What are your plans for launch day Sup Forums

What are your plans for launch day Sup Forums
Did you get a pre order or are you gonna go hunting at midnight?

Depending on what time I'm off I'm gonna watch Logan and then scope around the closest Bestbuys, Walmarts, Gamestops and Targets to see which one has the shortest time/most likely to have some in stock

I took the day off and I have a reservation in the local store.
Usual morning schedule, then go to the store at 9 AM, pick it up, set everything up, and don't leave the house till Monday.

Did my orders online so they'll probably be at the door around noon, then play for the rest of the day.

Took of work Friday. I'll stay up late Thursday so I'll sleep through 'till past noon so the mail will be here. Then Zelda and Bomberman all weekend

local megamart by me said they'll have 60 switches at 7am so i'm taking my chances with that

I've got a midterm at fucking 9 am that so I dunno what I'm gonna do.

Is there any hope of getting it in the afternoon or am I fucked?

Go to BestBuy first thing in the morning to pick up my pre-order.

Then watch for the delivery guy until my second pre-order from Amazon gets here.

Why did you not pre-order it user?

not him but preordering shit like this online is too stressful
the shipment or delivery always gets fucked up in some way

I didn't think they'd be ALL gone.

And so fast too, christ.

Go to my last class before spring break and come home at noon to wait for brown to throw it on my porch.

Study, finish asap, and leave early.

My plan is to get Zelda for the Wii U and then wait until Splatoon 2 comes out to get the Switch. I can't afford to blow that much dough on both Zelda and the console right now, but there's no way in hell I'm waiting for Zelda. I refuse to get spoiled.

Heading into town at 10 to find me a copy of Zelda.

Then going home to vibrate out of my chair in anticipation for the package delivery guy that's going to bring the Switch.

Don't fuck this up amazon.

I've been reading nothing but "extremely limited stock" for non preorders for a while though, would they even last till like, 10?

So I don't have a pre-order.
Will I be able to even get one? or will it be fucking impossible? I live in a big city, midwest. I could get to a couple best buys, 5 walmarts/targets, etc in a day.

If i just hit the road friday morning what are my chances?

I get out of work at 8, I'll head down to a small gamestop nearby since I have shit to trade in and then I'll camp by.

Gamestop's apparently will have a few in stock ready to go

Best Boo and Gamestop are doing midnight releases, so exclude them if you're going in the morning.

I'm gonna camp out at Best Boo around 7-8 pm on Thursday, should get a few looks but who cares if I can get a Switch worry-free.

I'm gonna try to pick one up friday morning and if it's sold out I'll just buy the Wii U version of botw. Then I'll just wait until Odyssey comes out to pick up a switch.

I doubt the game will sell out.

getting it worry free means you pre-ordered it when it was available and it shows up at your house.

Basically the same deal. The shop is one block away and opening at midnight so I'm gonna turn up for the launch.

Then its all about getting comfy and spending the day with Zelda.

Might pick up fast RMX and snipperclips too. Snipperclips definitely, good co-op fun.

Ordered my switch and botw online probably going to be at my house in the afternoon sometime on Friday. Going to go buy some accessories such as a case and maybe a pro controller in the morning. Depending on the reviews, bomberman too.

enjoy spending all day worrying about if your package will show up and then having to drive to the delivery center st the last minute when you find out they never rang your doorbell

How hard to find is it going to be a couple of weeks after release? when I finally have to money to buy one

I'm just going to get the digital Wii U version of BOTW.

I'll pick up a Switch when Mario Odyssey releases.

Going to go hunting around Friday morning, got class later that afternoon.

I don't think you'll find any weeks after in cities, but I'm sure the next batch will be early next month, your best bet is probably obscure far away places

gonna get this with zelda and bomberman. will probably play some bomberman with family and then play zelda for the rest of the night

gonna be comfy as fuck

Oh well I will probably wait until Splatoon then.

I'm getting mine from amazon so it probably won't be here until 4 PM, which is fine since I get back from work at like 9.

are you that much of a man child that you're going to wait by the door all day till it arrives? You do know you can track shit via their website. If it does go back, just drive over there and grab it. It's not the end of the world if you don't get it Friday. Sometimes this whole place seems underage.

Gonna run down to my local Target that morning and see if there's a long line. If not I'll stick around and try to grab a Switch, Zelda, and a Pro Controller.

Gonna pick up my 3 pre-orders and then try and sell two of them to cover the cost of all 3.

Anyone else compulsively checking their amazon order to make sure it still says to be delivered on Friday?

Amazon was sold out of consoles by the time I got to it, so i'm going to go around and check out places Friday morning. Not really into the midnight shit.

There are a few stores around here that don't take pre-orders, so i'm going to go over there and hope to snag a console, a pro controller, and Zelda.

Got my pre-order alright. Fucking console better be good.

Got Zelda preordered for pickup because collector's edition, wibbled too long on the Switch itself and preorders ran out. I'll head to a local gamestop for midnight release and see if there are any left.

They say they open at 9PM to get transactions out of the way for midnight release, does that mean I should show up at 9PM to like, buy it before midnight, or would they not mess with un-reserved copies before midnight?

Probably won't sell you one but if you can spare the time it never hurts to be there early.

Niggers user. UPS fuckers regularly steal packages they said they delivered on top of some random fuck actually stealing it off your doorstep, especially in the suburbs where people think it's all safe.

Will stores like Gamestop and Best Buy have demo Switch units to try? That's really what I want on launch.

>not shipping it to a po box

Well we can certainly agree Niggers will steal anything and everything. I guess depending on where you live it might be worse. I'm in a glorious white suburb so it never is really a worry for me.

I plan on being the first person to shove a joycon up their ass

Picking up at midnight. Though I haven't really been to midnight releases recently I noticed they started handing them out on 12 EST instead of the local time zones 12

Probably going to be done with the game after the tik leaks on monday

Gonna go to the midnight release at Gamestop and hang around a bunch of my fellow nintenbabby autists and scalpers

It's do-able. I wouldn't mess with midnight release but I've got a 10 hour shift Friday morning. I'll show up around 11 and see how it goes.


>pre-ordering or getting the switch on launch day


>What are your plans for launch day Sup Forums
Shitpost on Sup Forums and laugh at drones who bought a tablet with no games that will have a superior revision model in under 24 months

so i can play vidya instead of complaining about people playing vidya on this fucking board.

My ups guy doesn't throw boxes and passes the paper bag test, but I had "friends" who would roll behind the truck and snatch packages from porches for shits and giggles back in the day.

>forgot to put in the day off
> getting mine in the mail
> fuck
>look st schedule
> usually work 1-9
>scheduled 7-2
Everything went better than expected

I don't understand it either. The first batch of consoles are the ones most susceptible to shoddy builds too, and generally fall apart.

gonna try amazon at midnight. got it set so i get emailed the second it is available.

So I can play video games instead of shitposting here

For dreamcast it was the easiest to pirate.

I managed to get a preorder from Best Buy, but only home delivery was available, I was hoping for in-store pickup.

The delivery guy better not fuck this up.

Best Buy charged my card today and the status moved from "authorized" to "preparing", I really hope this means they'll ship it tomorrow and I'll get it before Friday.

Cancelled after seeing how they Sky-rimmed Zelda, so disappointing.

How stupid do you have to be to preorder let alone buy a gaming device on the first day. Not only will they're be defects/bugs. There is also nothing worth playing. Why can't you wait a week, month or a year.

Post cancellation and a timestamp or I can't believe you.

>didn't preorder
>working 7 to 7 on release day
>payday isn't until the week after
>broke atm due to my A/C unit an heroing
>thought BotW would be Skyward Sword 2.0

What's the last time this happened except on the 360 (in which case it was never really fixed as far as I know)

The day before:
>buy some energy drank and snacks after work
>hit the gym
>get home and prepare to get up early

Launch day:
>camp the door for postman-san
>sniff dat fresh console smell as I unpack the switch
>pop dat card
>enjoy everything the plateau has to offer
>order 50cm pizza
>play all day

what videogames there are none

Yeah, it's not like theres a new Zelda that people have been waiting years for,
If only there was a game coming out that reviewers are nigh in agreement in saying could surpass Ocarina as one of the best of all time,
Too bad theres nothing like that

>Is there any hope of getting it in the afternoon or am I fucked

More than likely you'll be SOL my boy. Your best bet may be to camp out sites at midnight and see if any have stock to sale.

Got like half a week off of work but I will have to work friday and saturday. Gonna bunker down after that shit and play until my eyeballs pop out of my head and smoke copious weeds.

Going to Gamestop Thursday night for midnight release, just the switch and zelda from them. Ordered a pro controller from best buy which it says it'll be here the 3rd, the transaction in my bank account happened today and it made me super hype. Mail doesn't come till like 3:30 so I'll be using the joy grip for the first few hours of playing.
Also requested off work this weekend and when they asked me why I said I had to drive to PA (live in Ohio) for a funeral. Am I a bad person?

Have the day off. Pick up switch nice and early, get comfortable in bed and play some Bomberman. Then hop on BOTW while drinking some gin and being comfy.

Going to be nice

So quick question. When amazon has something for preorder, is there a selection of the stock that can not be preordered that is reserved for launch day?

>copious weeds

Fucking wish i could. Fuck clinical. I could probably get away with it but not risking it. Probably wouldnt even enjoy it due to paranoia

I'm gonna jack one from one of you manbabbies and yall fuckers won't do shit about it.

bomberman R and breath of the wild. Already double the games the ps4 has

I have one preordered from Amazon and it will be delivered on Friday. Once I get off work I will be setting it up and playing BotW throughout the weekend. Pretty excited desu.

My heart goes out to you

its sucks nut. Almost done though and ill find a job that doesnt random drug test pretty easily

Anyone have a good recommendation for a stand like this?

I have a grey pre ordered but I m going to try and find a neon. Pray for me anons. Also where should I look? I was thinking of Best buy midnight or TRU in the morning.

I'm going to make an attempt at ordering one the minute it's available on amazon at midnight.

Just hang it from your ceiling with strings, that's what I'm doing

Gonna play through it with a friend. We've played through OoT, MM, WW, TP, and SS together. Even with SS we had fun because he kept making fun of the game for being so bad.

Some third party would make a proper stand like that soon

Ordered the Switch at my local gamestore, but Zelda on Amazon. Going to pick up the Switch, than have to wait until Zelda arrives.

Pre-ordered it yesterday at my local multimedia store.
I'm gonna wake up at 7, shower and eat, drive there and try to be the first one to get his Switch and Zelda, maybe even a case.

>tfw getting it for 320€ instead of 400€ because they have a "buy 50€ giftcard for 40€ action"

>buying a console on with nogeams on release

Ordered three online. At least one should come through. Preordered Zelda at Gamestop b/c they've been doing some bomb ass trade in deals recently.

Unfortunately Friday will probably be a busy day at the office but I'll be doing my best to get home at by 5:30. Will probably do Zelda til midnight.

Zelda, 1-2 Switch, and Snipperclips all look pretty great to me. Besides, you can only play one game at a time anyway.

Think i'll be able to sell one for 1000 burger bucks at launch? Have an extra on preorder from Amazon

Doing a midnight release at Best Buy. Got the system and BotW preordered, debating on weather to buy Bomberman or not. I fucking wish Puyo Puyo Tetris was a launch title.

Cancel your preorder user, youfaggot.


>le preordering is bad meme
Quit spreading this reddit-tier myth. The real cancer are normies with no consumer awareness buying shitty AAA Western games during their launch period and then getting burned. Pre-ordering is only one factor of that and when it comes to new systems pre-ordering is your only option.

fuck panning the launch
im trying to plan out some shit to do to keep me sane while waiting for friday to come

Honestly? I'm just going to wait for the shortages to be over. I don't feel like going hunting for everything and there's tons of shit coming out around now that I don't absolutely need to play Zelda.

This guy gets it. Normalfags also have short memory and have no standards. Mass Effect 3? Hey, who cares. That game wasn't bad according to normalfags. You JUST didn't get the ending. And now Andromeda is hyped up by all the retards despite the fact it's been reported to have crashes and tons of bugs.

>literally game of the decade
>not worth playing