This game is so fucking addicting!

This game is so fucking addicting!
I bought Apocalypse, would you say it's just as good?

SMT Thread

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Apocalypse has good gameplay but everyone seems to hate the characters and the story, I though they were decent

I just bought it too despite Sup Forums saying it sucks. IV, not Apocalypse, I mean. So far, I'm finding it fantastic. I just got to Tokyo today, about 10 hours in.

Be sure to not choose Bonds

Apocalypse is a lot worse because despite improving the battle system in some ways, it ironically lacks the apocalyptic feeling SMT games usually lack by being more upbeat and anime-ish than other mainline games

Apocalypse has great gameplay, people will tell you the story is shit when in reality it's just more anime and underwhelming compared to IV
I'd recommend it highly if you liked IV

What said. Apocalypse has a tone of game play improvements (and some gamefreaking ones), but it suffers from the Persona 4 effect where Atlus puts too much emphasis on the cast's goofy tropes and them just enjoying themselves at random times. For example, the moment Toki officially becomes a non-temporary party member she becomes Rise and starts flirting or arguing with Asahi over whose closer to the MC. I'm not joking or exaggerating here. She literally goes from mysterious child assassin to acting like Rise and calling you her master. She even pulls an aigis and watches you while you sleep. It's like they wanted the waifu audience badly.

Apocalypse is far better. IV is kind of a piece of shit gameplay wise but they managed to improve it in the sequel. The writing is bad in both games.

Chaos fags need not to apply.


The non smt elements, I think, were an attempt to try and get the persona audience to help make smt more relevant
I think having a sense of comradery is possible in smt but was handled poorly in apocalypse
I think stuff like this adds something fresh to the series even if its not handled perfectly
they just need to tone down the goofiness imo

apocalypse is fucking shit, why the fuck is there a beach episode and waifu pandering in smt? if i wanted that, i'd just play persona

>game has beach episode and waifus

not him but that's just an example of them pandering. The game is filled with Persona tier comrodary at all the wrong moment and waifu pandering right after an event that's supposed to be tense. The beach stuff is just the easiest example... it even puts toki a Japanese one piece schoolgirl swimsuit. I'm fine with fanservice so long as it doesn't come at the cost of ruining scenes or a character's potential and the beach event literally makes a badass demon boss an afterthought so they could write the chars having fun in the beach, and have your waifus blush flr commenting on their swimsuits.

>beach event is only available through a dlc

>nobody is name calling
>problems are addressed and explained in detail, etc.

never was this post more irrelevant

It was the only Apocalypse related image I had for whatever reason.

>about 5 skills that you'd normally be able to get in smt and persona games are locked in SMTA's dlc because it's only obtainable from the boss demons. I'm talking about shit like drain light being locked to paid dlc but drain fire and all the other elements being unlocked normally.

the game is a shitshow. I enjoyed it almost as much as i enjoyed IV, if not more but it still has serious issues

I've played both games and have not even the slightest idea how Apocalypse improved or changed the gameplay at all. It's just like playing through IV again with the dungeons out of order and a bunch of dorky middle schoolers following you around.

I find that image to be bad in general due to the majority pf the SMT community appearing to share the same exact issues with IVA. You see it in v, vg, gaf, gamefaqs, reddit, discord, etc. That image makes sense for alignment or "P4 is too bright! P3 is better" taste arguments but not for IVA.

>I've played both games and have not even the slightest idea how Apocalypse improved or changed the gameplay at all.

>Dark and light skills aren't useless anymore
>Press turn system revamped
>Skills balanced (antichtan not bullshit op anymore)

And many more pros, but there are some negatives as well. The team attack system is absurdly broken.

Apocalypse was made with the intent of addressing the primary flaws of IV, which were the moral ambiguity, lack of focus on human characters, and Neutral being a pain to unlock. They didn't expect the people who played Apocalypse to agree with the Divine Powers, Dagda, or even like Navarre and Gaston over the others.

It wasn't that broken. The Power of Friendship wasn't enough to save the me and my demons from being wiped out by Odin's Will of Thunder+Concentrate+Thunder Reign Combo, or the back to back Merkabah and Lucifer fight.

>They didn't expect the people who played Apocalypse to agree with the Divine Powers, Dagda, or even like Navarre and Gaston over the others.

Indeed. They just made the same mistake they did last time by making Neutral seem like the only good route to go with, except this time there's A LOT less in law and chaos and they feel even more shitty. They didn't expect anyone to care about any of the other routes.

Bravo atlus! You completely made the alignment system pointless and fucked up the moral ambiguity even more by making all the other routes seem terrible.

Then ylu must be seriously bad to not see how easily it can be abused. I know the get gud argument isn't fair but this system actually handicaps bosses. Go into a boss fight with your team charged to max and you get 8 turns free, buffs(ghost), heals (isa/asahi) and good damage, and if there's a weakness to exploit you get 16 turns instead of 8 thanks to press turns. You fet 8-16 turns on average for every boss fight on the first plus buffs. Come on now

Kill your friends


The official explanation for Toki's bizarre behavior was inhaled too much Aether, plus got possessed by an ancient Sumerian Goddess formed by human's pregnancy fetish.

>Neutral never not being the one good path and the others being for autistic extremists

What the fuck series did you play?

Go play SMT II.

SMT II and DeSU wants talk with you.

I played all the SMT games available to us, something you clearly didn't.

Did i say it was random? I'm saying it's Atlus's worst attempt at shoehorning in waifu tropes.

I've picked nothing but friendly choices for Nanashi so far and I'm at the Krishna fight. Is it too late to get on the kill my friends path?

I honestly enjoyed Apocalypse more than the unfocused mess vanilla IV's story was but I seem to be in the minority.

Nah, you literally get a prompt option to do that later.

But you lose your all your items because you are acted like a cunt.

You can pick it regardless of your "alignment", but if you do it the pussy way Navarre is gonna call you out for being a bitch and will take your items.

I mean is it too late to pick some dick choices to balance that out?

It's the first fight, right?
You still got quite a bit of time IIRC.

>this what neutralfags actually believe

user you aren't even halfway there in the game.

Assuming that you are in Tsukiji whatever.

on what diff are you playin?

can someone just tell me the easy way to beat the minotaur i'm getting tired of this shit

>playing SJ
>all those "lol status ailments pray to random number YHVH or get fucked" bosses
Fucking kill me

1. Pray Walter isn't your partner.
2. Spam the fuck out of Bufu.

Get a party of demons of a decent level that all know bufu. Whisper bufu to yourself regardless of build. Save before you go in and reset if your partner is Walter.

You first buff then bufu.

Get some demons with Dia and Bufu.
Hope that Walter isn't your partner.

Yeah I'm fighting Krishna at Tsukiji Konganji. This is after the cutscene of Flynn killing Odin.

Playing through apocalypse now
I think it's great
I enjoy the camaraderie even if some characters have odd arcs


You are like 50% in the game.

There is a lot of things to do yet. I would recomend lower the difficult just to get the compedium prices to something doable. Then raise it again.

try to get the murder your friends ending on Apocalypse

I literally never got this complaint it is fanservice dlc for the few waifufags that are willing to pay for it.
If it it was part of the basegame I would have understood where you were coming from, but complaining about extra fanservice that is dlc is just stupid in my opinion.

I don't think switching to the highest difficulty midway through the game is a smart move because then I'd need to grind myself up even more.

The truth is that people are butthurt about losing to Mephisto

Ironically you have a kill everyone dlc and a actual fanservice dlc with all protags.

Bitching about a beach episode is pointless, even more because you can just skip to the fight.

On your second run user.

The swimsuit DLC is suggestive of the mindset that led to IV:A's obnoxious character designs in the main game, which aren't avoidable.

How are they obnoxious?

Scroll up and read the rest of the thread.

>tell mephisto to fuck off.
>fight him
>get him to fusion

Or you can just not buy it. On top of everything, Apocalypse is a what if scenario of the story.

Nobody is talking about the designs.

everything in SMT is canon because Multiverse

I want the next SMT to go full anime tropes and then give really fucked up reasons for how the characters act

Play #FE then.
Its unironically a good game. And better than purseowner.

SMT convinced me to minor in Hebrew theology


Why Metatron is such a faggot?

No user, I enjoyed it too.

Pray to RNGesus that his AoE attack doesnt crit. thats the only way to win

WOW, ok... I quit I'm done, what a bugged mechanic

>Equip some thing that nulls mind on healers.
>Never get charmed ever.

Its your fault for being shit at games.


I said at the beginning that I wasn't good at video games, that's why I played it on easy. But this is just a broken game mechanic.

No you are just shit at video games.

On top of everything protags are item-bots for a damn reason.

Remember to thank Gaston


Wow ok, I already said I'm shit. The next game took that healing shit out so that proves it's a broken game mechanic

This is your new Godslayer

Good goy

I want Tanya to be SMT V's MC.

>Loved SMT4
>Play Apocalyples
>Get flesh gated by the first real boss
>Stop playing

I'm a casual aren't I

This fucking pic reminds me of the ylyl banana

You mean King Frost? Get Magaon.

I'm okay with this.

>SMT I promotes neutrality too much
>Nocturne gates most of its interesting content behind TDE and fucking sucks Lucifer's cock the whole time
>IV and IV:A focus on neutrality a lot too, but mostly because of the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
>IV:A has you literally reject a god in the worst way possible

Pic related is me if you replaced ME3 with neutral YHVH fight

That's a dude

No, Sukuna-Hikona

I`d like to get into SMT.

I played Strange Journey and Nocturne but didn`t got that far since both the DS and the PC I played weren`t mine.

Should I buy a DS to play IV, and finish Strange Journey(I got to a garden place, kinda like a maze) or should I just emulate it?

And I have a PS2, should I just play Noc there or emulate it on my notebook?

Play IV. Naraku is hard but it's only there to teach you demon fusion. After that it's easy and that skill somewhat transfers to other SMT games

emulate strange journey and nocturne

savestates speed up the bullshit teleport mazes of SJ and fast forward helps with nocturne's abysmal walk speed

Oh. Fuse shit resistant to force/ice and with Zio.
No she isn't.
Finish Nocturne and SJ.

Finish Nocturne when you get a chance and then move onto IV If you want. IVhas a few convenience features that really make going back to the older games a little hard.

Did you just assume xir/xis gender?

Did you just assume *record scratch* pronouns?

I don't think I can finish my SMT I replay anons. The game's so slow, so debilitating. My emulator also barely makes a dent in the game speed when it fast forwards.

Yes he is

>tfw you got into the smt series because you're an FE fan and wanted to get ready for the crossover

a-at least i played some good games

Tanya is cute!