Why don't you own a PS4 yet?

Why don't you own a PS4 yet?

I do! :D

I pretty much just use it for netflix, though

i have a gtx titan i7 build

why would I want a ps4?

I do; I use it to charge my phone if I can't find my wall charger.

>"""""""cinematic""""""" experience that sucks hard both as a movie and as a game and hasn't even come out yet
>don't know what it is
>who gives a fuck about Spider Man
>action series that has now become boring and is going for the """""""cinematic""""""" experience shit
>another """""""cinematic""""""" experience that sucks hard both as a movie and as a game
>don't know, but I can tell it's shit because the devs can't design a female character that doesn't look manly
>same as above

I do, but the only worthwhile games on it are Let it Die, Bloodborne, Yakuza 0, and Gravity Rush 2. Most of the western exclusives like Uncharted 4 are great tech demos but really boring and generic.

I own one and out of all of those games I want spiderman and tlou2
I'd say god of war but it seems like they're going the botw open meme world route and I feel like it's gonna be shit

If i bought a ps4, how many of those in the pic could i play right now?

Aside from Deadpool, I don't know who any of those are

I do. Played Bloodborne, now waiting for another game to be released.

the only game there that won't be garbage is spiderman

all the games I care about are also either on PC or ps3.

Same. Making PS Plus a requirement for multiplayer was a huge mistake. Fuck Sony.

The three games on the right are sjw, cinematic garbage.
What are the chances of GoW turning into that shit too?

I do but that's a fuck load of shit you have right there.

TLoU was a pretty good "game". They're definitely dropping the ball with the sequel, though.

Only one of those games in that picture are worth a shit.
I'll let you guess which one.

Because I have a PC

not enough weeb games

I sold my PC.

Oh wow I didn't know you can play all those games right now exclusively on PS4™. Better go pick one up then.

I do, but I'm currently playing Skyrim on my Xbox One, so I see no point in turning it on.

Also, how long are we supposed to wait for greatness? It's been nearly four years now.

None of those games are the reason I brought one, do you even own the console?

>not on PC

why live?

exclusives and portability (sort of)
every other aspect of it is pretty shit
like psn is an awful service compared to steam

Because I own a PS4 pro.

>greatness awaits
Well they got the waiting part right
Getting sick of e3 showing off projects 2 or 3 years before the productis ready, sometimes skipping over them entirely between years

>All that western shit

I already own a PS4 but not for those garbage games in your image op.

I have a PS4 but the only 3 games I have for it are multiplat.

I own a PS4 and couldn't care less about any of these.

these new super ultra consoles should be going for higher framerates

>owning a meme console
I bet you have PSVR, too.

Is fucking anybody interested in Biker Zombies?

theres only 2 things that look good or interesting on this list
and Death Stranding and considering how little we know about the game and how it plays I'm expecting a situation either a little below or great above phantom pain dissapointment and cut content althought i still would like it to be good

everything else looks like crap

I was interested when watching the trailer, but then he runs straight past the whole horde of zombies and it just went poof.

Well actually in some games you can pick between 4k or higher frame rates.

Because I don't want movies

I own a ps4, Xbox One, and soon the Switch. I don't need a gaming PC.

I own one but it's all I own as far as current gen. I dont own a gaming pc so I get more use out of it than Sup Forums does.

i own a ps4 and don't want any of that trash

Why would I want to own one?

for everything except spider man
they somehow chose the worst possible angles and pictures for every character this looks ugly as fuck

Not one of these games appeals to me. Not fucking one.
Add to that the fact they also all seem to e targeted at nu-males and sjws, it's not hard to see why.

>7 unreleased games

greatness, 4 years and still waiting

I'm not a retard

Other than Bloodborne and Nioh nothing interests me that I couldn't get on my PC

Not enough games that interest me. Paid online is a big no-no, too

Because greatness is already here

I don't have any money lying around. Can't pirate a console or even a PC to justify pirating everything else.

I'm not interested in identity politics simulators

*cancels your games*

>Greatness awards
>spiderman game

amen brother.

>numale Kratos

>the only two interesting games are the ones we know next to nothing about

I'm 28. My first console was the NES. After the SNES, so from 5th gen on, I have purchased whatever PlayStation system was on the market. Except this time around. I have yet to buy a ps4 because frankly I'm not impressed with anything this gen has produced yet. In all honesty last gen sort of sucked too, so I think, for the first time in my life, I'm going to sit a generation out and hope it gets better.

It's pretty hard not too when it and the xbone have like 95% the same library

Same. The """next gen""" games dont look any better than what the ps3 and xbox please fix me did back in 2005-2006. Maybe "better" framerate, resolution, and more data for those cutscenes but nothing that couldnt be done 10 years ago. I have a feeling console gaming won't be a thing in the next 5 years. All the kids are on PC or mobile now.

I'm not buying a console for two games.

name one thing cinematic about spiderman games

i play both i dont do that us vs them shit you are doing

>above phantom pain dissapointment and cut content

We know now that phantom pain cut content was due to kojima and konami's strife

With Koji doing it on his own dime now i dont expect there to be any corners cut due to time constraints/money issues

The framerate.

I own a PS4 I bought it to play Godzilla, Infamous and soon Persona 5 but I haven't touched it in many months and haven't bought a game since Gravity Rush HD

Because I'm not their target audience, this is.

not a argument

Also, I think you missed the joke here user.

still not a argument fuck off retard

That guy is playing on PC though...

You enjoy silky "smooth" sub 30 fps games/b movies?

Not a single game in this picture even interests me. Except maybe Kojima's game. Can't say for sure until we see gameplay.

It's called a joke user.

i have a pc so dont care gets most ps4 games plus way maybe with any controller am good and free online

Reread what you just posted and then kys.

I do and out of those games only Spiderman and Death Stranding interest me
Currently it's a Bloodborne, Nioh and Yakuza 0 machine. I'm enjoying these games a lot but I feel the library is really lacking to be honest. This gen just sucked overall.

hay retard just because you fell for the every game is shit Sup Forums meme doesn't mean everyone did


yea you saw a lagging stream of some guy rushing thew the game so you know everything about the gamer

hey retard just because you have shit taste doesn't mean everyone does

>announcing how much of a weeb you are on a texan rabbit skinning forum

ok kid go on and cry about you have nothing to play on Sup Forums and i will be having fun playing games

yeah, you saw e3 scripted/streamlined sequences so now you know everything about the game.

Goes both ways, fact of the matter is, what ive seen thats bad (cutscenes, animations, VA ect) outweichs what ive seen being good (graphics)

It doesnt help that ive never liked killzone, so as a developer, i have no reason to assume it will be good. Dont try to lump everyone in as a mindless hater, it is justifiable to be incredibly sceptical at this point.

Because i didn't want a bloodborn machine when it came out.

>cry about you have nothing to play
Ha-ha, not even fucking close. I have literally over 100 games backlogged.

None of the games in that image appear to be good. The only ones I'd have even slight hopes for are Spiderman and Death Stranding but we know very little about either so I'm not willing to count them.

What games are worth it then?

you are some stupid fuckers

Well i liked tlou and GoWIII so i think the majority are worth playing.

my dick in your ass


Sorry i dont want crap games weighning sony down when there are plenty of better game to gloat about. You can shitpost all you want, but showing HZD will not make anyone jealous.

>tfw one of your good friends is the lead programmer for days gone (zombie biker gang)

Feel bad for him since the game hasn't gotten much love, he's a swell dude but the game does scream generic unoriginal garbage

Bu I'm not faggot like you.

>the next kojimbles ruse
>uninspired zombie game
>another Spiderman game that will be broken but charming but not worth it
>unnecessary sequel ruining the previous entries
>unnecessary sequel
>don't even fucking know the last two, I think far right is another new Tomb Raider? A sequel to a decent game that ruined the characterization of the iconic protagonist

>Kojima meme shit
>Looks cool
>Looks cool but almost certainly not exclusive
>Cinematic movieshit
>cinematic movieshit
>Literally who
>Literally who

>another Spiderman game that will be broken but charming but not worth it
Broken how exactly? It's an entirely new development team too. (Insomniac)

Good games.

I'm waiting for FF7. Other games can wait.

I do, but I've been using it mostly to watch Are you afraid of the dark on YouTube. I recently got Nioh tho.

Because those idiots have yet to deliver a sweet custom themed Ps4Pro.

FFS, I waited for FFXV, Nioh, Horizon, Mass Effect. Nothing got any joy.

The only answer I've gotten is "Hardware still too pricey, maybe later".

At this point, I can see myself not having a PS4 until they drop the Slim Pro version.

Hell, I even purchased on discount 5-6 current gen titles since release, and they are dusting on my shelf, unopened.