Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy this game? Does that make me a bad person?

Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy this game? Does that make me a bad person?

it's not that good desu I got bored halfway through it and quit

it aged like milk

You're a bad person for not enjoying the same linear FPS corridor shooter with annoying vehicle sections

why continue to play games you dont even enjoy?

HL2 is only fun with SMOD.

It didn't age like milk the gameplay was boring to begin with.

>When Source engine tries into open space maps


>the gameplay was boring to begin with.
yeah, and the groundbreaking things it did are commonplace now and no longer interesting enough to carry the game on their own.

hence, it aged like milk

Doom 3 is better

second half of the game is pretty decent IMO, Ravenholm, Nova Prospekt, and Our Benefactors being the standouts

half life's claim to fame is a number of things it did that were groundbreaking when it came out. these things are commonplace now though, playing it through these days, it's nothing special

It gets a lot better after the airboat sequence. Honestly the meme that its shit is obnoxious. Its a great game.

The meme is a reaction to the "Half-Life 2 is the greatest PC game of all time" sentiment, which is actually fairly common. I was disappointed in HL2 on release, but I actually like it now. It has lots of weak spots, but it has some strengths too.

Nah, it's been over a decade now user. Better games have been made. Meanwhile Valve keeps showing it would rather make stupid VR games than even give an ounce of a shit about HL3.

That's if HL3 even is going to be good when it comes out and not just a pile of aged garbage.

if HL3 felt anything like HL1 in terms of movement and weapon variety it would be much better but valve has to go around chasing after gimmicks like VR and physics

Why there are no kids in half life universe?

It didn't age well user but basically for its time it was pretty good and the object physics was something new (Or at least better than most games).

Source engine was the cool thing back then.

There's always that one stupid motherfucker that will compare a current release to a decades old game.

>Am I the only one
Yes user, you are the only one you special snowflake.

>Doom 3
>current release
This better be a case of Unreal 2.

neo-Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemans
fuck videogames
fuck this garbage site
fuck it all
im out

when combine came to earth around 20 years before game takes place they made supression field that prevents everyone from being horny. aka there are no kids because they all grew up and everyone is limp

It suffers from most of the shit people complain about in FPSes today.
It's not a bad game but I'm dumbfounded at how hard some people dickride this game.

It's my favorite game of all time but you don't have to enjoy anything, OP

Having played it recently I think it's aged pretty well. The way your character moves around and the way enemies behave feels a little outdated and unrealistic, though. The larger problem is that the game is excessively work shopped to the point that it loses a sense of uniqueness and challenge, and that the narrative is pretty uninteresting.

>but you don't have to enjoy anything
thanks, i rarely do :(

See you tomorrow.

you're just underage

doom 3 was a better sequal to half life than hlf2 was. cramped lab, crazy shit, somewhat spooky. I loved doom 3 with the audiologs. replayed that at least 4 times played hlf2 once.

it did age like milk because constantly showing off their advanced new technology isn't nearly as impressive now as it was back then. if you cut out all the tehcno wank it's an adequate game but not as good as hl1.


>current release


it was rather unique which deserves praise. otherwise unmemorable and the lore is shit unless you're a fanboy of cross-game lore like Portal and Half-life and TF2 and whatever else being connected and referencing each other. it's still a decent game to this day simply gameplay wise, but the first one is definitely outdated.

Speaking of not liking popular games...

How do I get into Vampire The Masquerade? I've tried but it feels so dated. Do I need any particular mods?

To be quite honest with you I think it has some of the most satisfying gunplay of any game I have ever played, and some of the best pacing, which is hilariously one of the big complaints, but no level is really close to the one before it. Which I really like. And I have never understood the complaints with the Vehicle sections.

Stop being a bitch and try again.

It still holds up well if you enjoy Source games. It looks good in many sections and plays great too. It has flaws though. Vehicles behave like shit and the AI could be a little better. However, for its time it was groundbreaking, and even today it's still very fun to play. Its lengthy campaign is also something of note in today's market of 1-2 hour FPS single player storylines. My first playthrough, on Hard, took me just about 18 hours. Many of the people who criticize either do so because it's "old" and "not special anymore" or because they want HL1's bunnyhopping and movement system back, which IMO is best left dead and buried.

I'm 27. Played it when it first came out on the pc, then later on the 360 when it was released with the orange box, and now again on steam because it was like 8 bucks for all the HL games

>played it twice but i don't enjoy it

*3 times

Game was just made to show off physics. Vehicle segments are ass and the world is bare.

Great game honestly, not sure why people hate on it. I actually thought the vehicle sections were fun especially Highway 17 and just exploring the abandoned houses. Shit like the bridge shaking with a train over you while trying to balance under it was one of the most atmospheric moments in games. And taking down like 8 striders for the first time felt like a real accomplishment. Idk, I felt the pacing of the game was pretty well done and it really felt like this "journey" when you make it to the top of the citadel.

Story wise it's pretty boring though, and really not that special. Gordon being Jesus 2.0 was kind of lame, and Breen was the best thing about the story (RIP). Shit like Black Mesa east are a slog on secondary playthroughs and I always skip it. And I hate how the weapons feel so dumbed down and boring compared to HL1's, with them focusing so much on the gravity gun. It really did feel unfinished in that department. The first time you play through it, it'll probably feel like the best game ever. On subsequent playthroughs it loses quite a bit of steam, and the "fun" levels start to feel more like gimmicks. As opposed to half life 1 where there's more of an emphasis on solid gunplay.

>There's always that one stupid motherfucker that will compare a current release to a decades old game.
Nigga they released the same year, are you that fucking dense?

I'm very upset people bundle boat and car together as "vehicle segments". Boat is pretty boring with a few points of interest (revolver battle which is actually my favorite combat encounter in the game, red barn) and weird funny physics riding around. Car sections are mostly using car to get from one combat encounter to another, and the encounters in car section are pretty good.

i only ever said it was cool because my friends said it was cool and i wanted to fit in

i actually liked driving around on the coastal highway
as for the boat, getting fucked by the gunship was probably what didnt sit well with them for that part of the game

Gunship is ez, it's those fucking APCs and their homing rockets.

>And taking down like 8 striders for the first time felt like a real accomplishment.
if you're refering to the end of ep 2, I was pretty disappointed in that. felt too easy

Oh fuck off, faggot. There's far better shooters out there than HL2. The core gameplay of HL2 is fucking boring because the shooting feels like absolute shit and there's only the most basic puzzles and shitty vehicle sections to compensate for that.

nah I meant the part in Anticitizen one. The part in episode 2 was more annoying honestly, especially with the fucking hunters. The striders were pretty dumb there and were just standing there letting you plop the magnusson devices on them.

Half Life 2 is just a slow, cinematic shooter that rides on realism and gimmicks.

It's shit. The fanbase is a joke. It's a stain on the industry. Physics-based puzzles are as bottom of the barrel as it gets.

The Episode 2 fight is so much better, though. Striders don't work as direct enemies too well, they take 7 rockets to kill on hard and kill you in a couple of shots... but they also can only hit you with the last shot in a burst, so as long as you pop out of cover, shoot, take cover again you aren't in any danger and they just end up being an obnoxious time sink. In Episode 2 they're your enemy indirectly, you need to stop them, your more immediate enemy are hunters and hunters are just great enemies in general.

>It's shit. The fanbase is a joke. It's a stain on the industry. Physics-based puzzles are as bottom of the barrel as it gets
>shooting feels like absolute shit and there's only the most basic puzzles and shitty vehicle sections to compensate for that.
why do people say stuff like this? are they just looking for attention or are they actually retarded?

No, the game is outright boring without something like SMOD. The guns are unsatisfying and the AI is just dull. It's just not a fun shooter and far too much of it feels like it was made to show off their new engine rather than because it's actually fun. For instance, every physics puzzle is the most braindead shit that I could instantly figure out when I was 9 so they all just add up to busywork and even the game's fans will shit on the vehicle sections. Subjectively, I'd also say that a silent protagonist does far more to ruin my immersion than not, at least when characters frequently try to interact with your mute ass.

>inb4 you're underage
FEAR came out around the same time and is a far better shooter than HL2. There are a plethora of shooters that came out before HL2 that are far better and none of them have a fanbase that always disregards anybody who dislikes them as underage.


Half-Life (1998) > HL2

And no, HL:Source and Black Mesa are the objectively shittier version of the original

t. Valve's bitchboy.

BMS is good. I wouldn't say it's better than original, but it's worth playing on its own as a reimagining of sorts.

>He's too young to have lived in the golden age of gaming and make incredible memories

I'm sorry for you

Aside from maybe 3-4 guns with limited ammo counts, every gun in HL2 feels like a goddamn peashooter. On top of that, the combine is boring as fuck to fight. They don't feel dangerous or intelligent at all. Are you retarded enough that you had trouble with the puzzles or thought they were interesting? Do you disagree with even the majority of the fanbase that the vehicles are shit? Can you HLfags make an actual fucking argument instead of just crying that everybody's either underage or retarded?

yeah it needs:

>a cover system
>numbers that pop up to tell you how cool you are every time you pull the trigger
>waves of dumb as bricks ai that just run into your fire and make you feel badass (you're really not)
>a shoehorned actor that's still cool with the kids today

then it truly will have "aged" well.

I was having too much fun playing 12 player co-op on unreal to give a shit about half-life.
It's port of team fortress classic was pretty good though.

smod looks kinda edgy


Will Hl3 wank VR?

Linear fps games are boring as fuck. Operation flashpoint was released in 2001 and there's no reason to look back.

Oh, I agree with you, but if that other post was yours you were being ridiculous in overstating everything


It was literally a tech demo but nu-Sup Forums loves it

there is no half life 3 and there never will be because that fat autist gabe newell let marc laidlaw write them into a corner and nobody on the planet could possibly explain away all the half-baked shit lore the second game tossed in

It wasn't literally a tech demo