Why the was the last thread just deleted? Dumb hotpocket munchers
Nioh thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>lets talk about a game
>we have to use epic ero art to do it though!!!!
why is the internet so boring
>overwatch generals in Sup Forums since release
>stop making threads about this video game that just came out!!
>only tortanic shitposting threads allowed
Great board.
the fuck does it matter if you do both
Post more Fuku.
There isn't a lot to post
High chance of irrrelevant posts demanding things such as
Is there anything actually interesting about NG+ or should I just move on to my next build?
Look what board you are on. That's all this garbage dump is.
those only serve to bump the thread along with the images, it's the pointless bickering over art that makes things go off the rails into nonsense
Nothing I've seen yet. Just a bit of a challenge and places to farm greens/gold.
William's a fucking trip in this.
>first time meeting Ieyasu's double
>immediately starts fucking shitting on him in english because no one will understand him
The fuck Will?
I'm pretty sure he doesn't realise it's a double and just thought Ieyasu was an idiot.
That just makes it even funnier. He knew Hanzo could understand him and he just calls his lord a pretentious idiot right in front of him.
just rescued muramasa 1 minute ago god I love this game and btw
>T H I C K
No man he realized it was a fake because the kodama fucked with him and he didn't even realize. Not to mention didn't have a guardian spirit of his own. But that cutscene is still confusing because the old man didn't understand Williams english but then understands him later on in the game...
Discount caviar thread?
>T H I C K
God white "people" are so fucking annoying.
the ass isn't even facing forward user come on, you're becoming meme starved and have 4 days to live
>open up 2kat skill tree
>only worthwhile thing is the rapid slash
why is 2kat so shit
nigger I'm from vietnam
Thiccucks need to be shot.
You joking son? The Wind God follow up if timed right is amazing and the heavy attack combos fuck shit up. Windstorm with the buff will fuck a group up hard. Plus there's the guarding poke to let you get inbetween combos on 1v1 bosses. Low stance DS sucks though. I never use the dodge buff.
that word is so fucking overused
Your middle aged meme faggots couldn't get through 1/4 of the game and were too retarded to use ki pulse. Using their joke makes you an incompetent retard by association.
sure you are white piggu
>posting characters from the game that the thread is about
I think the hardest part for me (granted I am still in the first area) is getting used to how much Ki Drainage/Pulse Timing with different weapons
They're inconsistent with the language thing, which is annoying. He speaks English to Sakon as well and their conversation never skips a beat.
So you need ps+ for coop now? I've been playing without ps+ till now.
PS+ was free for a few days.
Can a gaijin and yokai find true love together?
Is the occasional sexy pic that offensive to you? Are you from the Mass Effect thread?
Fucken lame dude. Not that i can't afford it but fuck Sony.
Just got to "The Ocean Roars Again" mission
what am i in for
If people can live with Tengu, I'm sure anything is possible.
you will never sniff Hino-chan
there are secret walls in this?
I only found out because the guy that summoned me opened a door using a gesture and used a gesture to stop the mimic
Ki regen while guardian is good for any heavy armor build. Most passives work regardless of weapon equipped.
I don't see you complaining about the use of "faggot" and "autism" on this site.
some walls can be blown up by hitting those large barrels with a fire attack, iirc they only show up in real nigga samurai mission though
it was a wall, the guy used a gesture, and then it turned into a demon thingy and vanished into the ground
You've been missing a ton of those, they started to show up since the Hino mission. Look for holes in walls that have eyes when you get close.
the second mission literally tells you about those walls, they have eyes and if you make the right color gesture they open, you can also just attack them.
Those are the walls with two eyes. You can get rid of them by hitting them repeatedly but get ready to fight
pretty sure killing them nets better loot
Oh, I thought the phrase of "the walls have eyes" was just a saying.
I didn't think it meant anything.
and these start appearing in the area where you fight the 2nd boss, correct?
Right before you go down the big cave. In the room with the skeleton archer and the yoki in the fog.
ya and I'm sure your own contributions were totally not off topic and non vidya
...oh wait you're off topic obnoxious blogposting about meta shit only derails it. hmmmm.
Not really. It's the same random bullshit. Same with Mujina.
That outfit is so fucking great and she's so fucking hot
must be rng because any time i emote them all i get are stones
Just finished this game (killed John Dee). What a fucking amazing ride. Loved every minute, it's everything I hoped it would be. Hopefully the inevitable sequel has more enemy variety and even more challenging missions.
The story is very simplistic in its presentation, but I don't see why people say it's SO BAD. Most characters aren't one note and they did a good job of portraying the lords of feudal Japan in various ways. I actually felt sad for William at the end. He had the chance to break away from that life of fighting, but he chose to go back because of his friends. I really liked going back to London dressed like a badass samurai. Can't fucking wait for the DLC.
that's the one the guy I summoned
but every stage after that one has these things, correct?
hip-windows are a precious gift to mankind
Is Way of the Strong essentially NG+?
G.I. rape baby pls go
Of you course you had to use this kind of pic for the op, why tarnish a good game with this shit you pathetic virgin
How does Kodama sense work? Is it an audio que or a map indicator?
Green dots on the radar.
You get dots on the compass/radar .
Yes, but I prefer making a comparison to Diablo II's Hell difficulty mode, since it changes the way you think of gear up until that point. At the point you unlock Way of the Strong, you're essentially just looking for green - Divine - gear, leveling them up to +10 I think, and leveling up your guardian spirits.
Yeah. There's also a third way to destroy the walls. If you get behind them, you can remove the seal on the back of the wall.
who was the one boss that you call bullshit on?
mine was Ishida
When is the pvp to be released
God, I hated these missions. Worst shit ever.
I've just got a lot of vidya to get through I don't know why fucking everyone had to release their games in the first quarter of the year so I wanted to be sure I'd covered all the story before I the game down for a bit. Fucking love this game and fully intend on revisiting it once I'm done with everything else.
Best waifu is flying cloth waifu
Let's talk about some details:
>William changes his underwear after a while
>Tome changes her clothes
The falling mechanic is really fair and shine in this game. You only fall if you're too close and dodging in or you're out of stamina on slipping.
>Kill a bunch of enemies
>Sheathing the sword makes William wipe the blood off with a swing
>Blood stains the ground/wall
>all of a sudden soul match costs 10 or 15 times as much as it did
let me help you poorfag brother: just make a new account with a temporary email and set it to primary, use the two free days they give you, so you can play online on your main account for free. when the free psn+ expires just make your main account primary again and delete the other one, enjoy.
I'm a bit sad they changed the cleaning animation from the Alpha and Beta, it was so much better.
should've saved those smithing points for the discount
I didn't see a soul match discount. There's a discount for everything else though.
>haha wow so much gold drops I don't need to worry about wasting it
>try to soul match 2kat to level 75
You need to unlock the second smith
The voice actor didn't know Japanese
I'm pretty sure in those scenes he's supposed to be talking Japanese
you have to save tome's grandfather first on some sidemission.
Oh. Guess I haven't gotten that far yet.
They could've have him read aloud the katakana
It would be authentic if it sounded shitty
Tips for the last two gank bosses?
>only 300k
Try 150 million
Soul match is meant for leveling up Divine gear and transfering. Shit sucks.
Before you fight Muneshige for the first time, you can go back to the hot spring and take a bath when his lover follows you. She will say something like "You can't be serious taking your clothes off in front of a lady!".
Was there a use to the amrita branch after the fat blob?
I have a headband with Kodama sense equipped but it's not indicating them on my map.
I tested it by walking around one that I'd already found.
What am I doing wrong?
Plus Hanzo goes back and forth between English and Japanese.
Toshiyuki Morikawa and Emi Takei both did some English phonetically, why couldn't Ben Peel do a bit of Japanese?
Keep Honda behind the rock as much as you can or just cheese them
You can shoot Oda to keep him down while dealing with Yuki, but with controller aiming it can be hard.