This is the board that sent Nintendo a thankyou card


Other urls found in this thread:

I sent that thank you card.

I sent that card

i was here for that thread

this is fucking autistic but we're not all nintendrones here.

Yes this is why Nintendo fans get called indoctrinated.

Is this the power of drone autism?

THIS is what Sup Forums looks like?
disgusting, simply disgusting

You can see me picture in the upper-far-right, about four above the squatting guy's shoulder.

>"Thank you for the overpriced accessories, dumbing down or outright neglect of IPs, and draconian attitude towards fan projects, Miyamoto-San"

And nintendrones say Sup Forums is full of sony fanboys.

Nintendogaf is a fucking embarrassment


me on the upper left near the middle

wait a minute that card

Thing is, even after he was proven completely wrong, he will still defend the Switch with new excuses like "Power doesn't matter!"

You cannot reason with drones.

>They won't compete with the casual market

we sent that card, but-

It was for the last time Nintendo has done something note worthy. That was a good E3.

nintendogaf indeed

Power doesn't matter, though. It's how the PS2 won its generation.

this is the board that sent gaben a borthday card

Power does matter. PS2 was powerful enough for its time, even if there were more powerful competitors.

Let's make one for Sony and Microsoft. Valve / Gaben already got one representing the PC as well.

The themes shall be

- Greatness arri/v/ed
- You stung Sup Forums like a Scorpio

Don't forget about the crate that was locked and how they wouldn't give him the key unless he payed them

please don't. the nintendo one is cancerous enough


this was the best part, an actual clever joke


reeeeeee fuck off

It was well deserved, it was a great showing and when the games finally came out they were also great. And the treehouse stream threads were the comfiest things I've experienced on this site in a long while. I would have signed the thing too.

>Alison Rapp talking about Power of Women
>Mario Kart 8 trash demo
>only 1 third party game

To be he sold it/gave it away, wonder what was actually in it.

>This is the board that sent Nintendo a thankyou card to thank them for ADVERTISING TO THEM DURING TREEHOUSE E3

Fixed that for you. It's especially egregious because Sup Forums was literally bending over to thank them for advertising products as if they were doing it out of the goodness of their hearts and not just... you know.. running advertisements at a gaming convention.

It would be like making a Thank You card to send to Apple in order to thank them for putting together a tech demonstration of their new iphone. That's how ridiculous this was.

>tfw I took part in the Iwata get well soon card
>tfw when I didn't take part in this treehouse shit

Considering how much of a faget Gaben is, this is shameful

>It's not ok when it's for Nintendo
Sup Forums is hypocritical as fuck

I'm sorry you hate fun

Sonyggers seem to be upset that Sony has to pay them for their loyalty to shill their products, while Nintendo garners respect and devotion to where their fans do it for free. Such bitterness. Such patheticness.

Is asia truly the only place left that hasn't been hit by shitty immigration of millions every month?

You mean Treehouse

Nintencucks are the bootlickers of Sup Forums. They're essentially a cult that refuse to acknowledge a single bad Nintendo game or bad Nintendo decision. They literally deserve to be bullied and made fun of

And Gaben. And Kojima. And I vaguely remember people wanting to make one for Tameem for Donte May Cry.

During the Wii U era at that.

Wow, NG changed a lot. I grew up on that too.

>this garbage
>tranny meme issue
What the fuck happened to Nat Geo? I thought it was a scientific magazine, but SJW propaganda.

>Let's make one for Sony
Didn't Kojima get something?

Yes, here is the "thanking them for advertising" post I was looking for.
I wasn't involved with the card, but I really appreciated the way that Nintendo handled that E3. They showed a ton of footage for upcoming games, and they were actual gameplay demonstrations. Not pre-recorded, scripted sequences. It was really refreshing to see.
I don't think it was card-worthy, necessarily, but sending them some acknowledgement and letting them know it was appreciated was far from the worst thing that could have happened.

At the time, wasn't advertising actual games and not social features and other bullshit no one who plays games cares about sort of a strangely novel thing, after years of nogames at E3 from all parties?
Maybe I'm remembering wrong.

you have to wade through an endless stream of racism, sexism, homophobia, and general asshattery to find the occasional good threads. Even right now on the Sup Forums thread over the reactions over the NoA twitter, they're slinging shit over the fact that "normalf*gs" and redditors might come and ruin their secret club due to this newfound publicity they're getting.

It's really not worth the trouble to go to Sup Forums these days. /vg/ is where is at though. More focused discussions on the better series (like Mass Effect)

At this point I treat Sup Forums as just a (vaguely) game-related board to just go on for a quick dumb laugh or two and not something you'd remotely take serious opinions about anything from, while /vg/ is where you go if you actually feel like talking about video games. The two only really converge around E3 or a big video game event.

It feels kind of weird to see people talk about how great Sup Forums is when there's liberal use of racial slurs, anti semitism, and general horrible thoughts that populate it but suddenly they're okay because they made a card. Okay.

Nintendo did some fantastic work at E3, and I salute Sup Forums for showing their appreciation.

That nintendo e3 was fucking amazing.

>/vg/ is where is at though
spotted the retard.

And then this was sent later after they went full retard.

Yeah, Asian countries don't have over abundant welfare and it helps they're racist and don't tolerate laziness.

Nice pasta.

Yup, found it.

Delete this

As someone who's been on it for the past five years or so, he's really wrong. There certainly are times and areas that are better than others (which is where I flock to nowadays), but Sup Forums is usually pretty terrible towards each other, if not out of genuine malice, then out of the pretense that they should be terrible just to fit in with the culture.

This is some quality stuff

>It's not ok when it's for Nintendo
Sup Forums is hypocritical as fuck

I bought a NES in 1986, owned a SNES also, but once ps1 came out I was pretty much done with the kiddy games they make, I did buy a wii to hack and had a gba sp, and own a DS that is hacked.

I don't see myself ever buying anything nintendo ever again, their audience is for kids and nostalgia fags

I mean, I get it, I hate censorship too, but Nintendo has always censored, it's not exactly new.

this is the gayest shit i've ever seen, if anyone told me they wanted to play 1 2 switch i'd unfriend them.

(unless it was a girl I wanted to fuck, I'd fake having fun)

Exactly, Attitudes and trends change, and Nintendo has always been molasses to adjust to them.

Nintendo should not have made obviously salvaged Wii U titles to be Switch exclusive like Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2 and Xenoblade 2. You know considering how tolerant their fans have been towards the Wii U.

holy fuck I was there for that. I actually fucking forgot about that shit. Homie that brought the box actually charged Gabe $2.50 for the key.

I thought it was smart.

repacked games that no one played because it was on a 10 mil sold console.

Distract early buyers with that while they put all the effort on entirely new games.

I mean they also sent one to Gaben and Kojima, too.

Yeah and I stand by it. That E3 was phenomenal. A beacon of light in a sea of shit that everyone should have followed, most of all Nintendo themselves. Sadly it looks like it was a one time thing and E3's doomed to being shit for everyone forever

I'm pretty sure nobody had the balls to send this one.

>unfriend somebody because they wanted to play a game with you

10 million console sold but game sales are high to the 8+ million range for obvious titles.

Reminds me of Konami 2010

That was honestly the swan song of old konami, because they immediately started the changes after that conference.

a game? it's more like a simple task game, like tying a shoe, or brushing your teeth

how the fuck is that fun?

>tying a shoe

This is the board that had Kamiya unmask them for the bunch of underage retards they truly are.

kys cuck

Now that Scalebound is scrapped, I wonder if he is working on Switch.

Guys Nintendo promised to fix the desync issue in a Day 1 patch!

We should send them another thank you card

What's the problem here?

Yes in your liberal mind only Nintendo showed games, nobody else did the entire year

Because fuck statistics and facts, my feeling is that it happebed so it did

And? Sup Forums has sent out many cards in the past.

how did gaben smell?

What even made that year's E3 good? It was the first time they had their Treehouse Live shit right? I'm legitimately having trouble remembering non-terrible E3s.

>completely ignoring the card Sup Forums sent to kojima and kojima believed it was from his Australian fans

The worst part is it was a thank you because they really liked Nintendo's advertising not because they actually did some remarkable

>only Nintendo showed games, nobody else did the entire year
not what I said.
however I can see why you are attacking this statement instead. it is much easier.

So has anyone here got Alison Rapp's nudes? Or is nobody stupid enough to actually give her money?

that video took me from saying no chance to maybe I need to look more into this. If it is nearly as good as nintendo land then I want it.
Fight me.
its almost like we have our own opinions

>thanks australia
The tears of rage that day were worth every cancer filled thread on this board.

if i send a postcard to fucking zoe quinn does that mean Sup Forums is now full of sjws?

We cant stop concentrated autism until mods do their job.

Of course they do, let's not forget the Valve card.

>if i send a postcard to fucking zoe quinn does that mean Sup Forums is now full of sjws?
Depends. It could mean Sup Forums is now full of Australians.