>playing console games on handheld, anywhere you want in 2017
Am I supposed to be impressed? This has been a thing since, like, 2012?
>playing console games on handheld, anywhere you want in 2017
Am I supposed to be impressed? This has been a thing since, like, 2012?
Other urls found in this thread:
PC does it better.
>anywhere you want
Can it play mario though?
is there a way to stream games directly from my pc to vita
>anywhere you want
you mean only when you're range of the wifi network the ps4 is on right?
The method shown in the picture has a few requirements.
>Vita on version 3.60 or lower
>decent Nvidia graphics on your PC (because this just piggybacks Nvidia shield's streaming basically)
Anywhere in the range of LTE signal
And anywhere that you get mobile signal...
Enjoy touchpad R2, L2, R3 and L3
>having to get a data plan and have 2 different systems running specifically so you can play your damn games on the go
Nobody said it was an original idea. The Switch is just taking that concept and doing it right.
>pay $500 to play bloodblorne in silky smooth 15fps with input delay within 15 meters of your ps4
nintendo btfo
I played a lot of PS4 on my Vita but only when I was at a location with wifi. The Switch can be played anywhere no matter what the connection is like.
>stretching it to 16:9
>have to pay for this, plus a data plan, plus online
>to play games you already own
Now i guess i know why its called PS plus
>those decals
you have to go back
It still works without the grip. Also you already have to pay for online for your PS4, no need for Vita. Data plan is a given if you have a smartphone.
The Vita only got 3G
You use your phone
>Buy a PS4
>Buy a vita
>Now you can play games without l2/r2, input lag and video compression
>Drones talking about how "expensive" this is when the Switch + accessories cost almost 500$ or even more
>Switch 300
>Zelda 60
>user somehow always manages to get above 500
comparing the vita to the switch is comparing a campfire to a star. Ask me again when you can play skyrim on a plane
>PS4 250
>Vita 200
>4G phone 200-1000$
>Data plan capable of 1GB per hour ?????/monthly
lightyears away, probably already dead
like the wii u
>Charging grip
>You need a fucking SD card cause 32gb is barely enough for zelda
>Pro controller cause Joycons are trash and don't fucking tell me they are good enough.
But you get a console and a handheld both with their own exclusives.
>Like the Wii U
No shit? They're kind of coming out with a successor
You don't need an SD card for a physical copy, and we already know more than enough for a digital download of zelda out of the box :^)
Plus, if you're getting games on the Vita you WILL need memory, and we know how well those are priced.
I was thinking of doing this but L2/R2 and input lag puts me off.
>comparing a 2017 console specs to a 2011 one
>Charging grip
Not needed
>You need a fucking SD card cause 32gb is barely enough for zelda
Buying Zelda as cartridge is enough because of the faster loading times you dont need to install the game
>Pro controller cause Joycons are trash and
Using Pro controller on a handheld? Why would i do that?
>don't fucking tell me they are good enough.
They probably are
Like always : Extreme shitposting
>But you get two systems with different games
This is a negative point, though?
Why have two different systems with different games when i can have one system that gets handheld and console games?
Bloodborne has the same framerate as Breath of the Wild.
>playing bloodborne with literally touch controls
Sony lost a lawsuit because their shit was so deceptively bad
doesn't the vita force you to buy their memory cards instead of using a micro sd card? sounds pretty shitty to me
Not when its at&t only, and not when you cant tether either
So the hardware prevents you from having digital games unless you cough up cash for an SD card, same problem as the Vita but it's okay when Nintendo does it.
So your entire post is just "Y-you don't really need that" I bet you'd defend it even if there was only 1 Joycon and charging cable sold separately
This is just brain damage, how is it negative to have 2 platforms with their own libraries, but a positive to have a Switch with 0 library for almost a year? considering the only game it has (Zelda) is a multiplat.
>So your entire post is just "Y-you don't really need that"
Yeah thats right because you dont need it.
You said a Switch would cost 500+ and thats not true.
The console itself and the game costs 360.
This post can be safely discarded after the first line.
>Can't play and charge at the same time
>Have to use garbage-tier Joycons instead of a real controller
>Can't use digital games cause no space
Sure showed me, I realize my mistakes now, I'll go get a Switchâ„¢.
lol the playstation switch patent
Why playstation switch?
>Zelda 60
Zelda is 80, you dishonest piece of shit.
You can install Zelda BOTW out of the box and have space left over.
Your implied alternative is using the Vita as a PS4 controller, when it literally doesn't have L2 and R2.
And you won't need to charge when you're streaming through both your phone and Vita?
>"As spotted by NeoGAF user ponpo, the patent was filed back in 2015 but was only just recently published. While the controller pieces on the side look as though they may be detachable, they aren't explicitly shown as being removable from the device."
So the patent predates the Switch reveal?
that gif could apply to playstation fanboys and xbone fanboys too
Waiting on the day Sony removes remote play from Vita/Vita TV like they are every other feature.
It is applicable to Nintendo fanboys more than anyone else, user.
its understandable considering how fucking wide the psp got blown open for using sd cards
what isnt understandable is the fucking pricing on them
Why can't you resist shitposting at least once are you that fucked In the head from the sex change or what? Ur so fucking ugly and shitposting won't help you anorexic speecy cumt
idk about you guys but I'm gonna get Horizon Zero AND Breath of the Wild and enjoy them as their own games without comparing them.
Where the fuck are you getting 80?
don't tell me you're a fucking leaf
How much space will be left over? nothing enough for a 2nd game, no?
Since apparently it's ok for Nintendo to release a 70$ controller, I think a 35$ grip is fair enough.
You can charge the Vita while playing, no need for a charging grip, and the PS4 is a console, can't charge that.
The patent is for rumble in a handheld device, and the controllers are not detachable according to the patents. The gap between the controller and the body is for hand ergonomics so that you can curl your fingers around the grip like a normal controller.
So you can't really say Sony is copying Nintendo, interesting considering all the shitposting we had about "Evil sony!"
Most of the games available will be able to fit on the size left, yeah
Plus a 64GB SD card is literally 18$ on amazon, just try to compare that to the Vita memory cards.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: 7 GB
Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together: 1.6 GB
Disgaea: 5: 5.92 GB
Puyo Puyo Tetris: 1.09 GB
I Am Setsuna: 1.4 GB
Nobunaga's Ambition: 5 GB
>that decal
Nigga, this is like the blackface of video games. This is highly offensive to anyone with good taste. Fuck.
Also the Vita fucking sucks for some PS4 games. Not to mention you need a pretty solid connection otherwise you're not getting shit on it.
>I'm gonna get Horizon Zero
you dont have to be a nintentoddler to realize it's absolute garbage
at least zelda looks alright
>Since it's okay for nintendo to release a 70$ controller
You're literally describing buying a fucking 250$ PS4 and a 200$ companion vita.
I can't wait to pirate all those games thanks to cheap chinese SD cards thanks Nintendo :)
I have a hacked Vita and a good nvidia GPU
How to gamestream?
I do it already to my nvidia shield tv
Hey, that's pretty neat! Leave it to Hori to fix Sony's fuck up.
Yeah, and Nintendo's!
>USB micro
>Not type C
It would have failed.
You know you can charge the Switch while playing right
>at least zelda looks alright
Opinion discarded
It's a generic port, not defined as anything. That's how these patents work.
So how fast do you guys think the Switch will get hacked? My guess is as soon as the browser is patched in. Maybe even earlier considering Nintendo is not very tech savvy, they really depend on children and clueless soccer moms mostly. It's not like the PSP where people who knew their shit bought them for hacking reasons.
What if your goal is to play your PS4 games while at your computer because they're in different rooms
thanks user, added to my filter.
Normies don't actually know about it because they didn't buy a vita.
Someone released an unofficial remote play for PC.
Last I heard, Sony reacted and made an official one. After a quick google search it looks like they did.
The funny thing is if you remove the trip it just looks like any old shitposter
>all currency is American
>All currency is Australian
it's pretty fucking hilarious that companies like hori that basically exist to remedy problems with the big 3's hardware
ihome existed and was quite profitable for a decade off of things apple left out
I tripfag, namefag, and anonymousfag and desu like you said, my posts are almost identical to some of the other shit heads in here.
But it's not a console game on a handheld.
The switch is a gaming table.
There is literally no console.
Nigger why would anyone listen to you
You haven't even touched the thing
>The switch is a gaming table
Are you retarded?
It's true though.
The Switch isn't a console and marketing it as being able to play console games anywhere you go is smart of them to do but kind of silly when you think about it.
The latency is shit though. 150ms on best conditions is terrible.
Just play any generic vita platformer and make bing wahoo noises yourself.
Sorry sony fag but you have to be within distance of your ps4 so go kill yourself
>updated my Vita to play new games
>didnt get any new games
How much can I emulate with the vita now? And how is the Snes emulator? I've been thinking getting one, as there are a few games I'd like to play, r even though my 3ds backlog is huge.
A store close to me also sells a gameboy micro famicom edition for the same price, I've been wanting one of those for like 8 years now
playing ffxiv in your bed is comfy
Not if you only pay with m+kb
Yep, with the best d-pad too.
>mfw when I will be playing the new Zelda on my Vita via CemU emulator, downloading the game straight through their own servers
>Paid 50 bucks for a Vita instead of 300 bucks for Switch
Nintendo is so fucking incompetent