Battleborn thread

>Overwatch will be dead in a month
>multiplayer only
>no creeps, no progression system, what braindead
>microtransactions lel
>bland and boring artstyle
gg ez

But it is dead. It can't break 400 people anymore.
It's peak playerbase was 10 months ago with 12100 people playing.
It is financially and critically dead, Randy.

someone post the picture of the thread that had more unique posters than battleborn players

[citation needed]

>twitch views = total players

that's a low effort meme friendo

SteamDB stats.

If Lirik would play Battleborn the game would have 20k+ constant viewers.

Twitch viewers are only existing for big streamers. The game is completely unimportant.

Look at Overwatch when no big streamer is playing the game, then no one watches the game (Just look at how many streamers have 0 viewers and you understand). Overwatch only had so much "hype" because of shilling Blizzard employees who were Fake Fans and paid big Streamer.

try harder

Don't have to. Got the facts randy. Your game is shit and nobody plays it.
Now go back to shoving Duke into everything because that is the only way you are going to make any money anymore.

Are you talking about overwatch or stillborn. because i thought you mewant overwatch had less than 400 players which is obvious bait.


Only people who are visible and playing on PC are shown.

Hey where is the Blizzard statistig of the 15 gorrillian players constantly online? Don't tell me they are only in their mind :^)

>Overwatch will be dead in a month
hope this is bait

Was talking about still born.
You expect there to still be many people playing blunderborn on consoles when For honor and other Multiplayer games have come out?

>Sup Forums has gotten so contrarian to the point where it will unironically defend Battleborn

Overwatch is all but dead tho. Blizzard pumps insane amounts of money into ads and it's barely even relevant anymore.

Blizzard just needs to do one of their publicity stunts again.

Like Dva has a black bf or something.

Except it's playerbase is at a record high and is only continuing to grow.

Overwatch is the furthest from dead it's ever been.

so you are saying that you were not baiting and actually beleive this?

>Overwatch only had so much "hype" because of shilling Blizzard employees who were Fake Fans and paid big Streamer.
overwatch got so much hype because of a god tier marketing campaign, because it's blizzard, and because they used the disney/pixar artstyle

are there any actual NUMBER or PROOF of the player base of Overwatch?
I'd say there are like 100k pple playing average

ye there is, overbuff keeps stats of active players. this comp season it was around 130k active in eu and 130k in us.

i know this thread is b8 but battleborn has like what, 50 people now?

>Only people who are visible and playing on PC are shown

aka the only platform that matters, especially when it comes to shooters


Hook, line and sinker.

>i don't know which character is going to be gay the next time i log in

>"Overwatch will be dead in a month" says increasingly nervous Randy Pitchford for the tenth time since release

I had no idea pretending Battleborn is alive is the new way to get a rise out of people.