't understand people who "main" a hero in Overwatch. Maining a character implies that there is an obligation to learning that character, and sticking with them. This is important because a necessity to main a character is due to their complexities. It takes time to learn, and so you main your character. Example:
>In SF/KoF/GG each character has..
>6 unique normals
>Possible multiple command normals
>A few to several specials
>One or more super/ultra moves
>Different hurtboxes
>Different walk speeds
>Different jump arcs
>A fuck ton of frame data for every aforementioned aspect
>A fuck ton of match-up data
>Constantly tweaks and balances on every of the aforementioned
And so on and so on..
In Overwatch, it's four abilities, a primary fire and most heroes a secondary fire. The only distinction being
That's it. If you learn Soldier:76, you can play any one else on the roster who is hitscan. If you main Hanzo, you can play anyone like him who is projectile.
So in essence, in overwatch, if you learn one of each type, you've learned the whole roster back to back. It's an extremely simple game. Anyone who insists they have a 'main' is basically saying: "I can't make it past platinum."
this game is worth playing just for this hero
Dota 2 Lich -tier VA and the most annoying spammable VGS on earth
It isn't intentional.
It's just that 80% of the people who play this game refuse to pick supports or tanks.
Genji, Widow, Hanzo, and McCree mains can eat a dick.
Fucking faggots.
Wow, that killed my boner.
I don't but my favorite character is Genji.
I stopped playing when I realized blizzard was only interested in catering to compfags and that they would never stop making "balance" changed.
But for the time I liked jumping on squishies as monkey man.
Widowmaker, Sombra, Soldier, Reinhardt/D.Va, Battle Mercy
I'll agree that anyone who 'mains' one hero is being kinda retarded.
You're more likely to get someone maining a role, though.
Like they'll commit to being good at DPS, tanking, or supporting.
Like, I'm a DPS/Tank flex. So I'd play from either of those pools of heroes. I can still play support well if it's really needed but people tend to have their focus in that way.
>Reinhardt with symmetra turrets
>tfw having a hanzo pick isn't so bad
Voicepacks and the Smite/Paladins voice chat system are really awesome inventions.
no it still is because hanzo players have the reaction time of a geriatric and will fire the ult at the exact moment your graviton ends just to make sure they do literally zero damage with it
>Queue for ranked
>Hit tab
>See a person with a korean username
They're always such fucking shitters. And they almost always play as genji/hanzo.
But I have more sniper comparisons for example... Mcree
>mfw Mei will NEVER EVER sit on my face
>Playing scrims with my team
>Roll out the Mei
>Enemy team has a Tracer
>Proceed to dominate them the entire map, consistently nailing them with headshots
>Match was supposed to be a bo5
>They ask us to 'reschedule' after the first map and the Tracer player immediately quits
felt good desu
How is he being used in pro games? I love him, but he's shit. Dies way too easy and does little damage.
>Tell team over voice to back up cause shields about to break
>They ignore me and die
>Still blame me
I know that feel too well.
ana heals and zarya bubbles
rest of team is also set up to dive in at the same time to overwhelm defences
think lucio, tracer/genji/pharah setups
Having a Mei on your team helps a bunch. When your shields about to break your Mei can just throw up a shield on a choke to give you some breathing room to recharge. I do it all the time.
I love his tools.
You can set up traps with the beartraps and mine, get to hard-to-reach places with the mine, escape reapers/hogs with it and just generally fuck with enemy team.
Riptire is also great for getting maybe one kill.
winston is character that needs the comp to cater to him for it to work, he is literally bastion tier, if the comp is not catered to him he is worthless. winston/zarya/lucio/genji/tracer/ana and go full dive and he works pretty well still.
Scout and Sniper.
What did you expect?
Still when you contribute greatly to the win as reinhardt it's oh so satisfying, which is why I still love to play reinhardt. Even if I know my team is doing bad I still want to do my best to keep everyone safe even if they'll berate me in the end for doing so.
Also that pic is amazing and I'm saving that shit
Played a lot of D.va, Tracer and Lucio. Mei when I want to fuck around, Torbjörn for easy kills on certain maps and Widowmaker since I finally got decent at airshots.
for the guy not to be convulsing like a possessed doll
I main Soldier, Mei, D.va.
When needed I will play Ana or Mercy.
I can play a decent Bastion, Sym, and Rein.
D.Va and Lucio
Winston, Junkrat, Lucio. I'd like to play Zen too but I have bugs with heroes who have lock-on abilities.
>curious winston
Audible kek
>not liking Fareeha rubbing against your face
this I can understand
though I don't agree with
I main Reinhardt, Zarya, and Tracer
>How is (s)he being used in pro games? I love (her), but (s)he's shit. Dies way too easy and does little damage.
Sombra in a nutshell. Winston can at least harass genjis and zenyattas, but Sombra only helps with healthpack camping and the odd EMP
Been playing a lot of Torb in defense as of lately, found the guy surprisingly fun and useful if played right (as in, not babysitting the damn turret).
That's not true in the slightest, a shit Winston needs full dive because they can't figure out timings. You can place yourself in a domineering position in any teamfight, if you need a dive comp to do it it's because you're not smart enough to time a pincer except by accident.
What's more is that Winton excels far more in Lucio/Zen comps. You really should be limiting the damage you take as Winston, and if you need Ana to survive your should recognize it for the crutch it is. Discord orb lets you kill in 1 second (leap-zap-land-punch-zap) and overall turns Winston into an instakill machine. Comparatively Ana is only useful in dive comps to farm ult.
all tanks
I usually just pick whats missing from the comp 9 times out 10.
Love Sombra. Any tips? I play her when there's Symmetra and Windowmaker on the enemy team. It's really funny to sneak right behind Widow and watch her freak out immediately. Forces many switches. Also I like hacking Reinhardts, and EMP also completely stops any buffs like Tactical Visor and Whole Hog, so that's pretty neat. Also if you don't fuck up, you exactly 100-0 a shield generator.
Im not a comp pruh pluyer, but I enjoy Sombra. So thats why I want to know some more stuff.
Winston is a massive asset in a 6-stack with full coordination. You dive to enemy rear line, fuck up their squishies, while your team is following up and putting pressure on the tanks.
Problem is, that never works outside the "well coordinated 6 stack" condition, because the fags will never follow up and stay in the choke shooting while the Winston suicides and provides free ult charges.
I live to play her when I'm on defense and they have a Tracer, Genji, D.va, or Rein.
I usually sit on a ledge on the enemies side of a chokepoint (like the room in pic related)
Maintain control of the large healthpacks, pick off anyone with low hp, and disable any abilities that might help their push.
If they start to shoot at you, translocate back behind your side of the chokepoint for a little while, and then hop back up to the ledge.
>Any tips?
You are not a real DPS nor a real flanker. Be smart on what health packs you are going to hack, denying them to the enemy IS a big help in many cases. Also, use your passive, you can see low health people for a reason, those are the ones you should be hunting. And speaking of hacks, not every character is left equally as crippled by them (for example, a hacked Rein is defenseless, but a hacked Pharah can still fly and shoot rockets). Also, if a Bastion is being a asshole, hacking him is a much better idea than shooting.
>fags will never follow up and stay in the choke
And by fags you mean most people. Most of my team mates are dumb and stuck in the pew pew war. Just "show no respect" as Stylosa says and establish your dominance instead of enduring the ennemies one.
>not babysitting the damn turret
Congrats, you found the secret.
Torb's entire kit revolves around two things: A) the team having 7 guns firing at the enemy instead of 6, and B) him collecting scrap and shitting out armor as fast as possible. You can't do any of that if all you do is hammering the turret like a retard.
I almost never get blamed playing Reinhardt in platinum/diamond games. Maybe it's just a scrub league thing.
Bastion, Zenyatta if the team wants me to play something else. If there's already a healer then I go for Bastion anyway.
ehr desu dps characters are the first to be blamed on my games, master up.
>If there's a rein already
>If there's no rein
>If there's a rein and a Zarya
Ana or Phara
There's never a Reinhardt, though, so I always play Rein in comp.
I'm a Roadhog main, you mad?
Torb gets a lot of hate, but a well played Torb can be a clutch in defense, especially if there is a Symmetra since those two synergize so well. If the Symmetra drops a shield gen and the Torb focuses in producing armor, the other 4 in the team must be absolute retards in order to get killed.