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Fuck this, can someone data mine the full game. The fucking pastebin is lacking so much shit I want to know REEEEEE

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How the fuck did Nintendo manage to prevent any major leaks? Some seriously impressive stuff.

Behold, the switch's capture tool.
>compressed to fuck

Hope they give an option to have a bigger file size


We've done it lads

Well I'm out. This is all what I needed, I'll buy the game even if it turns out to be a piece of shit.

What does this mean?

Probably because everyone signed NDAs not to show anything they weren't supposed to, but you know there's always some doofus looking for attention and they leak everything. Maybe it will still happen before the embargo ends on the 2nd.

I'm reposting some finds from the other thread. Pastebin (spoiler) info, read at your own risk.

Well I won't be able to play it anyway because apparently Nintendo hand makes Switch consoles in their basement.



>Malon (マロン, Maron?) is a recurring character in the Legend of Zelda series. In a majority of her appearances, she and her father Talon are the owners of Lon Lon Ranch, where they raise cows, Cuccos, and horses. Malon also frequently appears in conjunction with the mare Epona as well as "Epona's Song".

Where do you live? If you are in the US or Japland then prepare to queue

There's barely any WiiU copies out in the wild, everyone that got Zelda is currently making mad clicks from the Switch coverage so they're not going to shit all over that.

Juding from some of the leaked assets and from that list it seems to be the ultimate fanservice Zelda game.

Pastebin has everything OP. Except character dialogue and proper names. Its code stuff, but everything can fit in it. Its not missing anything - the game itself is just missing what we were all expecting. More enemies, more shiekah magic, more reason to be hype instead of gettin swindled.

BotW is basically the result of what if MGS5 and Dark Souls 2 had a baby.

Fuck, link is down

Whatever, I'm going to summarize



>King is dead
>The four champions (pilots of the mechs) are dead
>Ganon corrupted the guardians and the divine beasts
>divine beasts came about from a prophecy that only they can defeat Ganon or sth
>Zelda apparently fought Ganon alone, her fate is unknown?
>You are zeldas knight, and in protecting her was seriously injured
>you are then placed in the shrine of resurrection, to be woken 100 years later
>cinematography is great, voice acting is eh, King sounds too young. His tone is good though.
>happens very very early in the game


Can this really be considered "spoiler" if it's the cutscene you get before leaving the starting area "Plateu"?

What. The magic runes aren't even in the pastebin. And how do you know what is in the encrypted code. It's not the full leak, as said by an user yesterday. He proved it by giving the tik, which is for the update only. It only contains stuff that will be updated in the day 1 patch.


Nice shitpost. And there is more Sheikah Magic, as proven by the edge reveal. Each defeated beat gives you an ability (one lets you breeze through the game, apparently)

>Pastebin has everything OP

The guy who gave us the pastebin said the opposite.

Its everything, ans the runes are in the pastebin


thats them.

Yes, some people want to experience it themselves

Damn, maybe you can go check out the nearest toys r us

He was a retard. Hinox are Giants, which are in the code. Dinofols are Lizalfos_senior, in the code. Stalfos are any variety of _bone subtype for certain monsters.

Its all there man. Just gotta know how to look for it.

>its everything

Why do you lie?

>Anonymous !t.3fxzeyWo

Search him up

>Mifa is dead.

Preorder fucking cancelled

Can you repair gear or is constant scavenging a necessity?

Oh, so there are dinoflos. Why did they group it under lizalfos then? That means there actually might be more than we imagined, given the many tags of senior and junior whatever. I expect wolfos to be under wolves as well, there are types A,B and C

Will this game get straight near perfect scores?

You can repair. Multiple flags in the datamine corroborate it. Its a feature in the game.

I think there is a repair bench in the leaks

But I guess scavenging is the main gameplay loop

Cause dinolfos have always just been resinned lizalfos i'd imagine.

They behave pretty differently though

>hookshot is in the game
>multiple flags for diving
>fishing holes confirmed
>multiple dungeons other than the main 5


We don't know what the upgrades do besides decreasing cooldown for bombs. We might get to freeze multiple objects with Stasis, or maybe the final upgrade just has the whole world freeze.

Also, Cryonis, how the heck would this get upgraded? Bigger pillars? A long pillar so you don't have to cast it multiple times?

And it seems that enemy variants even within the same 'group' behave very differently.

Then why are some people complaining about enemy variety. As long as they behave differently it shouldn't be a problem? Unless you are worried about aesthetics or something. Even the Giant has large, medium small iirc

And funny thing is not one of the previews complained about enemy variety.

Ok, this is the last time I'll take the bait

Here you go. Happy now?

Bruv, read this.

Pastebin obviously not complete/fully decrypted.

Because they like to see the series staples and getting pretty much a majority humanoid enemies feels bad. All these cool abilities, but we don't get things like Dodongos to blow up with our cool magic bombs.

I'm sure the things that are there will be great, but it always sucks to think that the games system held it back from being even better.

How do I get green tunic, dark link skin, and fierce deity tunic?

I've heard they're tied to Amiibos; which ones?

They're not tied to Amiibos, that's just the easy way to get them.

>30 fps with frequent dips to 15-20
Call me an autist but I've been spoiled by perfect framerate for a while and expected at least stable 30. I can't play with that.

Everything else about the game seems alright, but that kind of makes it unplayable for me to be honest.

Some humanoid enemies behave like animals, right?

For example lizalfos jump around like crazy and charge at you horns lowered. I think Lynels should also be quite different, given that they can breathe fire and are faster than horses.

I think so far for non humanoid we have
>Chu chu

The main funny thing is that there are no spiders. I guess Guardians are their replacement. I would love to see the dragons (?) from TP return, but I guess that is for another day


What? You playing the Wii U version or something bruv. Most impressions say they are infrequent, and almost never happen in combat. Even DF only found 2 dips lasting about 2 seconds each in 40 minutes, and the lowest was to 20fps, and that was the non-retail version

>You playing the Wii U version or something
>implying I'd spend 360 dollars on one game for the Switch version
Also the Switch version still dips semi-frequently unless you play on the small screen.

This. It's not just that we lost enemy's that aren't humanoid, but that most enemies are humanoids that carry weapons for the sake of the lose-a-weapon-gain-a-weapon mechanics with equipment degradation. Like, Re-Deads are humanoids but they aren't in the game cause they don't carry swords and shields. It seems like the non-weapon enemies are in merely for the items they can drop for crafting shit, and they probably couldn't think of unique shit to craft over all the other enemy items for those extra various enemies.

Considering there are about 30 weapons per each weapon type, 40 armor pieces per head/upper/lower, and a gorillion head accessories then i dunno it kinda feels retarded that they couldn't figure more and different item drops for extra enemies if even half of equipment is craftable, so it comes back to the idea that they didn't bring them over simply because the monsters didn't carry weapons.

We lost a lot of traditional classic zelda enemies. But we got Lynels which could be pretty cool - we've never seen one in a 3D zelda.

>tfw I know deep down it won't work on cemu on release
>tfw still hopeful

>tfw I know deep down it'll be a sub-par game
>tfw still hopeful
>tfw no face

I'm guessing they haven't sent game shipments to stores yet? There's always a store that sells a game earlier or some employee gets their hand on a copy and eventually leaks it, so I guess they wanted to avoid that considering how desired this game is. I remember quite a few people got Pokémon X and Y early because some stores broke the street date.

Can you sit in this game like in Bloodborne or in Hyper Light Drifter?

You can sit at camp fires to accelerate time


>want to come to hype threads and just discuss what I want to do gameplay-wise and watch cool webms
>spoilers fucking everywhere
I don't care about people wanting to discuss spoilers, but I feel like we almost need another thread for it. There's gonna be some asshole who's just too lazy to use spoiler tags.

the game is only desired cause Nintendo refused to let on how little content was in the game.

Bill Trennen did an interview with IGN a week or two ago and on the show he was asked "did you feel like you showed too much at E3" and he kinda went a little sad looking and went "ye-" then tried to change the topic.

they showed every single shiekah slate rune magic at E3 - like that was it man, it was those 5. And thanks to the datamine of code flags we can see there isn't a huge variety of monsters and no apparent "traditional items" to speak of, not that anyone shouldn't have missed it by the straight-up lack of any assignable item button on the actual controller.

I'm glad this datamine came out cause I don't plan on getting the game anymore, at least not until it's dirt cheap or second-hand discounted.
They were really going out of their way to hype this up to be some huge zelda game but in reality the only things huge about it are the amount of armor and weapons and the size of hyrule - nothing else really fit the bill.

You're better off just going dark for a few weeks, honestly.

Since there seems to be a lot of confusion: It is *impossible to know* whether "everything" is in there, and that also requires you to have a consistent definition of "everything" etc...

That list was just "the strings in the code binary for the update". Stuff could, or could not be missing from it. No way to know.

Or, for example, here's the complete FST (filesystem) dump for the update: pasteguru.com/149654 -- and that's *definitely* not complete, though there's no way to know exactly what's missing.

I have my Switch and BOTW as I mentioned in another thread the other day, someone else I know also got theirs early

So some people definitely have theirs already

I know, but 3 days is just too much time to completely avoid things about this game. I think this is the first time I've been this hyped in at least ten years.

I've already had a few things spoiled for me, but thankfully they seem to be pretty early on. Definitely not endgame twist material.

I can only hope that Nintendo makes up for it with weapons, sidequests and clothes/armor.

The lack of enemy variety and traditional items really has me bummed out to the point where I'm witholding my purchase until a few weeks from now. On the other hand, I'm fine with the amount of Sheikah Slate runes, since they're pretty much the game's equivalent of spells.

you can beat the game in three hours, there is very little content

The WiiU version is in short supply and while it's easy to leak a game early, an entire console is a bit more difficult

This was the only thing that I wanted, now I need this game even more

First poster in the thread is a shill. Impressive.

Have you actually played it?

Really? I've heard previews saying that they went to the first dungeon after 25 hours

I saw that interview, and he didn't try to change the topic at all. He said "Initially we thought we might have shown too much of the variety and that people would prefer to discover these features on their own, but we decided that we left enough out for it to still be intriguing, especially since the demo was only in such a small portion of the world."

Stop telling lies.

yes, I'm a reviewer

I'm ready for the hype train to crash

You had one job op

>And thanks to the datamine of code flags we can see there isn't a huge variety of monsters
where is that datamine?

Crash right into my penis.

I sure am, I'm ready to climb some Ubisoft Towers™ to reveal my map, and play Grass Cutting and Tree Chopping Simulator™ 2017.

Who else Hyped for Zelda: Open World Ubisoft Meme Mechanics and 1,2, Switch where I can
>feel the ice cubes
>1, 2, runway
>Shake the soda


How much were you paid to give it a 9.5-10?

Mad as fuck

I wasn't paid anything. I have to return everything before March 5th

>And thanks to the datamine of code flags we can see there isn't a huge variety of monsters and no apparent "traditional items" to speak of, not that anyone shouldn't have missed it by the straight-up lack of any assignable item button on the actual controller
well, we know the master sword is there, so at least that. You also have the glider, the kokoro leaf, etc. We are missing quite a few, but how can you be sure they are not there? Other items such as power gloves, heavy boots etc, can be there.

you can speedrun the game

You really seem mad for some reason

Do you feel pressured to give it a 9.5-10?

Also, what's the ending and are the dungeons decent? Do shrines get repetitive quickly?

You can do that with any game, numb nuts.

I know you can run straight to the final boss, but your chances of defeating it are slim to none.

Mad hyped to cut grass and enjoy unlimited™ environmental™ interaction™.

I bet you can even cut trees down and push them around! What glorious madman dreamed of this level of pure undiluted gameplay?

>But that's not all
Climb one of the countless Ubisoft™ towers to reveal your map and expose even more activities™!

You'll be bashing literally retarded Bokoblins on your way to the next Ubisoft meme in no time!



You do realize you are likely replying to a fanfic right

Gameplay kino.

I'm a Sonyfag and I couldn't care less about HZD. I just hope the wiiu version runs well cause I ain't buying no fucking switch.

Those PS2 graphics

My God

Yes, but let me have my fun. You never know.

Really though, who hurt you? This seems just excessive for a normal shitposter

if I ever want a chance at receiving things from Nintendo again, it's best to leave a good review

>ugly graphics, massieve downgrade (ubisoft tier even)
>no plot that deserves to be called plot
>open world meme, collectatlon, ubisoft towers, ...
>confirmed crap AI (zeldai.webm)
>bad frame rate
>not even full HD
>pop-in everywhere
>ugly and bland enemy design
>day 1 DLC
>difficulty mode locked behind said DLC
>amibo bullshit
>need a DOA overpriced and understocked console to play it at a resolution above 720p in the year 2017.
>no reviews before release, the biggest red flag of them all. All good games have early embargo liftings and "leaks".
This game will get paid reviews, game-starved nintentoddlers' praise but will not attract any new Players.

Not worth a (you) DESU

I think he knew in the back of his mind that they blew their load on the shiekah magic when it was all but described as being the virtual replacement for traditional zelda items aside from the Bow and whatever magic fire rod they showed off.

As we know, magic rods are just swords that can be swung but also shoot magic when swung, and a boomerang is just a curved blade that comes back to you when thrown unlike other weapons that fly one direction when thrown.

It's hard to imagine what other "items" they could have fudged into the weapon layout. Clearly there are hammers in the game, but they're in the Lsword weapon-type and begs the question whether theres any further significant differences built into each individual weapon in a weapontype to say one thing is better at doing a certain action than another thing, or if there will be puzzles that require a hammer.

idk. seems like they did show too much. I was expecting more shiekah magic to be in the final game and got a little down when i saw only the 5 we recognized in the code dump. I'm sure combing every inch of Hyrule will be interesting in itself but, like as far as a "Zelda" game goes i don't feel like its hitting the marks that previous games have.

So apparently you can parry with your shield now by doing a shield bash just at the right moment of an attack. That's pretty awesome.

I heard you can only knock back octorok rocks with a parry. They'll be trickier than usual, then.

Really though I'm just overwhelmed with energy and excitement for this year's most cel-shaded grass cutting simulator.

I wonder if you can see the grass you cut from the top of the Ubisoft™ towers; can you draw a gigantic, interactive penis in the fields of Hyrule only to gaze majestically down from your Creative™ Ubisoft™ meme design upon it and revel in the glory?


Wew lad, Sonyponies out in force tonight.

Sounds like someone's butt is battered over the inevitable future of HZD being curbstomped by Zelda.

watch videos for hammer footage
>boomerang is just a curved sword that comes back to you
Wut. I mean if you put it that way, a bow is just something that shoots tiny swords

>Ubisoft towers
They don't reveal points of interest though

hey now. I didn't say anything about being a *>>PAID

This was literally in skyward sword. It probably was in TP too. ever since they got away from directionally angling your shield starting with TP they had to add extra functions to it and ever since TP there's been a shield bash parry thing.

I got news for you, two equally garbage Ubisoft™-meme games don't curbstomp each other.

They're both just garbage.

Not everyone's a sony-pony, you shameless shilling retard.

The Zelda Leak General on /vg/ is on some Sup Forums shit, they tracked down the facebook of someone who got the game early and are harassing him and his family until he leaks the .tik