What games have the best sword combat

What games have the best sword combat

Preferably that you can play on a toaster
Pic not related obviously

Try Mount and Blade. Or Chivalry, which is less shitty For Honor

This kills For Honor fags

>Implying you need other people to play a multiplayer only game

>playing on PC

>tfw i said the game would be dead in 1 month
>tfw it took less than that


you do know those are fake stats right?

next you'll tell me the top sellers are legit too, fucking idiot


Just cause they're a lot of people playing doesn't mean it has good sword combat

Bold claim. Got any evidence to support it?

showing the number when the srvers were having an issue.
nigga there are like 40K playing right now on PC

Soul Calibur
Samurai Shodown

>Got any evidence to support it?

We've all seen how sometimes new games show up twice on the top sellers list, taking up 2 spots.

Thanks noble poster

>Thinly veiled For Honor shitposting thread

4/10 almost believed it.

I genuinely want an answer

>We've all seen
Ahh, It's like 2004 all over again, when people had no idea how to troll and did that very clumsily.

No, we haven't. And that's not an argument.

>fighting games
did people actually buy this for the 4v4 modes?

jedi outcast

you don't use steam enough

Then why the fuck did you post that pic?

It was just a jape mayn :(

It's all paid lists.

For Honor is actually surprisingly really good. I mean, every mode except the 1v1 sucks balls and it's filled to the brim with jewy Ubisoft micro transactions but if you ignore all that garbage the core 1v1 combat is actually really tense and enjoyable.

>popular releases
>show up twice on the top sellers list
>top sellers
Also, I can do that in CSS in like 5 minutes.
And what is has to do with player count anyway?

>Also, I can do that in CSS in like 5 minutes.

What does that have to do with anything? You can google it and will get results back for people seeing this happening.

>And what is has to do with player count anyway?

Shows you the steam lists are manipulated.

>eastside hockey manager
holy shit pcucks are this desperate for hokkei?

It sounds good and looks amazing when I watch videos of it, but every time I'm reminded of uPlay, p2p matchmaking, and microtransactions, I immediately get turned off from it.

>p2p matchmaking
Can someone redpill me on what this is and why it's a bad thing?

Before this thread becomes too shit, whats the best Mount & Blade game?

Yeah all of that stuff is pretty crap. The base game is so good that I can put up with it, but it really does bring down the whole experience. Also the fan base is pretty annoying with all their unspoken rules and honor codes.

At least the pay to win shit is only important in the dreadful MOBA mode and the 4v4, both of which I never ever play anyway.

The game doesn't have dedicated servers, rather the players are connecting to each other in every match.

So if one guy has a really shit internet connection, the game has to compensate for that one player's connection and everyone else's experience suffers as a result.

Warband, without question.

You don't actually join a server like your would in, say, an FPS like Counter Strike. Rather one player is made the host. Oftentimes that means the host has an advantage when it comes to things like ping or lag, but it's not a huge deal since it's not 2006 anymore.

Although if you're playing 4v4 in that shit game, you're already irredeemably casual.

>formatting bug
>12(13?) years old design
>must be market manipulations
huh. sure

>f-formatting bug


To be fair in the 30 or so hours I've played the game I've never seen that configuring session message, but I have seen a couple of instances of laggy movement.

I mean, if it were up to me I would solely be playing this game locally over split screen or LAN but those options aren't actually in the game so...

No idea why people these days don't seem to give a fuck about local multiplayer. I hate playing games online.

Oh no, people care. its just that devsfound out that local multiplayer measn only 1 person ahs to buy the game and more people canplay for free but if online multiplayer then all people mut buy to play

>mount and blade

When people resort to technical bugs there's a big chance it's denial, lobbying or any kind of dishonesty.

I don't know - I tried to research local multiplayer in For Honor before I bought it and Google came up with a bunch of GameFAQs and Kotaku threads where everyone was in agreement that local multiplayer is pointless and there's no reason to be unhappy that it isn't in the game.

You'd think that normies would be MORE annoyed that they couldn't play locally with their friends but apparently not.

Do I need to play the other games to get it or nah?

Chivalry is brilliant
Too bad it's so fucking old everyone's balls amazing or balls bad
and it's slowly dying

Mordhau when.

>deal full damage swinging sword incredibly slowly

>The RIGGED Steam Stat page shows the HIGHLY OVERRATED For Honor doing well, when really, Ubisoft is failing! SAD!


whats the reason Sup Forums niggers hate this game? i wasn't here for all that drama, actually i just dont give a fuck anymore i just come here for news now. but i would have thought v would have liekd it, or is it because its from ubisoft lol