Prove you aren't a shill. What is your biggest complaint about this game?

Prove you aren't a shill. What is your biggest complaint about this game?

Other urls found in this thread:

They're only releasing it on two dead systems.

the graphics are kinda ugly

Slow Mo
Stunlock invincibility
The draw distance and framerate

That it's on a dead system and a weak tablet

Looks like a more interactive Skyrim with a Zelda coat of paint. Neat, but I'll always feel like I've played this before.

The white tint that is everywhere. What the fuck were they thinking?

no replay value

it's not on pc

durability is fucking gay

The season pass. Everything else looks amazing to be honest.

focus on open world and not on dungeons

it's not out yet

This. I feel like the game is being held back. I still think that Zelda looks incredible but it isn't what it could be

I'll just list off all of my complaints, I don't really have a single one I'm prioritizing.

It's open world with MGSV style small settlements with very little going on in them every once in awhile on the way to the bigger facilities that they haven't even shown anything from yet, they went with a very small number of dungeon items that you use throughout the whole game, they dumped all this money into the physics while somehow not being able to show a single original concept with it

Also everything about this. Voice acting quality, story quality.

It's not a Switch exclusive. People on Sup Forums genuinely think the Switch will thrive when one of their biggest intellectual properties can be obtained their on last gen console.

I'm buying it on the Wii U

Kind of a spoiler, but I don't like the ancient tech aesthetic. It would probably be fine if it was just an element used to accent other design themes or for just a few areas/enemy types in the game, but from what I've heard allegedy every single dungeons/shrine share the same visual style. It's kind of a bummer, as I liked how varied previous dungeons in the series ended up being visually. I'm worried that, because of the unified look, they'll all just end up looking unremarkable and just blend together in my head.

>Link doesn't have a cape for true traveling comfy
>apparently there are no infinite durability weapons, that's fine but even the Master Sword is vulnerable? the fuck?
>Zora's look like weird midget things
>great fairy is hideous

Best I can do chief.

That looks like it dips to sub-12

It looks so fucking bad.



this actually

That shitty cartoony artstyle and the meme open world.

Yes, and?

im worried the world will be generic cause of the open world meme, and not unique like in other games

that I have to buy a new system for it

that neither run 1080p at a stable 30fps, although this is mitigated by the handheld actually running stable at 720p

Here's a complaint: Flurry Attack is a fucking RETARDED idea.
>you demonstrated competence in our game, here's 5 free hits bucko!!!!

It's taking too long to release.

I can only afford three copies at the moment

And $299.

It's a fucking joke to all but fanboys.

The fog/washed out look in much of the game.
Like idk why, they've proved that in some areas it isn't there but for like most of the game it just looks gross.

garbage enemy variety compared to other zeldas.

Thanks open world meme...

ive seen this exact same webm in the OP of the comfy thread going on over herewith no framerate issues

colours a way too saturated

it looks like a PS4 game

ass with no gameplay

It ain't out yet.

I was just watching the Smashed Update last week just out of the blue. Shit still makes me laugh my fucking ass off.

It's the exact same webm, the framerate drops really hard when the explosions hit

Amazon won't tell me when I will get it.

I won't cancel it because they gave me 30% discount and one day shipping for free.

Still, I hope I don't have to wait a entire month to play it.

No option for original audio with subtitles.
A generation late in term of visuals.
No constant 60fps.

yeah I just noticed it, I had a hard time buffering this embedded webm for some reason so I thought you referring to that

fortunately that looks like it only happens when you don't have to control anything, so it wont affect gameplay

Honestly, so far, the only thing that bothers me is the frame rate issues. They've had so much time to polish things and the fact that it still has issues is pretty fucked, especially a game with this much money pumped into it. Just scale some shit back if necessary. Not like it's winning any awards for graphical fidelity in the first place.

Maybe give Best Buy a chance? Just yesterday my preorder went into the preparing phase and should hopefully ship soon. Might be able to still snag one there.

This. If you are going to cap at 30 FPS, at least make it a steady 30.

>Stunlock invincibility
Shit that looks bad.

No Japanese voice acting with English subtitles.
With the recent spoiler clip, the stupid faux British accent is getting on my nerves.
And the voices aren't fit for the characters.
King sounds too young. Zelda sounds too old.
If you think JP Zelda sounds too young, kill yourselves.
Japanese women naturally sound young, their JAVs on any porn site proves that.

That it only costs $59.99 MSRP, it should be double that with how good it looks.

The biggest thing I fear that the game gets boring after a while, that there is lots of copypaste content like skyrim or something. Also that there are hp and damage numbers so I fear that some the game is pretty linear if you don't want to get one shotted by enemies and need to hammer them forever.

Still day 1 buy though

I'm fairly certain there will be some sort of patch to fix framerate issues if they haven't already put it into the final release

kek what? this has to be bait

Yeah i agree that it can be frustrating , but that's one way to deal with hitstun. If you were'nt invincible you'd die of secondary attacks and such way too often, without being able to defend yourself

Then no one would buy it. Especially when you account for the cost of other countries like Canada where they pay $80 USD in addition to the fucking season pass, BoTW would flop harder than the Switch.

i can't download it yet

So basically you're a stereotypical weeb?

Untrue, it will be the biggest most successful video game launch of 2017. Mark my words.

How can I complain about something I haven't even played?
It isn't even out yet!

But it'd teach you not to stand around like a retard and let some shit ass mob throw a barrel at you? Even if the following barrels won't damage you, you don't even take fire damage or catch on fire from them which is pretty dumb considering a major mechanic is to set OTHER shit on fire.

This is what I was afraid of too but I've seen hours upon hours of botw gameplay and there are still things i'm seeing for the first time so I'm not too worried anymore

For a Zelda game, it seems very derivative of other open world games. For the franchise, it's shaking things up, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything new when compared to other open world games.

Yeah I hope so. Though, they talked about day one updates for the Switch and other things, so you'd think if there was one for Zelda they would have mentioned it by now.

For those with a sobbing women fetish.

>No Japanese voice acting with English subtitles.

Why would they not include this in 2017.

I would've loved the option as well. I don't understand Nintendo sometimes, they go out there way to make their games region free only to gimp certain versions out of optional language settings.

Perhaps, it does have a lot of hype going around it but it is launch title. If it didn't have the WiiU audience to back it up with their version, it probably wouldn't even be able to beat Horizon's sales due to how much of an install base PS4 has. I imagine even if everyone who bought a Switch gets it (which everyone who gets a Switch will buy it), it'd sell 2-3m over the course of the year for the Switch.

Battle music for one, its pretty boring as it is now.
However the main big one I have is the number of generally empty areas I saw, particularly in mountain ranges and snowy terrains.

Well it's pretty clear nintendo is banking on this Zelda selling a shit ton of copies so I really doubt they'd allow terrible fps for the final build

Art style is shit. The 2012 Wii u tech demo had a much better style.
Wish they evolved twilight princess semi realism rather than te skyward sword cell shading.

So why don't you just import?

Maybe to keep the size of the game down? Maybe to jew the voice actors? Maybe because outside of anime watching autists most people don't like subtitles?

I'm just shitposting son, I don't give a shit about the switch or zelda. Sorry that you replied seriously, I thought the first comment was obvious bait.

I fear there won't be enoguh story and enemy variety

I also fear thet there will be some triforce hunt or tear drop hunt like in WW, TP and SS. That shit ruined the games.

I also fear it will make you fight the same bosses 4 time like in SS.

Then import a Jap Switch with a Jap Zelda if it's so important to you dumb faggot.

I shouldn't have to import a game just for a minor thing like this. It won't hinder my enjoyment of the final NA product, but it should've been there from the get go.

No, I just find Japanese voice acting superior from a direct comparison. There's a reason why their VAs are treated like celebrities over there while in the US they're run of the mill trash.

I'm not crying dramatically with one tear coming down my cheek as I'm seeing the kingdom I've lived in all my life come down. Ugly sobbing fits the moment better.

Real, desperate crying looks ugly, not pretty.

>enough story
Let's be real here, has Zelda ever had a truly amazing and in depth story once. It'll get thrown on the back burner like most of the other ones.

Don't forget the tear bursting into pretty little fragments from her eye as she buries her head into Link like some fairy tale.

not being able to stable elk mounts is lame
also no durability meter aside from the weapon blinking red in the weapon select screen

Fair enough and I agree but it's like Persona 5, some people imported that months ago because it was that much of a deal breaker so if you're not prepared to import it really can't be that big of an issue.

>I just find Japanese voice acting superior from a direct comparison

Yes, they should give the ip to ubisoft so it gets what it deserves.

>a generation late with visuals
It's nintendo, they haven't been up to date with visuals since SNES

anyone have a download link for the wiiu version yet?

That they won't produce enough copies to keep up with demand, yet they made more than enough copies of games like pokemon sun and moon, mario kart and fire emblem.

Never mind the open world ubisoft tower idea that's been done to death, or content locked behind amiibos on top of a season pass for a "single player experience" that Nintendo swore they would never release an unfinished product.

This, I want to keep my elk. Maybe there is a way to keep them but we haven't seen it yet?

I haven't played it yet.

You can't ducking put deer in the stables.

Though it is called a horse stable... but still I want to go full Ashitaka on this shit

I don't know because I haven't played it yet

I dunno, I haven't played it yet.

That there's no .TIK out yet.

Doesn't mean I have to be OK with it.

Not enough of the Master Edition. It sold out under a nanosecond.

Stamina. Specially gliding stamina. It only adds frustration.

>underpowered nintendo system in 2017
>looks like Skyrim for kids

They said they took inspiration from Skyrim in earlier developer interviews.

That immediately tells me they're just going to focus on marketing (which worked pretty well, there's hype even though the game got leaked) and then deliver something so mediocre that it will permanently ruin a series.

>implying skyrim isn't for kids

fucking awful graphics. I'm normally not a graphics fag but fuck everything looks flat and neon colored with no definition whatsoever

I don't have any because I haven't really been paying attention to the game and don't care

Most people that like anime are autists to begin with.

Plus, people like original VA's, because you know they understand it more than someone who's called in and questions why they're doing this as they laugh at all the manchildren picking up the game

>everyone itt will buy BotW.

All the kiddies need to feel cool and edgy by shitting on it, though.


>underpowered in 2017
But user they've been underpowered since the very beginning.

I've never played a zelda game in my life so I won't be buying it