ITT: Embaressing shit that scared you as a kid

ITT: Embaressing shit that scared you as a kid.

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That's not embarrassing. Nigga was scary as fuck.

As far as I know, nothing in video games that weren't of the horror genre frightened me. I can't deal with the horror genre though.
This game over screen always felt like a jump scare.


That scene from Pee-Wee Herman with the truck driver

This shit scared the shit out of me as a kid, I ran upstairs and cried to my mom. Who then got pissed at me for knocking on her door like a madman while she was getting dressed and slapped the palm of my hand really hard.

I had totally forgotten about that haha I played that game with my cousin but if I was alone I know 10 year old me would've been scared no doubt.

Couldn't find anything less than a complete death compilation, but the moments where he slips and falls to his death scared the shit out of me for some reason. His spine being snapped or him being eaten alive did nothing but the black abyss underneath spooked me good.

There's something so eerie about old game over screens.

A lot of npcs in OoT and MM creeped me out when I was a kid. Some look horrifying.

Those are all pretty gruesome. They are all so quick and violent. I dig it.

video games

Majora's Mask is a borderline gateway horror game.

This asshole's laughing face when you lose to him. Mario Paint in general was weird.

These guys always scared the shit out of me for some reason.

Rare had the best game overs. Why don't devs do that anymore?

Holy shit Heart of Darkness made me shit my pants as a kid so hard
The whole atmosphere as well was so unsetting

This and the Witch lady from the same game always got to me for some reason.
Those old Pacman animations where he looked like he was poisioned just freaked me out.

Dude the Armadillo boss had me scared shitless for years for some reason

Saved me the trouble of playing DK64 so it worked out but still

Jumped and shit myself at the same time. While sitting Indian style.

words can not describe my fear of this as a child

mask that chases you in mario 2d

piano that attacks you in mario 64

giant chicken from the elmo movie.

Nothing embarrassing about that user. That's one of the scariest moments in vidya history.

Spooky that ghost dog from Luigi's Mansion
I barely remember it, but the way he suddenly charged and attacked me going RAWRARAWRAWR startled me so much I threw my controller screaming and started crying as I watched him maul Luigi

go the fuck away

>giant chicken from the elmo movie
I had forgotten about that entirely. And yet, when that string of words connected all at once, something deep within my mind filled me with spook. Fuck you, user.

luigi's mansion gave me nightmares when i was 8. as far as 8 year old me was concerned, he might have bought the spencer mansion.

>Genesis version

Mah nigga, it had the best versions of every game.

this one

They still fill me with dread. Oddly enough redeads did nothing to me.

10/10 game and death animations. How he fights his inevitable death against some monsters really got to me..

memes sure were more strategical 6 years ago

Had panic attack when this message appeared for the first time. Seeing it was... disturbing.


Holy shit what game is this?

Pretty sure it's Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind. Nobody was essential like in Beth's newer games so if you killed an important person, you really do doom the world.

I haven't seen shit like that in a while...

the drowning music in sonic really spooked me
whenever I was gonna drown on the second level with all the purple water I'd panic and turn off my console

user it's 1 am, I'm tired, and now you've made me cry, I hope you're happy

Chemical Plant Zone. That one section is the true casual filter.

I never beat it...

2008 taught me to never click an image that looks like a still but says .gif
I hope you are ok my friend.

>recorded on a toaster

why even upload

Since you can actually fuck up the plot in Morrowind, they added a message for when you do, so players don't get pissed when they DO ANYTHING!(tm) and suddenly the main quest disappears.

This fucker had me afraid of the ocean for most of my life

to be fair, it's still fucking terrifying. probably one of the most suspenseful final boss fights ever made.


i always got scared when I saw this red fucker when i was like 2-3

>Those first few seconds of the music
>Suddenly jamming the fuck out while throwing eggs AT THE MOTHERFUCKING BACKGROUND AT GAMERA

That was adrenaline fear. The big baby Bowser slowly coming closer, only slowed down by you going 3D on him? Absolute rush of adrenaline-fueled "I was not expecting this!"

This cunt from Prince of Persia

I understand user.

echo the dolphin ruined the ocean for me, make that water in general

I love how the stickman's faces change right before the jump

Prince of persia

I was genuinely reading it, then the red and white just made my eyes hurt. More of an annoyance than a scare really.

I used to have crazy nightmares from this game, to the point where if my dad or stepbrother launched it, I just left the room, crying. It had these grim reaper-looking enemies that jumped out of the floor, scared the living shit out of me

The fucking chase levels in Crash Bandicoot games. And the underwater levels too. Always made my dad do those levels, they scared me shitless.

>browsing through the photos in the thread on gallery view on the browsing app I'm using
>end up on this
Fuck I haven't clicked this in a good few years, still gave me a good scare. Thanks user

Holy shit I forgot that. One of the biggest scares of my youth

I had a pathological fear of vents and would sleep with the blanket over my head at night until I was in high school.

This bit from Rayman 2 always got my blood going.



The death screams of your allies in Rouge Spear

The fish in MK64 that spits out trophies at the end of the cup. I either left the room or hid behind the couch when it appeared.

Terrified me to no end. When it screamed and froze Link, I was frozen too.

Reminds me of how Master hand scared me as a kid. Something about him coming out of nowhere at the end of story mode got me good.

Never reacted to it. This cunt on the other hand.

>was scared to go back inside the music box house after that guy appeared
>mfw I went back and played song of healing

some of the stuff in majoras mask.. i was afraid to leave the town for the most part

Sorry for the phone post. I hate sea shit and this one got me out of nowhere.

So glad I can play this on my 3DS, it's still a lot of fun.

The Banjo Kazooie game over comes to mind. Eerie as fuck and you just felt like such a failure.

Thanks to this pic I always check for gifs.

And then the part when he literally smash through a wall(or a window i cant remember) uuugh too bad it looks so shit now.

I know that one all too well bro, the first time I did that level I didn't really know what to expect, so when it shot up from the bottom the first time I almost shat a brick wall.

>not the dancehall and the catacombs music on Creepy Castle
i don't know who thought that shit was fine for kids

>tfw nobody else but me got scarred by monkey cooking in Majoras Mask

Not too embarrassing but the entire game scared the shit out of me. So glad it got a steam release recently.


I don't know if scared is the right word but it certainly unnerved me. Poor little guy.



LoZ hand based monsters still unnerve me, I don't like time limits in general, and them being implemented as a huge hand who wants to grab you makes them even more unnerving.

Also Anthony's zombie when you play as Paul Luther. Holy shit.

yo just want to let you know there's no report button, no mute button, no block button in real life. I want to see your glance as I smash your skull into the fucking concrete, and I strangle the life out of you, pushing my thumbs into their eye sockets until you cry blood lol. well, not before forcing you to watch their beloved ones die in front of you.

they came boundin over

when this skinny bald guy turns into green angry monster i didnt feel comfy at all

it´s different from the safe and boring hulk series coz crash bosses are sorta insane

The music, the suspense. Waiting for that goddamned air bubble to pop up. Tried to avoid going too deep into water the first time I heard that theme.

What game?

It took me a whole week to find the courage to beat the Spooky section of Conker. I was playing with my eyes squinted and volume really low, and it felt like my heart was going to rip itself out of my chest at any moment.

No Idea why this spooked me so much. To be fair I was only five or six years old but the hell is this thing even supposed to be?


Space pirate part of metroid prime.


haha it's only a big blob with some tentacles haha why would that every be scary

hahaha I was such a dumb kid :^)

Sure some of the bosses were scary too for a young me, but something about just exploring Hogwarts and suddenly getting chaeged by a gnome stressed me the fuck out

God help me that was horrifying.
Some primal fucking fear right there.

for some reason playing MDK messed with me and even though I really enjoyed it for some reason it gave me insane nightmares any time I touched it