Updated list

Updated list

Which games you going to pick up Switchbros?

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Updated list.

Removed all ports and non-exclusives from the list.

still good

It's also a shitpost. You can't call MK8 Deluxe a mere port for example when it has new items and the ability to hold two items at once, new characters, new karts and parts as well as a whole new battle mode with new arena tracks.

Just ignore the guy.

It's the same game, with added content. It's called enhanced port for a reason.
Just like The Last of Us Remaster isn't an original game for the PS4.

>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade (if playing as a cute girl is possible)

Not sure
>Rime (I seriously hope this isn't some dumb tryhard-but-failed shit)

Yeah yeah and Zelda counts neither for the WiiU nor the Switch, right?

Let's just ignore the fact that Zelda on the Switch has
>better resolution
>better framerate
>better environmental textures
>better draw distance and less pop-ins
>better audio
>better load times

Hey has Nintendo said anything about the joycon signal thing?

I was thinking of picking up a Switch but I wanna know this has at least been addressed first.

BotW is a Wii U game and an enhanced Switch port. Again, enhanced port. Port.

>Just ignore the guy.

so setsuna and fast got moved up to launch huh? and speaking of setsuna is it any good?

it's ok

Yeah, Binding of Isaac is moved back a few days but Fast RMX, Snipperclips and Shovel Knight + Specter of Torment are now launch games

Yeah, and a port is better than anything on Xbox, PC, or Playstation

Zelda and Shovel Knight for Launch, Isaac as soon as it comes out

No one has brought up Xbox, PC or Playstation. Stop trying to deflect.

Look at all those ports lmao.

Shovel Knight and Zeruda, maybe Bomberman if Sup Forums plays together. I am Setsuna and that Fast game are on my to buy list but these games expensive here yo.

yeah but it's releasing at the same time, you can't really call it a port like people have played it before. more people are buying it on the switch


>Yeah yeah and Zelda counts neither for the WiiU nor the Switch, right?


Since when nintendildos care about graphics?

Bomberman will most likely have a few threads.I don't see them being huge though


Signal is okay

according to nintendrones, who treat their toddler skyrim like second coming

Only normalfags

we've had threads every day since it was announced

Fast RMX being a launch title is pretty exciting for me. That game looks really solid.

>Prioritises framerate
>Good visuals
>Neat use of rumble
>More content
>Graphics options for HDR and chromatic abbreviation on/off
>Adds what's essentially F-Zero mode where you use your energy to boost

For $20 it sounds like a deal. Don't even care that I'm basically shilling it at this point.

>Game isn't out yet
>I-It's the best game ever!!! nothing can c-compare!

Sure thing, little buddy! Your Zelda game is great!

Thanks, maybe I will just hold off for a bit longer, over here in Aus they are still readily available so it should be fine if I just walk into a store.

For the most part yeah, but I just don't want an unseen problem effecting my potential console.

>Good visuals

Remains to be seen, I can imagine board quality being an issue though.

That doesn't make any sense. It's only releasing at the same time because the Switch has fucking nothing else and they delayed the game to have something to put on the Switch. It's still a Wii U port. Just like Twilight Princess was.

>better resolution
>better framerate
>better environmental textures
>better draw distance and less pop-ins
>better audio
>better load times

So... The Last of Us Remastered?

Betyer thsn ps4

Officialy they only "Acknowledged the problem" and are looking at fixing it. There was also a leaker guy that said his source confirmed day 1 update fixes it, but I have no clue if he was credible at all.

The reviews are already out, critics love the thing and compares it to the best games ever. At the very least it'll be one of the best.

I'll wait until Q4 and get Zelda and Mario

I might get it earlier if Pokemon gets announced for this year

Yeah I'll just wait, I got games to keep me busy anyway.

If in a week or 2 everythings all good then I'll snap one up.

>Critics are trustworthy if they agree with me

I thought everyone knew critics were massive jews and shills.

Yes. I said good, not amazing or anything. They are impressive considering the hardware.

So whats up with no Smash?

Do you guys figure they will user a port at E3?
Do you think it will be out this year?

>best game of the decade that is exclusive to two Nintendo platforms counts for neither

you're a mongrel

>they're putting games on the switch otherwise the switch would have no games
your hare brained conspiracy doesn't change anything, it's still releasing at the same time. the problem with ports is that people have played those games before, this isn't the case with botw

im excited for botw but you sound like a total faggot right now. reviewers give good scores to total garbage. why are they dictating your opinion on the game? judge for yourself

No they would have said if it was coming out this year more likely than not.

I don't think we'll see a Smash 4 port at all, actually. A new Smash game is years away. I think 2020 at least.
Unless they remake/port Melee or SSB64 over or something in a year or two, which would be neat to hold us over.

No way it's gonna be this year, I'm guessing not even showed this year, probably E3 2018 and released holidays

It's not just the reviews, we've seen plenty of the game already. When critics praised TW3 for example I was skeptical, the game looked great but looked boring when it comes to gameplay. So when I bought a new PC I played through all of it and yeah, it was boring. The story was uninteresting and the combat sucked. And I really enjoyed TW2
See above..

People would have played BotW a year ago, had Nintendo not delayed it so it could keep the Switch from sinking immediately. Now, it'll keep it above the surface for a short while before the air runs out.

Aww man, I love some Smash but I totally skipped the Wiiu cause fuck that thing.
I'd be sad if I planned to get a Switch and Smash wouldn't be available sooner then later.

SURELY they would do a port of Smash right? I meant they can easily port some of their games to the Switch and have some free fun games ready that people were interested in but didn't play because they didn't want a Wiiu.

If they are porting MK8, made Splatoon2(although this is seriously like an updated port) surely they would release the Wiiu smash on the Switch.

Day One
>Shovel Knight
>Fast RMX

On Release
>Splatoon 2
>MK8 Deluxe
>Sonic Mania
>Binding of Isaac
>FE Warriors
>Fire Emblem
>No More Heroes
>Mario Odyssey

>Has Been Heroes
>Snake Pass
>Disgaea 5
>Rayman Legends
>Stardew Valley

Still really unsure if I should get Bomberman, doesn't seem worth full price...

>exclusive to two platforms
nintendrones are literally mentally ill

People also claimed NMS looked great, didn't turn out that way.

Stating that it's one of the best game this gen or even this year is just being a deluded fanboy, wait for it to release and give it a month then people will be able to give it to proper judgement.

>The Switch is doomed to fail without multi-plats
>It doesn't count if it gets multi-plats though
Yeah, okay.

If they were going to port Smash 4, they would have first announced it at the same time as the other ports. It'd be such a huge title that they'd announce it early, even if it was dropping in 2018.
I just don't see it happening since they've been quiet.

Day 1: I am Setsuna, Zelda, Bomberman, Snipperclips and maybe that racing game as well

For the year: Arms, that lego city game, MK8D, Snake Pass, Splatoon 2, Mario, Xenoblade

again, judge for yourself. you haven't played the game and most footage probably hides its flaws. what if the whole world ends up being as boring as the plateau? what if the survival elements are poorly implemented and end up being annoying? what if there really are only a small number of dungeons and they're just filled with puzzle rooms?

people couldn't have played botw a year ago because it would have been unfinished. it just went gold recently. they delayed it because of engine problems, not just because of the switch release. and the air isn't going to run out because they have a regular release of games coming out that will likely sell even more than zelda.

But they still got E3 to do.

Why are you arguing against a fictional person in your head, user?

by multiplats they only mean cawadoody
even though the wii u failed with cawadoody

>and the air isn't going to run out because they have a regular release of games coming out that will likely sell even more than zelda.
Name me one single Switch exclusive that will ''likely sell more than Zelda''.

>regular release of games

Still not sure if I'll buy it. But...
> Zelda
> Shin Megami Tensei
> Mario Kart
> 2D Mario
> No More Heroes

>Xenoblade 2
>Splatoon 2
>4 titles worth giving a damn about in 2017

It's fucking dead on arrival.

>all the problems with the system deter me from buying one
>the inner fanboy screams for fast rmx, zelda, and xenoblade 2

I should be exited for it, but whenever i see this list i just keep thinking "imagine all the game that will come out once The system is out"

Hah! Only retards thought NMS looked great. Anyone who's not an idiot knew right from the beginning that game was trash. There's no way they would deliver on anything. Nintendo has credibility up the ass, there's a reason why there's so many Nintendo games on best games of all time lists.
>you haven't played the game and most footage probably hides its flaws
Hide fucking what? Nintendo is very open about their games and talk about them without hiding shit. There's not a single time Nintendo has ever pulled a Bioware or a Ubisoft. Not a single time.
>what if the whole world ends up being as boring as the plateau?
Because critics have said the EXACT opposite.
>what if the survival elements are poorly implemented and end up being annoying?
Because Edge said it wasn't. Nintendo wouldn't even do that, forget about SS. Nintendo looked at the open world genre, played their games and fixed all the problems that plague open world games. Just tons of filler and there's nothing to do with none of the freedom. That's the reason why I still replay Super Metroid on a yearly basis, Nintendo has insane polish compared to other companies. They also had help from some of the best people in the business and they know what they're doing.

thanks for proving you're just a shitposter. it does have a regular release of games. after launch it has arms, mario kart, splatoon, fire emblem, xenoblade 2 and mario odyssey. zelda isn't as big as everyone thinks user. mario kart and splatoon are going to sell more

Weird how you think that your taste in games is so absolute that if a console does not follow it it's doomed.


You're the perfect example of what a Nintendrone should be, loyal just like a dog, and a pea brain to go with it.

You left Street Fighter II on there, user.
Also, Puyo Puyo Tetris should be removed from that list.
1~2 Switch isn't a game, it's a tech demo.

>Yeah yeah and Zelda counts neither for the WiiU nor the Switch, right?
You're starting to learn, user.

i don't mean hide in that sense, i mean hide in the sense that they deliberately aren't spoiling anything but that may be a double edged sword because you might not like the rest of the game when you play it. you don't know. don't trust reviewers, especially not EDGE since they gave skyward sword, gta 4, littlebig planet and rock band 3 perfect 10s like botw. who cares what reviewers say, think for yourself. is horizon zero dawn good because muh reviewers said so too?

Look, the Switch looks cool and all but you're deluding yourself. FE and Xenoblade sure as shit aren't getting released this year, and we will have at least a 2 or 3 month gap between ARMS and Splatoon and another one between Splatoon and Mario.

Guess we'll have to see what's in store for us at E3, although Nintendo's E3 strategy is to usually show off titles that aren't finished until the following year. It's going to be like the Wii U in terms of release schedule, especially after launch year.

>you're a mongrel
You're a corporate drone who does it for free, which is the worst possible thing you can be while posting on Sup Forums.
Take the hint: fuck off.

Zelda for when I get time alone, bomberman for coop with friends and snipperclips for playing with the gf!

Quietly excited :)

>although Nintendo's E3 strategy is to usually show off titles that aren't finished until the following year
all companies do this, what's your point

don't post like this

Sanic Mania
FE Warriors
Xeno 2

What a fucking great first 12 months desu

I don't care what they say about other games. I can watch those games and see they're shit within two seconds.
>think for yourself
Critics will generally praise most games, including turds like Undertale or GTAV. But there's nothing so far that indicates it's lacking in quality or polish. Sonyniggers are just out in force and try to downplay it because they can't play their games just as always.

Now show me Xbones exclusives for 2017

you're a fag and you're making us look bad. stop posting

Reminder that Horizon reviews were paid. Zelda is better
Amazing game, tight controls and emotional story
Buy Nintendo Switch and play Zelda.

should have posted the picture with the james bond villian

Arms is not Splatoon, user. It doesn't matter if someone drew some porn this time as well. Almost no one really cares about the game.
>Mario Kart
>Splatoon 2
Both ports of Wii U games. Not system sellers by any means. Nintendo will be lucky if they sell over 10 million combined copies.
>Fire Emblem
>Xenoblade 2
If you think these are A) 2017 titles and B) going to outsell Zelda, you are delusional. The fact that we saw no footage of FE at all, and considering Monolith Soft's bad habit of announcing games way too early in development you'd have to be really naive to think they're coming this year.
Besides, FE sells on the 3DS. That's where people go to play those games. They have yet another one coming out. Why would they want to buy a Switch? Xenoblade sales have been mediocre at best.
>Mario Odyssey
This is the only game that even stands a chance, but it's not coming until holiday 2017. That's almost a full year from now. What the fuck are people supposed to play until then?
I know that Wii U owners got shafted and had to make do with what they had for a very long time, but that's bad practice on Nintendo's part and not the standard for other companies.
It's like Nintendofags all have some form of Stockholm syndrome at this point.

>Breath of the Wild
>Splatoon 2
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Fire Emblem 15
That's it. Out of that entire list, that's all that I'd get on a Switch.

All those DQ games are or will be available on better hardware. Most of those multiplat games I could just get on my PC. And I can already emulate Shock Troopers perfectly on FBA.

I'll wait for the price-dropped Switch bundled with BotW.

splatoon 2
mario kart
sonic mania

didn't read lol
what were you thinking

Then don't respond to my posts. I guess it's too much to ask for to expect children to read anything that will both challenge their worldview and use higher form of the English language.
Don't reply to me again. I'm ignoring you.

Zelda, ARMS, Splatoon, Mario.

Bomberman if it turns out to be better than it looks. That's about it. Not thrilled with the overall selection at this point, I hope E3 brings some interesting, tangible third party announcements.

Assuming you're the original user I was replying to, I like how that's the only part of the post you actually bothered to respond to. "B-b-but other companies do it too!" What's YOUR point? I was saying that Nintendo's Switch lineup will have at least a 2-3 month gap in there somewhere.

It's hard to say how well Breath of the Wild is going to sell in the first place. It's
>the first open world Zelda
>on a brand new console that's never been seen before
>a console that's advertised the new Zelda like crazy
And then there's games like Splatoon and Super Mario Odyssey. Splatoon sold extremely well on Wii U considering the low user base and a game like SMO has more in common with SM64 than recent Mario titles.

No one has any faith in the Switch.

>What the fuck are people supposed to lay until then

Their 3DS which is still getting games? Or their PC? Or their PS4 or their (lol) Vita?

Do you think people buying Switch will ONLY have a switch and can only play it and nothing else?

It's finally getting localized? Will the Tatacon be good for once?

>Buy our brand new $300 console! You can play your 3DS or PC while you wait for actual games!

>it's a tech demo.

>It's the first open world Zelda

This is exactly what happens the Xbone, PS4 and every new system at launch ever.

The PS4 had NOTHING for 2 fucking years. It's only now getting a good run of games with Yakuza, Nioh, Nier, Persona 5 all coming out.

It takes years for games in development to come out

As a PC gamer I'll only be getting stuff that is either exclusive, or I think will be fun to have on-the-go.

Zelda, obviously.
Binding of Isaac. Would be nice to just be able to play a few runs without having to boot up the PC.
Mario Kart
Fire Emblem: Warriors
Mario Odyssey

I won't be buying a Switch right away, anyway, since I usually let consoles get a nice collection of games going first.

PS4 had a bunch of heavy-hitters like CoD. That's what everyone bought. The Switch has legit nothing though.

>It had COD! It had COD!