Is there a single game where INT is better than STR?

Is there a single game where INT is better than STR?

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fallout 1 and 2 i guess? its pretty much a must to do 10 int

Any game where the mage is OP?

This, mages seem to be OP in most RPG games

Baldurs Gate 2

Real life.


INT is worthless without CHR in real life

Mages are often OP in RPG systems, because their creators were usually nerds pushed around by jocks, so obviously if they associate themselves with intelligence and their bullies (jocks) with physical strength, guess which one is going be better in their game?


I can count the amount of happy intelligent people I know on one hand

Dedicated, hard workers win, intelligent people overthink and kill themselves

Choose your destiny

Post more naked wojaks

Yeah, but that's not the question.

>Dedicated, hard workers win

You haven't played much RPGs, have you?

It's a general understanding that physical attacks always outdamage magical ones near the endgame and in postgame.


leo clearly belongs in STR


INT relies upon CHR to be useful
STR doesn't need anything

STR better

tfw lifting and strong as fuck and I happen to be Taurus

Path of Exile

In Dark Souls Int is best

Baldurs gate 2

Mages are gods second only to late game monks

Anything D&D.

Sounds like you only play jrpgs

Try playing actual role-playing games.

Stop playing "RPGs".

Also in Morrowind you can make spells that kill everyone in entire towns in one attack.

Ragnarok Online obviously the mage classes for it's potency in SP(mana) recovery. But INT can be used as a modifier for certain abilities, esp when they are magic based. It's actually become rare to see effective STR builds, given the current nature of the game.

In FFXI INT can be used as a modifier for abilities.

What the fuck are Sun and Moon signs?

ACC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> STR = INT
Prove me wrong

Only in JRPGs, in most WRPGs that's flipped.


It doesn't matter because DEX beats both.

normie shit

>using the moonlight great sword with a INT and strength build
People forget the range attack but you have to repair it like balls every other fight

Deus Ex.
>Put everything into melee
>Get shot


>Sun sign: Cancer
>Moon sign: Scorpio

Y'all niggas ain't got shit on me and the big man upstairs.

>tfw go all in on Int
>Face the final boss naked because robes didn't stop him from ohko'ing me.
Worth it.


Well there's your problem. They don't even have "post game".
Only a few are actually worth playing.

KOTOR and New Vegas only come to mind at the moment.

>faith stat

You just linked to a post mentioning Morrowind and said "they don't even have post game".

You get New Game +, if you're lucky.

If he had the intelligence to match his dexterity, he wouldn't have died like a bitch.

You've got to be kidding me here

JRPGs have terrible post game on average because JRPGs aren't real RPGs on average. They're just grindfests with a shitty, linear anime story.

Runescape possibly Ancient magicks/Ice barrage

Yeah, but if youre smart, you can become charismatic, if you're dumb and strong, you wont.

Ranged>=Melee>>>>>Magic now.

Try Dragons Dogma, where beating the game blows a dungeon hole in your hub city.

Runescape is a bad example because of the combat triangle. It is generally accepted that pures are retarded.

The entire Fallout franchise, although Luck is by far the most useful.

Mages usually use WIS, not INT

Is playing video games INT or DEX based?

competitive games are dex and int

csgo, overwatch, dota 2, tf2 4 years ago

>using Western zodiac and not the superior Chinese zodiac.

>Mages usually use WIS, not INT

What are you basing this on?

If you're using mage as a general term for wizard, INT is by far the most common.

WIS is usually reserved for clerics or druids.

WIS primary, Dex secondary. Little to no Int involved.


That is almost never true. Traditionally, Priests use Wis, Mages use Int.

>They don't even have "post game".
yeah they prefer to put all content before you actually finish it and not lock parts of it for postgame dungeons
>mfw palying in star ocean 3 and realising that there's actual skills locked in postgame dungeons

DaS series:

On DaS magic is ok through the game and only gets more OP when you get the Crystal spells

On DaS2 every ranged char is OP now just imagine that with the insane damage output that magic has thanks to the freedom of build

On DaS3 magic start shitty but as soon you get to Profaned Capital It brokes itself atmost instantly, almost everything jobs to magic on that game (also FP system enabling crystal soul spear spam is the best of this game)

>STR without DEX
enjoy your retard strength that you can't even apply the way you want to I guess

you don't even need crystal soul spears in ds3, great heavy soul arrows cost a tiny bit of FP and fucking decimate shit
mages also have MLGS which is one of the best greatswords


Yeah I know, I fucking laughed my ass off when I finally got Logan's scroll, man I love the game because of that.

>not lock parts of it for postgame dungeons

Literally nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's what's good.
When you play a game the point is to finish it whole, especially if it's good. Who the fuck cares if main story ended.

More like magic rules endgame because of spell progression but physical rules post game because of rediculous Magic resistance on bonus dungeons and bosses

I'm physically weak, pretty dumb and kind of ugly.
What the fuck.

Ragnarok and most of other korean RPGs.

REAL LIFE, except you don't really have high int if you don't have anything to show for it.

Fallout 4 INT gives an xp boost. The higher the INT the higher the boost. So yea.

>being a Healslut


Epic level wizards can create entire realities where their evil is law while epic level fighters can hit really hard.


>People think mages are OP in most RPGs

From FF, to Elder Scrolls, to Fire Emblem, damn near every RPG I've ever played had physical classes beating magic classes. Magic is only good for buffs like haste by end game.

Who made this and did they even try?

Planescape Torment

Every single cRPG ever made
Divinity games
Drakensang games
Dark Souls in PvE

>locking fun content that you could use in main game for mindbogglingly boring postgame dungeons nobody but complete autists do in "good"
you have a horrible taste and thankfully postgame of this kind only exists in shittiest games possible

Sun sign: Gemini
Moon sign: Aquarius

Both are INT. I should be a genius. I do I keep failing at life? Fortunaly, I do have enough INT to understand that astrology is bullshit.

No user physical classes seems good because they don't have a slow start as mages because once magical classes picks up physical ain't got shit.

>and Elder Scrolls where it's not even true half the time
maybe you just haven't played many RPGs

>Elder Scrolls
You're joking, right? Even after the nerfs in Skyrim, they can stunlock you to death.
Depends on the game. Awakening Sorcerers broke the game in half. Also FE barely even counts as an RPG.

>Even after the nerfs in Skyrim, they can stunlock you to death
Not that guy, but doesn't Skyrim have that thing where all spells do a fixed amount of damage and are vastly outclassed by crafted weapons?

bullshit, look at Zuckerberg or whatever the fuck his name is. His CHR never rose from 0

And that is where you are wrong considering most rich men who got there through INT tend to be old, balding, overweight
CHA is literally useless if you have enough INT as a man unless you have some serious social issues

the lightning storm spell perma-stunlocks anything to death and with enchanting you can get up to 100% spell cost reduction

Sure, but what's the point if you barely do any damage compared to some guy just swinging a sword?
I mean, that's like looking at an RPG where mages truly are OP and saying "okay mages might have insane damage spells but I can just wail at enemies until they are dead with a wooden sword and they also die"

That was old world user, now every stat alone without CHA is worthless, I would like to be a teenager on the 90's and that was golden age to become a behemoth today.


This picture makes me uncomfortable. The dumb frog poster texture is weirding me out

Path of Exile

It's because it makes you think of exposed brain

fuck off retard


Literally nonsense.
What is this, some /soc/ tier meme?
People who get rich through INT alone only gain CHA after they have enough money to artificially enhance their CHA scores

alright goody

now make a fighter build in D&D that can stand up to a wizard

c'mon you should be able to do that right, even in 3.5

what? I'm just saying that magic>physical doesn't only mean bigger damage numbers

he didn't die like a bitch, he legitimately died like a fucking horror movie.