My. Fucking. Wallet

PS4 ain't got games! It ain't got games!

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Sometimes I don't know if threads like these are poorly made viral marketing attempts or poorly made satire of viral marketing attempts.

>Ace Combat 7
>Death Stranding
>FF7 Remake
>Nier Automata
>Final Fantasy XII
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Crash Bandicoot Trilogy

Honorary aryan

>everything is about marketing, selling and making money

I wonder who...

I would probably buy a lot of those games if I didn't have the breadth of choice I already have on PC.
>Ace Combat
>Gravity Rush
>Gran Turismo
>The Dynasty Warriors game
>Ni No Kuni
Unfortunately I have limited time.

>Death Stranding
probably not desu

>>FF7 Remake

>ni no kuni 2
Yeah, because the first one was so good, with that um, exciting combat, and that uh, heart collecting.

Rime is also on PC

Rime literally does not exist

Try a year later on PC, always gives me a laugh when you can shit storm PC threads in Sup Forums because they weren't a simultaneous release.

You're right. There's nothing there!

Fake news people. Move along.

>waahh I played it first that means I enjoyed the game more than you!

Ace Combat and Ni No Kuni are coming to pc

I know this is a shitposting thread but I can guarantee you're probably not interested in every one of those games
I own a ps4 and am only really looking forward to spiderman red dead and tlou2

ni no kuni 2 and ace combat 7 are on pc, thats all I wanted. You can keep WipEout Omega Collection.

Guess I might buy them when they come out.
Although Ace Combat has been pretty trashy lately.

>only really looking forward to spiderman red dead and tlou2

Normie detected.

Perhaps you have different tastes than others

you can still pick out more from that than on Xbone or Switch

"Look at all of our games"

"L-look at all of our partners!"

So 3-5 games out of 40. Better than nothing I guess

They're going back to the original universe and gameplay if you're worried about another assault horizon / f2p grindfest

but where are the games

Nah, Scamco can go eat a dick, I'll not be buying this.

I guess we'll see.
This is one ominous captcha though.


Nice photoshop there but Sup Forums hasn't been using that captcha for a year now.

Some peoples just don't enjoy casual games, you know?

preorder cancelled

holy shit stop showing how much of a newfag you actually are

Holy shit don't take such obvious bait

Not saying any of them are bad games but I feel like the fanbase for ace combat and gravity rush are pretty different, and that op probably isn't going to buy every single game on the list
And we haven't seen gameplay for death stranding it could be shit

great post lad

I thought Crash Bandicoot wasn't ps4 exclusive??

If you look closely you'll notice a lot of other non exclusive games in the list aswell, this is Sony marketing, they want to try their hardest to pretend some games are exclusive to their systems.

You can enable legacy captcha.

A lot of those games look garbage. The ones i am getting i'm hyped for though. My wallet is also worried about Nintendo's E3 conference.
>Switch looks promising
>PS4 is finally picking up
Feels good to enjoy video games.

>Looking forward to TLOU2
The first one was boring and was one of the most generic tps games i've played. RDR 2 could be good. I have hope for Spiderman, mind you.


>having a small attention span
Kids these days and their ADHD

>I-I'm pretending!

I meant no games with online that works...


there is no plural to proof outside of math, any amount of proof is still only proof.