PC fucking when??
PC fucking when??
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Never ever, stay salty you fat neckbeard. :^)
When you learn how to use an English patch
what is this game even about?
Where the fuck is the PC masterrace port for fucks sake?
PC fucking when??
months ago
PC fucking when???!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
the only shitty RPG I want is Shining Hearts translated as I hate myself and the anime was a big meh but Phantom Queen Xecty gets me hard everytime
Reeeeeee PC FUCKING WHEN!?!?!?!?!?!?
The only game I want from the Vita/PS4 on PC is Hollow Realization.
I wanna go a stroll in the forest with Silica, feels bad being such a colossal fag.
Fucking DANG... is it time I pick up a Vita, bros?
The story is so fucking good!
virtual on tangram and gundam vs fucking when
Recommend me a good VN, guys
Will they ever bring rest of the Science Adventure to the west?
I mean Chaos;Child is rumored, but other than that what are the chances on official Vita Chaos;Head, Robotics;Notes and Love Chu Chu / Darling / Phenogram spin offs?
I really like reading VNs on my Vita, it's really comfy to use while I'm in bed
But I said good!
>tfw I made that pic and I actually loved Chiru
Try the House in Fata Morgana
Root Double
Zero Escape Trilogy (Rerelease of the 1st two games next month)
Ghost Trick
Chaos;Child is probably the most likely out of them all. It's newer, and it did well. Chaos;Head is too old, Robotics;Notes did too poorly in Japan, and the likelihood of those spin-offs getting localized officially? Almost 0, that kind of thing would sell like shit. You might as well learn moonrunes at this point.
> VN
Here it is : Youtube.com
Learn japanese, or Suffering and AI shitposting waifu. Mainly time travel though but you need to do the first one before.
>you need to do the first one before.
You literally don't though
the spin-offs are pretty close to zero IMO.
also power of friendship and villains that kill themselves so protagonist and pals can maintain innocence
standard anime
>all that normalfag mainstream shit
Fuck I really need to learn japanese for the good shit
You're about to get a shitload of commonly posted ones, but.
The zero escape series, beware of ZTD though
Ghost Trick
Hotel dusk and last window
Steins;gate and Steins;gate 0
and if you have alright tastes
root letter
Well, if you want to miss half of the point I guess you could do it without the first, yes. Very far from the optimal experience though.
No get a PSTV. They're cheaper. Also yell at Atlus about PC releases
Just watch the anime
>root letter
damn, that was great but too short, and the endings seemed to be rushed.
still great tho.
Also possible, yes. Didn't mention it because I'm too used at how Sup Forums tend to be annoying every time you mention animes.
Anime only has one ending, doesn't explain like half of the shit that's in game
Never ever faggit ;)
fuck. Oh well, let's hope that now that the Vita is hacked, someone will step up their game and we'll get more unofficial translation patches.
>You might as well learn moonrunes at this point.
I'm trying, it's fucking taking ages. I can read simple stuff, if I have internet access to look up like 3/4 of the stuff I see, but I don't know nearly enough to read anything longer / more complex.
Just get a PS4/Vita
>Animo shito
Fuck off weeaboo.
Best girl of the game, user.
>disliking Dang-it Ronpaul.
Best dog*
Best faces in the game in any case.
>draw a little girl
>call it an adult
why do they do this? Isn't 0 supposed to be super depressing and more serious compared to the original?
>super depressing and more serious
It is, the game has basically the tone of the first after the fun ends. You get PTSD Okabe right from the get go. Much like the first game however the tone didn't stop them from making a best girl. As for the loli who knows but she is adorable in the game.
It is, and it is partly because of this.
Note that for once the character isn't taken seriously because of this and it's a major pain for her.
ok doggy, go play fetch with the other doggies and you'll get a treat
what's her endgame?
Depends of the route.
She dies in one of them after going leeroy jenkins to save the day
Get with Okabe but is cucked by his memories with Kurisu, so badly he even calls her Kurisu in the post WW3 timeline.
I thought she got out fine and it's just Kagari who died by going into the secret basement.
I just want to run my fingers through her hair all day.
Bernd und Das Ratsel um Unteralterbach
The first ending I got was the most boring realistic limp dicked one, but I really liked it after going back to see the others.
They were pretty fun.
Thoughts on this shit
Well, I thought that way too but then Okabe never seeing her again and her leaving him like this would be weird. Then again maybe she felt guilt because of the whole deal, but Okabe not being able to contact her anymore after that looked like a death flag to me.
Those tiddies are ridiculous. And not in a good way.
>Thoughts on this shit
The tits are fucking fat holy shit
Where are the Japanese Shaman Girls
Just watch a fucking playthrough?
C;H but with a better cast
A;C will be Watch Dogs 2 but with a better cast
Right here buddy
i think pc port coming 2018.
Fuck you
Is Clannad a good VN?
you're the problem
Clannad is a very twisted thing
The main heroine sucks but her child is a top tier daughteru
How many fucking shaman girls edits are there?
i enjoyed it
but holy fuck does the plot move fast
A lot.
As many as the number of worldlines that exist.
Please understand.
Does 0 have good irl memes?
what a perfect character
This is the best one.
Remember: you asked.
I regret nothing
Is Root Double good?
It doesn't have Leskinen in it, so it's bad by default.
By the way I guess that aside from the two shops from before, we still don't have any real news about Chaos;child in the west?
You can get a PSTV for like 30 bucks I think
this desu
anime got shafted for the sake of S;G0's anime and it hasn't been that well recieved so we might not get it at all
>S;G0's anime
PC fucking when??
If anything I thought that the anime could be good as a giant ad for the VN. It's not that great, but that's the point, if it was S;G tier there would be no need for an game here.
but that's the magic of 13 eps anime. It ruins almost everything it meets.
Please circle the Japanese shaman girls in the picture.
Why does Suzuha look like she wants to off herself?