Shadow of War

>DAT trailer

Who else is hype? I likes Shadow of Mordor, it was F_U_N

Could be fun.

I'll pirate it when it comes out. First game wasn't much to write home about, as the nemesis system and clan hierarchy was too boring to be considered "replay value".

>black guy next to a white girl in the trailer


This is on part with mafia 3

How well would modern weapons fare against Sauron and his army?

Could we just Doomguy all orcs and shot Sauron in the face with a magnum round?

>triggered neckbeards
go back to sucking milo's cock.

>How well would modern weapons fare against Sauron and his army?
not well. tiny pieces of metal going fast aren't gonna do much against magic.

already had 200 posts about it, kiddo. gotta stay with the times.

Also another 500 posts "das racist/mahkangz/das rite/pol/reddit" thread.

You white bois are gonna be taking a backseat really soon


>Batman combat
Didn't like it after about 5 hours, it was just so boring to play. The map and level design was barren and uninteresting.

>Those comments

Why are people excited for this? Shadows of Mordor was a 5/10 at best. Do people just have no standards as long as they get their batman feel good combat and hordes to kill?

"DAT trailer" was nothing but a CG cinematic cutscene and didn't have any gameplay in it.

It also promises to continue the shitty Mary Sue plot about a super duper Second Ring to Rule Them All; which before anyone says anything, yes I know these games aren't actually canon but it still doesn't excuse the fact that their writing is on par with self insert fanfiction circa 2003.

Someone on the dev team though they said it was a "token" game rather than Tolkien, which is how the black guy got in.

because people like FUN and SoM was FUN

>literally shitting all over the lore

>the trailer wasn't a gameplay trailer
did anyone claim it was? retard. march 8th is gameplay reveal.

B-but it won so many goty awards because it was amazing, and definitely not because evety game was trash that year.

>Why didn't the fellowship just fly an F-35 over Mordor and drop an unguided bomb carrying the One Ring into Mount Doom?

>the lore
autistic manchildren need not apply. LoTR lore sucks ass if you're not a neckbeard.

Please enlighten me with your superior fantasy universe.

>fantasy universe
shit tier manchild shit by definition

What are you even doing on Sup Forums you retard

laughing at retards like you getting mad as a good video game.

>good videogame
>no gameplay in sight
How could I think this wasn't b8?

talking about SoM

>African Black guy
Look, I'm aware of the Haradrim, but they always struck me as arab-looking. Its obviously for political convenience.

>inb4 le tactical nihilism "it doesn't matter lol u mad"
Its not like this game isn't a non-canon shitfest, but if they're so desperate for brownie-points at least make that guy look arab and I'd would literally not bother me.

>build an army using the nemesis system but on your end
>they take your wraithfu without asking

aw sheeit

>good gameplay
Thanks for showing you're trolling

Shadow of Mordor isn't even a good video game if you're not a lore autist

Yeah graphics look amazing, blows every other game out of the water.

And its a stealth release in August with no prior teases, gonna be a lot of desperation at E3 to try top it!

>haha no one can disagree with me
>they must be lying!

The northern Haradrim are Arab/North Africans.
The Haradrim of Far-Harad are Sub-Saharans.

That being said, both types hate Gondor and have no fucking business being there.

Tolkein must be turning in his grave with that shit
Is it supposed to be some alternate timeline or something?

ITT: Sup Forums is tumblr and is triggered

What a shit. So some no name random ass faggot created the one ring? My god. And what's with that Harry Potter flying shadow bullshit? Awful. Who even allows this shit?

It's the yearly cinematic medieval spoon feeding that normies get.
Dragon Age Inquisition for 2014, Witcher 3 for 2015, Skyrim Remastered for 2016, and this for 2017.

>no name random ass faggot
hello retard

>one ring to rule them all
>except this one lol

generic console third person game with stealth elements

arent you faggots beginning to see a pattern here?

game will be 6/10 at best, as they all are.

>there's a pattern after 1 game
ok retard.

>Why are people excited for this?
fake accounts
fake threads on boards like this

>see nigger on screen
>close video

MORE lore rape from the makers of Fuck Tolkien: The Game?

I can hardly wait!

>no one exists that disagrees with me
>they're all fake
schizo much?

>all ac games
>quantum break
There's probably more I'm forgetting.

Bam a ham
It's the one that started this shitty two button combat trend as well

first game was ok but almost everyone here didn't like it
so why now almost everyone says it was okey and is okey with next game?

tomb raider

and many, many more.



>all third person games are the same
If you're honestly trying to claim that Tomb Raider, Batman, and Watchdogs are even slightly comparable than you're just completely fucking stupid

The thing is, You conquer us in fantasies.
We conquer you throughout history without fail whenever the fuck we felt even mildly inclined to wreck your shit for fun or profit.

Eat shit, Sickle Cell.

i dont really care about the nigger, theres brown/black people described in the books even though it doesnt make much sense for them to be in the west

im just disappointed we're getting another LOTR game that will be absolute shit

>t. autistic liar


you are the reddit here

So just don't shoot the five guys that can do magic, gotcha.

>They put a black guy in the game to trigger alt-righters and Sup Forums

I'm alright with this. Enjoy missing out on good video games because of your racism.

I'm not the nigger lover. You are.

Get. Out.

gb2 r/whitesupremacy

you could at least try and said Mad Max is similar to Shadow of Mordor when it comes to fight system

i want Sup Forums to seriously fucking die

Enjoy the day of the rope.

>nigger lover
me neither, but I'm not the easily triggered millenial. you are

Man I miss the days back when people posted on Sup Forums.
Now this board is just me and a million bots

>Here is our close-up on a human face to show off how good our graphics are going to be

I wonder how the Nemesis system is gonna be in this one. They actually couldn't get the Nemesis system they wanted into the original because it had to work on 360 and PS3 too.

when will monolith start developing shooters again?

And we want race-traitors to leave our vidya board.

Your kind is accepted and celebrated everywhere else in the world. Your insistence on infecting this place as well with your bullshit against many people's wishes should clue you into the fact that you aren't wanted.

>wonder what kind of ass-pull they'll do to depower you at the start of the game
>get my answer less than a minute into the trailer

>Making a black a Gondor soldier

Not him
As someone who's tried of the Bam Ham fight system I actually didn't mind Mad Max since animations were way longer and made you need to commit to inputs instead of just countering everything.
That game has its own share of problems don't get me wrong but the combat is alright.

>defending shit games

back to your xbox kiddo

seems like you've missed the fact that this is a cgi trailer

Shadow of Mordor was trash. Keep pressing those F clicks.

I hope they added some features to the captain system and in particular that you can influence how they look and what they stats will be if they've been branded.
Aside from that, the world was literally empty space between 'settlements'. I can't remember what else I thought of the game but I am cautiously hype.

Do people think calling people racist even means shit anymore?

The only one what would be out of touch enough to think it holds any weight whatsoever would be a marketer.


>we want
nobody is behind you in your redundant race tirade
If you want people to back up your useless rant than go right the fuck over to Sup Forums, because this thread is about a shitty LotR game, not about niggers
Better yet, if you really feel the way you do you can go out on the streets and pitch your shit

Shadow of Mordor was alright but the open-world-ness of it all really killed it for me.
Like I feel like if the game was released on the PS2 it'd have been a linear action game with way better pacing and level design

What the fuck am I looking at ? Who is the bitch talking ? When is this shit taking place ? A nobody making a ring of power ? Seriously ?

dude, just fucking buy it

I'm positive that this thread is full of b8ters now. I didn't even fucking defend those games. Why is Sup Forums so consistently fucking stupid?

The pilot would be corrupted by the Ring and fly it to safety.

>have ring

I get what you mean though. Would be rad if you could just continue with the skills you had from the previous game or even reading an already present save.
Who am I kidding, lol.

>not about niggers
I would quote the shit-tons of posts in this very thread about the nigger but I refuse to work for the sake of some dumb nigger's ignorance. Why don't you read the thread you claim to be defending against my "race tirade", you fucking snowflake.

This is clearly not fucking canon

>New ring of power
>Balrogs under Sauron's command

Anyhting else I overlooked, lotr nerds?

>a nobody
u wot m8

not if frodo would be inside the bomb with the Ring

You forgot a black Gondorian soldier

You're right! I just pre-ordered! Thanks!

you gotta look at it from a different perspective
the game has it's own canon/interpretation of the tolkienverse

Nowhere does it say he's a Gondorian soldier you retard.
Stop looking for things to get mad about.

What do you honestly think you're contributing to this thread by posting
>we want race-traitors to leave our vidya board.
What's even the point? What are you trying to explain to everybody here, is what I'm asking

>things that were dead are now alive and in a different time


yeah, we gonna hang you alt+right cucks because you have no worth for the society ;)

>complains when a single character has a different skin color than he does
>calls other people snowflake
literally retarded

Says the leech on welfare