What's the best kind of coffee to drink while pulling an all nighter to play some vidya

What's the best kind of coffee to drink while pulling an all nighter to play some vidya.

Nothing beats a good ol double shot espresso

energydrinks and americano plebs don't need to apply

>ask for coffee
>they serve me hot coffee flavored water in plastic cup

Energy Drinks are the only appropriate marathon night time gaming session accompaniment

You're gonna have to fucking chug that Coffee nonstop to start to come close to the amount of caffiene and sugar found in a Red Bull or Rockstar. Let's not forget that hot beverages are shit tier for gaming because they lose heat over time and eventually become tepid garbage while you're playing games.

Black coffee. I like to mix my own with a bunch of stuff I got. Black coffee won't stain if you spill on the ground, stays nice and hot. Keep a bottle of water around and keep hydrated.

I used to pull all nighters some summers and go through my Keurig cups.

Great memories of playing some TF2 and New Vegas over the summer nights.

If that's a melitta coffee machine i think its the one i have in the kitchen.

weird to post that shit on Sup Forums

sugar is the clearest "im really fucking stupid" drug of choice. Next to krokodile.

Sugar isn't a drug you gigantic retard.

What kind of weak betacuck needs coffee to stay wake?

"hello this substance has 0 nutritional value and activates the exact same pathways as every other stimulant"

"its not a drug lol duuude"

I told you, it's a good way to spot the uneducated, and you show yourself.

I have Nespresso machine, drink cups on cups of that shit every day. Shits cash. Was comfy as hell with some morning WoW when I still played but Blizzard fucked that up for me.

Depends on the kind of game. For grand strategy a comfy masala chai would be the clear winner, while for competitive fun with friends you might want a dutch coffee/black tea energy mix.

>this substance has 0 nutritional value
Time to stop posting. Sugar is a fundamental need for your body. The only problem is if your intake becomes too crazy.

I'm fucking dying of laughter here. This coming from the guy who thinks sugar isn't necessary or real food.

The kind with lots of milk and lots of sugar, call it a woman's drink and I'll fuck you in the ass.

Black coffee is my choice. Never liked sweet drinks outside juice.

buy a macchinatta. i used to roll with a nespresso but macchinattas are just ultimate comfy quality coffee.

The issue is everything has sugar in it. So you pretty much has your limit on just normal eating. Same with salt too. It's not that they are bad for you but we consume enough in just a daily bases that just adding more is dumb.

Your blood glucose level is equivalent to half a teaspoon and your body can create glucose from other substances (protein).

Dietary sugar is absolutely void and not required by the body. This isn't debatable. Every health association on the planet lists Sugar (carbohydrate) REQUIREMENTS as 0.

Stop posting. you're very stupid.

Loved drinking coffee, but it wreaks havoc on my insides if I have too much caffeine.

Just read some people's Facebook rants and you'll stay hella woke all night, bro #staywoke

>You're gonna have to fucking chug that Coffee nonstop to start to come close to the amount of caffiene and sugar found in a Red Bull or Rockstar.

Uh, what?

>all nighter to play some vidya

Water and stretching so you don't crash.

Oh god I've become a waterfag

You're wrong about salt, 5000mg of sodium is the best point on the j curve for intake. That equates to 13 grams of salt or slightly over two teaspoons.

All this information is easily googled


T. Fatty who can't stop eating twinkies because "muh bodies neeeeeds sugar!"

None, i got to bed at a reasonable time to feel refreshed for work in the morning.

Yall cowards dont even smoke crack

French press.

I like fruity Ethiopian Arabica myself. Three doses.

Don't use hard water, spoils the coffee, and don't use water at boiling level, it should be barely simmering when you pour.

Earl Grey Tea

I remember when pulling all nighters for vidya seemed possible.

After doing nothing but working, going to school and looking into new hobbies, that shit just seems impossible now.

Tim Hortons boys ww@

I have no standards when it comes to coffee so I just drink the shitty instant kind when I stay up to play vidya or study. Usually I take it black with some truvia or whatever organic sweetener my roommate buys but once in a while ill put some caramel syrup in there

Hope you enjoy that heart attack.

I read some broscience thing once that supposedly some light anal stimulation is better at waking you up than coffee.
But I'm scared to try it because I feel that it's the first step into becoming a trap

I remember going to Tims, grabbed a extra large 1 sugar one time and spent the night with MGS V. Good time

>The issue is everything has sugar in it
Sure. That's why you have to watch what you eat.

But he's calling it a fucking drug and that's hilarious. Especially in a thread about Coffee/Caffiene which are ACTUAL drugs

>Dietary sugar is absolutely void and not required by the body
>Sugar (carbohydrate) REQUIREMENTS as 0.
Great. You have failed to make a sufficiently robust argument to justify your stance. Non of the above information is enough to justify your comparison to Krokodil or anything else. You're being a fucking wackjob. I bet your household was a fucking nightmare growing up. Health nuts like you always have a background of parents who did nothing but feed them granola and demonize junk food.

The sugar is a really important factor in their effectiveness. Not to mention all the additives. They are MUCH more effective. I'm a massive caffeine junky and it's basically night and day when you compare how effective a coffee is compared to an energy drink.

>Oh god I've realized that water is the fuel of the human body and that taking care of your body and properly hydrating makes you feel better than dumping a sugary caffeine drink into your body at every meal Im such a faggot

Water, Coffee, tea, and occasionally flavored drinks are acceptable tier.

Soda with the occasional fast food or when you go out to a meal if forgivable tier


Naw just buy a Bad Dragon and never share it with anyone. I wouldn't say it's great at waking me up but a just fuck before work with my boyfriend helps me relax enough so I don't get annoyed at work.

Just regular brewed coffee, preferably day old and cold with some milk. No kidding, I often drink old, cold coffee.

Espresso is for gays and women. Pour over coffee is for alpha males.

Hello newfriend who doesn't know about waterfags

I'm a caffeine junkie myself and I've found that certain types of coffee are much more effective than any energy drink.

I remember having a coffee shot they called Thor's Hammer once, which was some kind of espresso. That one shot, coupled with my normal coffee intake ensured I couldn't sleep that night.

I still do it rarely on weekends. Well not exactly since I always get some sleep but I stay up until morning at least.

This looks cool user, and the price per cost is definitely intriguing, but I'm useless in the morning and how easy making a cup of good ass coffee with a nespresso is was one of the major draws for me.

>asking for a heart attack
Don't do that

Whenever I pulled an all-nighter in college, I usually went for a jog when I started to wear down to keep focused. Seemed to help.

I think it's nice, it wouldn't be the same. Stuff you could do before so much responsibility. That came for me at 15, but I still play games when I can.

Katamari games are great for taking a night to finish.

>Implying im not a waterfag myself

Coffee and water is pretty much all I drink.

Gatorade right now but it's because I'm sick as shit

True you should watch what you cosume. But for the most part it's kind of dumb how much sugar is in everything. Milk, juice, bread, pretty much everything. So just adding more when you don't need it like coffee makes no sense.

I believe that. But average every day coffee is about half as effective as energy drinks in my experience.

>I'm a massive caffeine junky and it's basically night and day when you compare how effective a coffee is compared to an energy drink.
You aren't a caffeine junky till you stop noticing its effects and only ingest it to keep your head from hurting.

I've onlly ever done it for gta 3.

good times.

That's the trap of the coffee world, perfectly clean and demure cup of coffee

French press is the chad of the coffee world.


Instant coffee made fucking strong is the only answer

Four cups of coffee in the morning
Four cups of black tea at night
I see no problem here.

>makes no sense.
Have you considered maybe that they enjoy the taste?

>go to regular health check ups with my doctor
>every part of my cardiovascular system is in tip-top shape, even as I drink massive amounts of coffee almost every day

I'm not particularly worried.

Well that's to be expected. Add the same amount of sugar to a cup of coffee that's in an energy drink and you could compare them, though.

I assume, of course, that you drink your coffee black and with no sugar.

>Almost 500mg of caffeine
>Drinking caffeine close to sleep

>he doesn't have a Rancilio Silvia and a Rocky grinder to drink freshly roasted coffee


>French press is the chad of the coffee world.

As someone that collects every every items used to make coffee, that statement's a weird one.

The French press is efficient, easy to use and offers good results in day to day life. Not the best ever, but you don't always need the best ever.

Try at the very least 12 cups a day. Likely more on average.

>A shit ton of soda
>Caffeinated teas

Ill never get why faggots drink energy drinks. They taste terrible , have 10x more sugar on average then a soda and have tons of shit in them that shouldn't even be digested in the first place. Same can be said for soda/coffees to a degree but its just gross man.

coffee helps me sleep.

Water with some citrus in it (seriously)
Also, dont do all nighters, its bad for you

>drinking the caffeinated jew

>drink two cups of coffee
>pass right out

Drinking coffee at night is weird.


Something about that graph doesn't seem right. Finland is most definitely on top, but everywhere else I've seen this kind of data, Norway and Denmark have both been right behind, the former especially.

>I assume, of course, that you drink your coffee black and with no sugar.

Bit of brown sugar can be pretty nice in heightening the savors of some coffees.

Wouldn't put it everywhere, but it does work with some.

Yeah sugar and salt makes lots of things taste better. But the issue is there's a limit on how much you should consume. And in daily eating you already consume a ton of each. So adding another package is more harmful than anything.

Not everyone is American, dingus.

Coffee is just part of everyday life where I'm from, not seen as particularly adult.

There. Not sure how up to date it is.

How underage would a faggot have to be to make a post like this? I'm assuming this one's ~14ish

Haha someone made fun of my pathetic energy drinks and now im mad haha.

Daily reminder if you drink those things you're a sub human. I've never known a single person out of the many i've met/been friends with who drink them and have any semblance of intelligence or worth.

I like the taste of that. Nigga everyone knows all nighters are bad for you.

How long does that even take? I drink coffee twice a day daily but sometimes I'll just go a few weeks without a drop.

I hear about the headaches but that's only happened when I've had way too much.

Blonde roast is the most caffeinated drink you can get.

t. Starbucks cuck


Yes, sometimes us humans do things that are a detrimental to our health because we derive some sort of enjoyment or pleasure out of it.
It's not anymore complicated than that. If you do things in moderation you can have a little of both worlds, you can still live a long healthy life while enjoying the pleasures it has to offer.

Don't you mean expresso?

Like with most addiction it has lots of factors. How much you consume, your tolerance to the drug, how long you been using it, etc. For the worse part headaches only really last half a day and after that you are cured of the addiction. Since caffeine isn't that high of a addiction.

No, espresso is the correct spelling.

I have no idea. I had my first cup when I was 7 I think. At some point it became daily. It's some point it became an addiction.

American coffee is watered down shit. Where I come from, we drink coffee at like 5 years old. Black coffee should be strong and dark.

True but shit like sugar and salt have weird effects. Where we want to keep consuming them even after we had our daily allowance. So it's better to try to limit any extra of that when you can.

What's blonde roast?

There's no such thing as "expresso"

>at some point

>have French Press, V60, Aeropress and Nespresso machine
>still nothing comes close to the glorious diner coffee I had in NY last year

As a Yuropoor I envy you Americlaps sometimes

Boy I sure do love the taste of burnt

French Press and grinding whole beans is the best flavor for the amount of time you put in.
Any less and you are a dirty plebeian any more and you are an ostentatious faggot.
You can't disagree, you know I'm right.

Go read the studies. Don't listen to internet strangers. The science is available freely.

of course, you've never read a single medical study in your life.

You just have slightly higher tolerance to it just like I do. Can drink an entire pot then proceed to pass out.

>i move goalposts to defend undefendable positions such as "sugar is required in your diet"

I guess you need to burn that sugar somehow.

>burnt tier espresso roast
>not pleb

diner coffee?
you mean instant coffee?
just grab that shit off the shelf dumdum

It's a lighter roast of coffee bean. It doesn't roast as long as a medium or dark roast so more caffeine stays.
Yeah I know. I hate their over roasting process. It's shit. The only reason why I can take blonde

>espresso roast
>french press
You are doing it wrong

I do the French Press after work. Since when I wake I don't give a fuck as long as it's coffee. Which is why I use my timer drip to make it right when I wake up and have fresh beans to grind when I get back from work.

>American coffee
>DINER American coffee
What the fuck? Any diner in america I've been to just has the preground drip shit thats been in the pot for hours already. You either encountered an exception or have profoundly bad tastes in coffee user.

Regardless Yurope and Clapistan both fall short of the best coffee in the world.

The New Zealand flat white is leagues above any other coffee on planet earth. I hate that there's like 14 hours of flying between me and a cup of that tasty motherfucking shit