*teleports behind you*

*teleports behind you*

*guns you down thanks to incredibly loud de-cloak and impossibly long transition from invis to being able to attack*

*user has switched to Mei [was Sombra]*

>things that never happen


*Switch to Winston and smack the spic back to Mexico*

Not enough Zelda threads for you?

>literally a shitty Tracer

Winston is the worst hero in the game.


>Hooks you off the ledge with Junkrat
>Or blasts you in the face with Junkrat
>Literally just stands there and lets you die, as Junkrat

he is correct

Don't imply at me. Every game with more than one thread should have all but the most active threads culled. Any game with repeated, redundant threads should be moved to /vg/.

Overwatch threads are all exactly the same. Complaining about X character followed by several greentexted arguments and completely hypothetical scenarios as to why X character is or is not broken. That or waifu spam. You know this is true and OW belongs on /vg/.

No, your just playing him wrong. He fucks healers and DPS's in their tight ass.


haha zoomed in on eyes xdxdxd

he is wrong*

ECKS dee

>Blizzard: Hey guys look at this new waifu we made for you!
>gets forgotten and becomes unplayed a week later


Err, not Junkrat, the other Australian. The fat gimp one.

Is there a single shittier character in any other game?
>shit design
>trashy spic accent
>""""mexican hacker""""
>useless as fuck kit
>has significantly worse dps than pretty much everybody barring mercy and lucio
After months of hype, how did Blizzard fuck up THIS bad

It's already started ITT and that's all this thread will devolve into. OW is a trash game with repeat threads filled with hyperbolic non-discussion and it belongs on /vg/.

but BOOP man!

dat BOOP


All right then. You clearly don't have an argument otherwise so I guess I'll let you get on with "salty OW shitter thread #3907309634"

You just suck at the game lol

That's Roadhog and he's a Kiwi.

Theyre both cunts 'ey


stay mad :)

i think you should be culled from life

>playing as Bastion

holy shit you fucking loser


*whumps you around with Rein hammer*

That this is fucking unescapable. It pulls people closer with every hit.


I think he actually gets more playtime than DVa in the current meta

>stealth character
>screams out some loud ass shit when she decloaks

Really Blizzard? She might as well be saying the shit through a megaphone.

*tickles you with her bb gun*

Wow, Sombra can't even kill a glass cannon by shooting it in the weak spot at point blank.

I would honestly feel better with an insta lock hanzo than her.

It's established fact that fps noobs (OW's main demographic) struggle badly against stealth characters.

Sombra is pretty good but i don't know why she's classified as an offense hero. Hack is useful to shred tanks like Reinhardt or at stopping your opponents ultimates.

Git Gud

Sombra is the one character in the game that gets absolutely fucked in the ass by armor. Bastion has 100 Armor, and he should have hacked him first so he would have gone out of turret mode.

the only mexican that can deport herself

But her decloak sound is already loud. Is it really necessary that she yells out QUE TAL when she decloaks too? For fuck's sake, she literally tells the enemy HERE I AM HEY OVER HERE LOOK CAN YOU HEAR ME?

He still would have lost the exchange. I can understand where he was coming from in getting the jump on an unaware enemy and thinking spraying an entire mag into a weak point at point blank range would have worked.

He also should have had an understand of how Armor works and how it would affect someone with such a high fire rate as Sombra

so, you're supposed to hack him in this sitch, then he goes out of turret mode, loses the 100 armor (soon to be 35% dmg reduc) and he loses his insane damage.

*is the new hero*

They would have done less damage and teleported out without a kill still.

She would have been a nuisance for about as long either way, just maybe alive in one.

She needs her bullet spread or damage adjusted. You can't even burst fire with her for better accuracy.

Sombra doesn't need anything of the sort, people just need to learn to aim differently with her. You aim for body mass not headshots with Sombra, her DPS is extremely good in her optimal range.

Which is exactly the point the thread has taken: Sombra sucks balls. She's only useful for denying Medkits and nothing else.

the fuck does that say? i don't read nigerian.

>stopping your opponents ultimates

Here's a list of things she CAN'T hack:
>Can't hack Genji's ult Dragonblade if it's in progress
>Can't hack Genji's ult Dragonblade if it's in progress
>Can't hack Genji's ability to run up walls.
>Can't hack Combat Roll.
>Can't hack Flashbang.
>Can't stop fan the hammer.
>Can't stop Pharah's ability to fly
Soldier: 76
>Can't hack Sprint in progress
>Can't hack Biotic Field heal.
>Can't hack Helix Rockets.
>Can't hack or interrupt Soldier's ult Tactical Visor
>Can't hack Bastion's Tank mode ult.
>Can't hack the Concussion Mines.
>Can't hack Steel Trap or avoid it via invisibility.
>Can't hack Cryo-Freeze.
>Can't hack Mei's ult Blizzard while in progress.
>Good luck hacking a turret unless it's focus on someone else
>Can't hack Torbjörn's ult Molten Core.
>Can't hack D.Va's ult Self-Destruct
>Can't hack Winston's ult Primal Rage.
>Can't hack Ana's ult Nano Boost from her or teammates.
>Can't hack Angelic Descent
>Can't hack Caduceus Staff.
>Can't hack Sentry Turrets
>Can't hack Symmetra's ult Teleporter.
>Can't hack shield generator
>Can't stop Zenyatta's ult Transcendance

You know who /can/ stop almost all of those. Ana's sleep dart. Or you know, you can go a character that can kill a hero in the same amount of time it takes to pull off a hack.

PS: Her hack doesn't reset cooldowns. That's right. If someone already used an ability and then you hack them, doesn't fucking matter, because it's already cooling down. And most likely, you're hack will wear off the same time OR BEFORE their natural cooldown is even done.

What if

When Winston is dealing damage to a target, the target can't be healed.

I'd let Sombra suck my balls tbqh senpaitachi

Sombra's bullet spread is so bad that you can potentially aim at center of mass from mid range, fire at it ten times and get ten wildly different results.

That's the problem with her spread, it makes her range and effectiveness wildly inconsistent.

Hacking is Silence, you would lock bastions skills, making him stuck in turret mode. It does not work as you described it.

That would make him basically a mandatory tank killer on any organized team

Just give him continuous hit ramp like sym.

Wrong. He falls out of turret mode. It's very clear you've never played Sombra.

*teleports in front of you*

Not him, but hacking a bastion does force him back to recon mode from sentry mode, but not from tank mode.

Sombra is just a disaster of a character.

The entire fucking countdown shit leading to her reveal, and she literally cannot do what she is meant to do. Blizzard should sincerely be ashamed of how poorly balanced and thought out Overwatch is. It's fucking mind boggling.

Why would you bother to make a post when you haven't even done it? If you did you'd know you're wrong. Fucking bronze armchair Overwatch strategists everywhere I swear.

>Make hack not interrupted by damage, just like every other ability
>Make her beacon not have cooldown if the timer runs out
>Slightly tighten up bullet spread, or increase ammo capacity by a third.


I wouldn't mind a fabulous gay robot

Has it always been that way? I couldn't tell. Maybe its because hacking doesn't work since sombra will get knocked out of it as soon as she touches bastion, when the team could have just had an Ana sleep dart him and take him out of it instantly. My b, guess she still doesn't have any worth. Sorry.

I still don't understand why she can't hack ults like soldier's or genji's. She might actually be relevant if that were possible.

I'm really confused why she can't.

If she can actually hack them mid ult she earned it.

You misspelled Pharah pretty badly there, champ.

Nice trips of Pharah is far from the worst hero, she is not particularly good unless she has a pocket Mercy, but she is not the worst character in the game.

Blizzard has absolutely no idea how they want Sombra to work and they don't want to have another Ana situation, so she's never going to get a rework or anything meaningful done to her. They specifically made her decloak sound loud and have her yell when she decloaks so that players wouldn't be angry about dying to a stealth character. Her Hack is only good for dropping Rein shield and preventing Zarya barrier. Her EMP slightly saves her but it's line-of-sight requirement means you'll be lucky to hit people with it since they can just get behind cover when you decloak.

Reaper as of now is easily the worst hero. There's no reason to play him over Roadhog.

Who else's name here is user in overwatch?

useless ult

Still better than Mcree's

Someone post the webm/gif of the sombra unloading into a bastion than dieing

id rather get a confirmed kill if an enemy is off position than having a useless ult that can never be used without full coordination with team and an ana ult and a ana grenade on you in air as you use it so you dont get oneshot with your 160hp lifepool


Blizzard has a lot of dumb line of sight design decisions.

EMP displays as a blastwave, only works line of sight.

Mei's ult displays as a ground effect, shows the robot shooting material towards the ground, works anywhere above the ring by line of sight to the robot.

Junkrat ult is a massive explosive, but the hitbox for the explosion has weird damage calculation based on a strange shape and line of sight to a character's FEET.

It's stupid.

>can't coordinate a grav + ana boost

How's it in gold?



Here's a list of things Genji CAN deflect:


I like how junkrat's ult is just a really reall really terrible version of Dva's ult.

Everyone scatters when it is telegraphed, can hear where it's coming from, only 50 hp so it just gets blown up most of the time, can't kill a roadhog unless it is practically right under him, massively reduced range, bad method for damage calculation.

High Noon is superior because it's not instantly obvious where McCree is. If he managed to flank behind or get high somewhere, in lots of maps there's multiple places he could be.

It can't deflect a hack, incidentally.

I think gold and below high noon still works.

>defending the fact that it's a useless shit ult

Still better than Mcree's

Isn't that the stupid app that doesn't even show your true rank? lamo

>Pop out of corner and ult instantly, nobody knows where you ulted
>If quick, you can kill one person, or even 2

>Have to slowly fly up above the enemy team
>By the time you scream JUST-, the entire team has locked you down because of you standing completely still.

The following are lies
>Can't hack Sprint in progress
Yes you can, he instantly stops sprinting

>Can't hack the Concussion Mines.
Yes you can, he can't detonate it after you hack him

>Can't hack Bastion's Tank mode ult.
Yes you can, it prevents him from healing

>Can't hack Steel Trap or avoid it via invisibility.
You have to shoot it, and how does being invisible stop you from stepping on a goddamn bear trap

>Can't hack Sentry Turrets
Yes you can with EMP, but otherwise why would you waste a 6 second cooldown hack on something with 1 health?

>Can't hack Winston's ult Primal Rage.
Yes you can, it keeps him from jumping

>Can't hack Flashbang.
That is flat out bullshit, he can't use it while hacked

Also the following are dumb complaints
>Can't stop Zenyatta's ult Transcendance
>Can't hack D.Va's ult Self-Destruct
>Can't hack Ana's ult Nano Boost from her or teammates.
>Can't hack Mei's ult Blizzard while in progress.
>Can't hack Genji's ult Dragonblade if it's in progress

You essentially want her hack to be able to counter everything, which is way too powerful. Considering that ultimates are the lifeblood of the game and require a lot of time & energy to put out, its insane that you would want something with a 6 second cooldown to be able to completely hard counter a basic tenant of the game.

The only ults she can stop are channeled ones (pharah, mccree, roadhog, reaper)

Mode ones (Genji, 76, Torbjorn, bastion, Junkrat, winston, widowmaker, zenyatta) can't be hacked when activated but still gimp the player by removing their abilities that are critical to using those modes.

Fired ultimates can't be hacked either (Sombra,Tracer, mei, dva, zarya) because they are already out.

The only ults that are suspect as to why it can't be hacked are Lucio and Reinhardts because once activated in midair, they will still be channeled out even after being hacked.

Honestly, why do you people suck when Sombra is a god on certain defense maps?

>nobody knows where you ulted

gold shitter lul

Because they made her high skill cap but not fun to play. If you're going to get good at a flanker Genji is 10x more enjoyable than Tracer.

k kid ;)

I'd be embarrassed hiding behind an app like that. Do you feel no shame?

It can be alright, but it has to be used with care. I usually use it to guarantee a kill on a healer or tank.

Pharah is far from the worst character overall.

1v1 me on pocket infinity now then and we'll see if your rockets are even remotely close to mine.
