I dont usually play crpgs but pic related sounds pretty promising is it worth playing?

I dont usually play crpgs but pic related sounds pretty promising is it worth playing?

so far every crpg has been shit so most likely no


Who are the writers for this game?

>hundreds of posts sperging about social justice shit

let's do it again



What are some better alternatives to this sack of shit if I liked Planescape Torment?

>no words about the game
>just Sup Forumsnderages spouting their shit as usual

Any word on the G A M E ?


From all time, Mask of The Betrayer and KOTOR 2. Recently, Age of Decadence and Shadowrun Hong Kong.

holy shit if that's not shoving your agenda down the throat I don't know what it is.

I backed that shit.

Quick rundown on Torment: Tides of Numenera:
>companions are cringy oc
>effort system doesn't allow you to make a skill check multiple times, if you lockpick doors a few times you'll have to wait 20 minutes until you can lockpick another one
>combat is very clunky and obtrusive
>artstyle is all over the place
>graphics are about what you'd expect from a CRPG from the early 00s \ late 90s
>dialogue falls shorts
>non-dialogue writing is okay, about the same level as POE

I wouldn't recommend it, not now anyway. Wait for it to go 80% off.

Ask me how I know you haven't played the game.

The assassin companion seems pretty cute.

Because you're a shill?

>Forgot to claim my key
>Go grab it
>Notice the pledge date was march 2013

where did the time go man, jeez

The women behind Tyranny

>Matkina is a stealthy jack who murders, and one of the companions in Torment: Tides of Numenera. Also known as the White Death because of her prowess in the art of assassination, she is another of the Changing God's castoffs. Her name means Blood-Dancer and no, she does not like talking about it.

>She has made her way as a killer and is now the most feared assassin in the Sagus Protectorate - the kind of ally you want with you, rather than against you. Her current focus is trying to figure out how to recover her memories - and, if possible, take vengeance on those responsible for her state.


No, because you (probably intentionally) misunderstood several posts from the previous thread in order to construct your list, resulting in some bullshit that would be obvious to anyone who actually played the game.

I'm not sure why you have such an autistic hateboner over a game you've never played, but then I guess this is Sup Forums after all.

I just really dislike the setting so far. I understand that its entire point is that it's Earth billions trillions year later full to the brim with artifacts from previous eras but this only sounds as an excuse to not care about integrity of any kind because you can write any bullshit you want into it.

jesus christ

he's paid to shill for PoE 2

which seems funny because I'm going to buy it regardless


I just posted my opinion, man. Calling negative opinions about a game wrong while throwing ad hominems about how I'm a racist drumpfard isn't necessarily helping your case.

>there's no mass media
>this means gender roles will be more diverse
jesus fuck who wrote this garbage

Obsidian and inXile are friendly studios though. Hell, inXile is using Obsidian's Unity engine for Numenera.

>Know how I know?
>Because I made an assumption abot you.

Damn, nigga, you sure showed him.

>this persecution complex

Good bye money.

Waifu material

>effort system

is this shit legit? this sounds atrocious as an RPG mechanic.

Legacy of Kain
Also point & click games, like Gemini Rue, Resonance, Technobabylon

No. It's a simple point-pool system. There's no 20 minute waiting bullshit on anything.

God save us

is this the PoE/PoE2 thread

about to start pirating Pillars of Eternity. Only CRPG I've played was arcanum. I'm torn on class, but I'd like to have as many buttons as possible

That still sound really shitty for an RPG, user.

What the fuck were they thinking?

What if the main character actually has lines to send these people to fuck themselves and to call pregnant males freaks and such?

>The white death

Jesus fuck it's like I'm 12 again

Yeah, but you know it won't

I thought his face had been photoshopped on in some kind of meme but that's actually what it looks like

>point-pool system
But why?

>Legacy of Kain

Numenera is the worst setting/system that inexile could choose for crog. It is designed from ground up to have a lot of back and forth interaction between players and dm, with handwaving, on the spot improvisation and such.

I mean the other two posts are pretty horrible but who cares if a VA is an idiot?
If you you put
>SJWs need not apply
in your want ad, finding actors would take a long ass time.

It's a role playing game after all... we'll have to wait

caves of qud if you like roguelikes at all, similar vibe imo

>black hair and dark eyes
what the fuck, "albino" doesn't just mean "pale skin"

This game will probably quickly fade into obscurity like Tyranny did

I've never played Planescape: Torment, Vampire: The Masquerade, or Deus Ex. What am I missing out on?


See , they choose wrong system because they thought it was the most outlandish setting that exists at the moment It is not

>rpg codex shitters pretending POE wasn't cringy as all fuck
>rpg codex shitters thinking tyranny was good

I'm thinking it will do worse than Tyranny to be honest.

Good games with terrible gameplay.

I'm NOT losing hope and already preordered.

due to rushed release schedule tyranny later chapters were a fucking mess though
I kinda expect something more polished if anything from this

Fun experiences.

>What am I missing out on?
if you like RPGs, quite a lot - if you don't like RPGs, not much

>confusing source material with the game

It's on steam

>Good games with terrible gameplay.
doesn't compute user

A game REQUIRES good gameplay to be a good game. That is the very essence of a game

Three overrated old games

More like due to a rushed schedule Tyranny is MISSING last two acts.

>expecting something more polished


Yeah, and?

>literally an image and soundfile of a companion in the game


>rpg codex not bashing NuObsidian
Back to plebbit, cancer

>I kinda expect something more polished if anything from this
the only reason they're releasing the game now - YEARS late - is because people are getting antsy about it

they've had to cut out a fair bit of content to be able to release a "finished" product

>being this obsessed with identity politics
I wasn going to pirate it to see how it is but now I'm not sure I want even that.

Sorry, lad.

Was for (You)

Maybe she does her hair, dum dum

What the fuck.

Please be fake, that's fucking awful.

>Current year
>Not going full retard with identity politics in vidya

>diversity makes for a better happier world

I don't mind them being creative with gender and sex expression.
What I do mind is how they seem to be being informed by new-age identity politics in doing so.
They're pretending to be creative, when in reality they're just implanting boring real-world made up nonsense, in order to make misguided snowflakes feel more validated by society.

The worst part being that odds are you won't have the option to turn it all down in their world.

RPGs were a mistake.

>not set in Sigil
>hardly anyone from the original team is working on it
Why is this called Torment again?

all women do their hair, except for the NEETs, i guess


I just want to point out nearly every modern TT game has a bit that says "gender discrimination doesn't happen in this world, it's modern attitudes" This has been the case since about 1974.

you're right
my bad for seeing vido games as a form of entertainment and not a vessel for political propaganda

As evidenced by this thread, there are people retarded enough to buy literally anything if you slap a relevant enough IP title on it.

If the game was shitty AND wasn't billed as the "spiritual successor" to PS:T, this game would already be dead in the water.

They had to manipulate their retarded fanbase for that sweet sweet dosh.

I mean how is it anything like PST?

Didn't realize no gender discrimination meant everyone has to be a genderfluid blob with a sexuality that sounds more like a new species than an orientation.

Only if you like core features and met stretch goals all being axed in favor of getting it out because their crowd fund was successful, but they didn't care, and their early access was successful, but they still didn't care. Now it's going to ship with axed features, lacking things they promised, that people paid for, and with tons of bugs, some of them game breaking.

Say what you want about Obsidian and Pillars of Eternity. In the same time it's taken Torment to come ALMOST come out, Pillars was funding, developed, released, met success, and a crowd fund for the second Pillars game finished with 400%+ of its requested funds.

Torment's development has been one long clusterfuck and the people developing it clearly don't give a shit about the game, they'd rather be working on other projects, and they certainly don't give a fuck about the people that gave them money given they've axed features and cut met stretch goals from the final release. They're all pieces of shit. I should have funded fucking Pillars of Eternity instead of this shit.

I wonder what is success potential for a crpg where the MC would be the Hero that goes on a quest to rescue the princess. Perhaps from a dragon or from a demon king. The setting is medievalesque high fantasy. Military is 100% men, women are homemakers. Family values. King is a wise, decent guy but not in best of shape.
Hero rescues the princess and is awarded her hand (regardless of what she has to say on the matter).

Next up, hero builds relationship with the princess which can be budding love, but also just friendship or even neutral or outright dislike and resentment, the marriage still stands. At this point the variables could make for difficult job for the third part. The game at this point could focus at relationship between Hero, the Princess (who is a non-combat character but can support the hero with pieces of fluff and gossip) and any allies he might've previously made, maybe with some court intrigue.

At the end, the Hero is now the King, with the rescued princess his queen and has to act on threats that befall his kingdom. Some of those matters may require personal touch and he leaves the queen and the court to run the kingdom in capital while he takes his guard or assorted allies to deal with shit like evil empires, demon invasions etc.

It's isometric. Has words.

As someone who owns a current D&D manual, you are correct, but it is nowhere near as ridiculous as Numenera's bullshit on gender.

Numenera is a joke amongst /tg/ because of how fucking insanely "progressive" it is meant to be.

No one says that, but it is clearly stated that no one discriminates based on that, if you add that into your game that's on your DM, not on the people that wrote the book.

D&D 3E and Shadowrun sure as fuck didn't do it.
White Wolf did some shit like forcing feminine as the default grammatical gender, but even they didn't preach about genderfluidity and garbage like that.

/tg/ are tryhard edgy wankers like 7/10 times.

"Oh no, they decided to inject something different... the horror!"

When does it come out? Today?

tfw I funded both
I need to stop even going to kickstarter, ever

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Nu-Men-Era is a shit IP.

3e quite literally did say very clearly that it's based on modern day attitudes. And shadowrun is literally cyberpunk where that kind of thing is normal anyway.

You fucking knobhead