>Wear it
>Can't hear the sound of the ocean
>No plip plop
>No splish splash
>Wear it
>Can't hear the sound of the ocean
>No plip plop
>No splish splash
Other urls found in this thread:
>from soft
>doing their job
>doing any job
>he doesn't listen to the hymns of the cosmos with his Cage
>Cage does nothing
>Enlarged Head does nothing
>Crown of Illusions does nothing
>He can't hear the plip plops
Not enough insight, good hunter?
Aha! I got that reference, that was very clever of you "Anonymous"!
>he doesn't grow eyes on the inside
Because you don't actually have an enlarged head you idiot, it's a fucking bloody sheet and that's it.
Is this a thing now?
Why would you hear it? They hear it inside their head, you're just putting a diseased decapitated tumor head on your head and wearing it like a hat. You're not going to be able to hear what they hear, that's silly.
Of course you can't, feeble hunter, it's just another person's head you put on, not your own head.
>they didn't use the cage to get Guidance 3
>splish splash
Why can't we have Bloodborne 2?
I'd only want Bloodborne 2 if we fought the hunter-turned-great-one at the end
>Snail Woman falls out of The Fishing Village and lands in the Hunter's Nightmare
>You do the same and it gives you the same generic fall death
You could have done something cool Fromsoft.
>bloodborne is just the slug menace chain
Why are Micolash Cage posters are the shitposters of Bloodborne threads?
Don't you just turn into a baby version of that Rare Chalice Monster
Lady Maria, I'm a robin. Will I ever curl up and become an egg?
No you are reborn as an infant Great One not just the chalice slug. the point is that at the end the hunter finally leaves his humanity behind and becomes one of them but it's seen as disempowering due to the fact that the ending doesn't really feel "good" despite us accomplishing the godliness we seek the entire game
no that's wrong stop making assumptions that don't need to be made
Lady Maria is made to Bully[spoiler)
you turn into a baby great one
>>Crown of Illusions does nothing
the reason it doesn't feel like a good ending is because we as humans don't see how it's empowering, we simply don't understand that plane of existence for its purpose is not really part of how we understand and interpret "meaning" of life
okay except what you're doing as a great one is described as "lifting humanity into its next childhood"
>turning into a squid doesn't feel like a good ending
There are no good endings in bloodborne
that was described by a human yes? forgive the pretentiousness but would we as humans be good judges for what justifies as motive behind the great ones? we don't even know why the amygdalae show up around the town because we can't really accurately depict their motive through human understanding. this is why bloodborne can be considered to have taken lovecraft's lumber and made a house because he failed to accurately depict the unknowing of foreign gods that are gods but not made for man
it was described in the trophy, the same trophy that tells you that you've become an infant great one
Literally everyone and everything in the game is a pawn of Oedon, including you. Becoming a Great One doesn't change this, Great Ones can be killed, to Hunters or other Great Ones. It's all an intricate dance to amuse Oedon.
you don't know anything about oedon stop pretending that you do faggot
I know barely anything about oedon but I bet I know more than you
Because he was the shitposter of the nightmare
that entirely depends on how you can attribute a sort of duality to them. is it good or bad to turn into the next celestial being? technically you're the only human who successfully became like the great ones without simply just becoming a beast, a plane of being where you, if i am to ham it up with biblical references (like bloodborne leaks everywhere it goes) you essentially retread the garden of eden where everything blends together without disparity; the reason why we don't think there's a good ending is purely because we can't interpret it as two sides of a coin and that our ethical way of thinking disallows us from viewing it that way
Well the player doesn't really seek godliness, you spend the whole game seeing the horror the interaction with the gods has brought on, inadvertently doing the will of oedon and paleblood and then try to kill as many great ones as possible.
It's never set up that the players want to join them.
you have no evidence to indicate the player is inadvertently doing the will of oedon, and you have no good reason to believe the moon presence is paleblood
not explicitly, but if you achieve the ending where you DO become one of them, you could reasonably say that they have to want it considering they eat the three umbilical chords, an action that no one who wouldn't want to do or know about unless they were directly seeking communion with one of them
The bad one is the best. Everybody wins.
>You wake up for real and you leave Yharnam behind.
>Gehrman is still trapped in the dream but he deserves it.
You don't know if we become a beast or not - Rom isn't as vacuous as it seems as she keeps the moon away. By some suggestions Kos and Ebrietas might be ascended humans/pthumerians and they aren't beasts.
Willem to some degree is ascended. It just seems that with ascension comes appearing mindless on a human plane.
> those who take blood are the inadvertent worshippers of oedon
Try reading items next time. Also notes say they beckoned the moon, paleblood. As does the initial note saying the trascend the hunt, seek paleblood - and we know that the moon presence is responsible for the intensification of the scourge and the unending hunt. Honestly go play the game kek.
I guess that's true seen as i collected all three but never ate them because i assumed they would just be useful in killing the final boss.
since we are talking effects, the looped unfitting location music and people effects + the non stop arena clapping were fucking awful in XV
Ive always wandered about the role of MP in the game, because it seems like everything went to shit when mensis summoned the moon. So where does gehrman fit into that?
I like how you find a lore note that says "hunt the great ones" and it's next to the one that says laurence and his pals found the moon presence
maybe the presence wants to kill the other great ones?
I'm starting to believe the moon presence is the true villain of the game
the aspect of mindlessness is in human terms - i'm sure there is a purpose for the lack of understanding from us humans. my take on it is that those who aren't capable of getting close with the great ones are those that turn into beasts
off topic, i think that Byrgenwerth adopted the adage of "Fear the Old Blood" after seeing what it did to mankind in the chalice dungeons - i've seen several theories where it's implied to having been in place ever since the college was founded, but i find that hard to believe. adages spawn from actions, not baseless fear
that's what i mean, you weren't seeking to become a part of the celestial grouping and thus didn't attempt to communicate with them in that way
Well oedon is maybe the worst one, seen as the blood is his form and he convinces laurence to use it. It says those who use it become his worshippers inadvertently, so the whole scourge is his doing.
But the moon presence seems to be somewhat related as the scourge gets worse when he is beckoned, first you see it in ya'arhgul and then once you defeat Rom who was holding him back, all of yarhnam is worse off for it.
The MP seems to perpetuate the hunt, makes the night unending as he sends hunters out and then at the end kills them off, with his end goal either being the death of great ones or to take blood echoes for himself.
I've probably played the game much more than you, user
firstly, the note says "they beckoned the nameless moon presence. "Paleblood" which is very different from "moon presence, paleblood." there's also a note that describes the sky as paleblood
secondly, the conversation with the blood minister and "seek paleblood to transcend the hunt" tells you nothing about the nature of paleblood
thirdly, the moon presence is never said to intensify the scourge, it's a possible interpretation to say the moon presence may be the cause of the spread of the scourge of beasts — nothing about the unending hunt though
also there's absolutely nothing in the game that says those who take blood inadvertently worship oedon, that's total speculation
>maybe the presence wants to kill the other great ones?
That's the conclusion I came to over time.
>turn into a Great One
>become weaker than you were before
of course - your life is essentially started anew. from infant to adulthood it'll probably take at least a while - come back when it's an adult
Well i think the scholars of byrgenwerth must have engaged somewhat with blood seen as in the lecture hall they're all ghost-like, somewhat like the church servants and the pthumerians. I dont know if its different blood that leads to that transformation, maybe ebrietas'. The lecture hall might not even be byrgenwerth desu, dont know where to place it.
Either way yeah they could definitely see the effects of blood from the dungeons.
You'll grow up to be a big Great One
>Well oedon is maybe the worst one, seen as the blood is his form and he convinces laurence to use it. It says those who use it become his worshippers inadvertently, so the whole scourge is his doing.
speculation based on nothing, there's no reason whatsoever to infer that laurence had to be convinced by oedon, or anyone else to begin using blood
it also doesn't say people who use blood worship oedon inadvertently
>But the moon presence seems to be somewhat related as the scourge gets worse when he is beckoned, first you see it in ya'arhgul and then once you defeat Rom who was holding him back, all of yarhnam is worse off for it.
the moon presence is probably a girl, but putting that aside correlation =/= causation
>The MP seems to perpetuate the hunt, makes the night unending as he sends hunters out and then at the end kills them off, with his end goal either being the death of great ones or to take blood echoes for himself.
there are tonnes of other readings of this and you shouldn't be so sure of yourself
>big Great One
>come back when it's an adult
Like those other adult Great Ones you BTFO as a Hunter? Face it, you get nerfed as a squid.
The moon is directly referred to as paleblood in notes. The use of blood is directly said to be inadvertently worshipping odeon in notes. The moon is shown to worsen the hunt by the effects of mensis' ritual, the effects of killing Rom and and frequent ties of the moon and it being a long night.
Im sorry, but you really need to go have a playthrough, because these are literally item notes.
Go play the DLC, it says how odeon told laurence to use the blood.
The gender of the moon presence has no bearing on anything, what a good argument.
As for the final reading, i explicitly said the moon presence could have one of two goals, im not sure. This is hilarious that you are targeting random things im not even arguing about....
But the doll is your wet nurse, and soon, hentai tentaclee.
He's right user.
>The Doll will never raise you from infancy
>You will never make sweet doll love to her once you're of age
>The moon is directly referred to as paleblood in notes
the moon isn't referred to as paleblood in the notes, the moon is associated with paleblood in the notes, but the sky is also associated with paleblood in the notes
>The use of blood is directly said to be inadvertently worshipping odeon in notes.
no, you're just misremembering what's in the game to retroactively fit your interpret, what's actually said is this: "Both Oedon, and his inadvertent worshippers, surreptitiously seek the precious blood."
>The moon is shown to worsen the hunt by the effects of mensis' ritual,
nope, not necessarily, correlation does not imply causation and there's a lot more going on when the red moon descends than just the red moon descending
>Im sorry, but you really need to go have a playthrough, because these are literally item notes.
the moon presence one is a note, the other is a misquote from a rune
Odeon is linked to mercury. atleast 2 out of 4 cords of game are too linked to odeon, if there was only 2 you cant kill paleblood.
You can't get killed if you're out of the existence. Have you killed the Great One Oden? No because your mortal ass can't even reach him. Most of the abominations we killed were Kin, and the Moon Presence will embed you to the Dream if you don't have the power of Great Ones to resist.
>Go play the DLC, it says how odeon told laurence to use the blood.
what the hell, no it doesn't
I know what he's referring to, it doesn't say "people who take the blood are inadvertently worshipping oedon", it says "people who inadvertently worship oedon seek the precious blood"
mercury man its mercury.
unrelated to current discussion, but oedon is thought to impregnate arianna, which makes me wonder: why does the baby she births look like one of the ebrietas spawn?
oedon isn't linked to mercury any more than my cup is linked to dr pepper, it sounds like you just don't understand how blood works
They say that taking blood is communion with gods, and that blood is oedon's essence. Combined with oedon telling laurence to use the old blood, and that those who seek blood are his inadvertent worshippers. What the fuck else do you need kek. Those who use the blood are engaged in communion and worship of oedon without knowing it.
Using names interchangeably is not correlation, its synonymous. The sky is not called paleblood, they refer to a paleblood sky, much in the same way you can say a moonlit sky.
Jesus fuck user.
because the community consensus is formed by people who are a lot more interested in having an answer than the right answer
Yes it does, and the sentences there mean the same thing, try harder samefag.
>ywn have tentacles to fondle a living doll
Probably laziness from the developers or maybe ebrietas was a past child of oedon, some think she's an ascended being. Though im not sure there.
>>the moon isn't referred to as paleblood in the notes, the moon is associated with paleblood in the notes, but the sky is also associated with paleblood in the notes
>"The nameless moon presence beckoned by Laurence and his associates. Paleblood."
>They say that taking blood is communion with gods, and that blood is oedon's essence. Combined with oedon telling laurence to use the old blood, and that those who seek blood are his inadvertent worshippers. What the fuck else do you need kek. Those who use the blood are engaged in communion and worship of oedon without knowing it.
So is the implication that the taint in the blood that causes beasthood -- presumably Oedon's shit -- the equivalent of the dark soul / humanity from DkS? And the Moon Presence is collecting blood echoes to gather back those fragments, like humanity was being gathered to rekindle the flame?
Well im not sure, i think the moon presence uses the hunt to farm blood - the hunters do the work, get killed, and the moon is satiated and the night ends for now. This has apparently happened time and time again.
He also wants you to kill mergo, so whether thats for blood or because of a different agenda i dont know. All it seems is that the moon is responsible for the unending hunt and chaos in yharnam.
>They say that taking blood is communion with gods
no, they say the pursuit of blood ministration is, of course, the pursuit of communion
nobody says taking blood = communion
>Combined with oedon telling laurence to use the old blood
this never happens, you literally dreamed it or something
>and that those who seek blood are his inadvertent worshippers
you have the worst reading comprehension, it says his inadvertent worshippers seek blood, which is not the same thing as "they seek blood and therefore they're inadvertent worshippers"
that would be like me saying "I work at an office so I want to find a nice tie" and you understanding that as "I want to find a nice tie so I work at an office
>nobody says taking blood = communion
"Remain wary of the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young."
"Were it not for fear, death would go unlamented."
"Seek the old blood."
"Let us pray, let us wish... to partake in communion."
"Let us partake in communion... and feast upon the old blood."
"Our thirst for blood satiates us, soothes our fears."
"Seek the old blood."
"But beware the frailty of men. Their wills are weak, minds young."
"The foul beasts will dangle nectar and lure the meek into the depths."
"Remain wary of the frailty of men..."
beasthunter saif best weapon
What the hell is the point of the hunt exactly? To wipe out things that had a chance of becoming ascended beings because Moon Presence or some other great one is afraid of getting kicked out of the cool kids club?
It seems like killing Mergo was the goal since that where it ends in the two endings where Moon Presence doesn't try to kill your ass.
Why then, does another hunt begin almost immediately afterwards then? Does the hunt actually end there because you were getting too strong and they wanted to get a newbie hunter to continue their work?
I know what you're referring to, I know most of the item descriptions from memory
notice how it's an entirely different sentence and not a comma
also notice how they refer to it as THE NAMELESS MOON PRESENCE and then they say "Paleblood" afterwards, hmm doesn't seem so nameless since according to you it's named paleblood, right?
Bloodborne 2 when?
You keep saying its correlation as if that has any meaning in a written game, it doesnt. If its there its there for a reason.
When they say that taking blood is the pursuit of communion and that those who use blood are inadvertent worshippers, sure you can act like thats all a mistake they put in the game. Especially when it says blood is oedon's essence, so taking it would be communion, just as holy fucking communion is taking the blood of christ.
I really honestly dont get what you thought you were playing.
>Saif literally mean sword in Arabic
Because there's nowhere fresh to go with the setting that would be another retread. We got gothic streets, the catholic church, witch covens, spooky woods, evil labs, nightmare worlds, innmouth, and a fucking vampire castle.
What else do you want pal?
Why can't we just have a good thing? Why are you mutts always clamoring for shit to be put through the fucking ringer? All that fucking anime is turning your brain into fucking mush, you don't even know what you want.
They gave it a name, quite clearly, just like how oedon is formless, but blood is his form. You are really having to do some mental gymnatistics to justify your position, on every point as well which is telling.
"let us partake in communion and feast upon the old blood" goes into your brain and then comes out as "taking the blood is communion"
amazing work vaati
notice how there's a distinction between the two, like there is throughout the game? it's almost like there's more involved in communion than just taking the blood
Why does Sup Forums hate Lady Maria so much?
they don't give it a name quite clearly, they associate paleblood with the nameless moon presence which is not the same as saying "the name of the nameless moon presence is hereby paleblood"
I have a much better interpretation on this but I'm not going to tell you because I don't want to see you rewarded for being a speculative retard with bad reading comprehension
no, oedon's name is oedon and rom's name is rom
You're probably not even a hunter the entire game because they usually say something like "Good hunter, you're presence somehow soothes" - but notice how there's a comma between you're and hunter!
I highly doubt the game is even set in yharnam, i mean do they ever even say "YOU PLAYER HUNTER ARE IN YHARNAM TOWN", no? Exactly.
wasn't nearly as cute as the imitation
> I have a much better interpretation
Hahahahahah literally no-one wants to hear it
>"Zura ja nai. Katsura desu."
Dear ESL-kun, you can have equivalences between two sentences in either English or Japanese.
Please take notes. Thanks!
>he doesn't even remember Vicar Amelia
>he doesn't understand English grammar
>he complains about punctuation but can't actually use any
>he tries to talk about lore
Moon Presence is basically an opposing power to whatever's going on. You get the paleblood juice at the beginning of the game, and see Griffith's behelit buddies instead of going beastmode. The reason there's a hunt at all is because Yharnamites shot up the old blood, because it contained power. So it stands to reason MP is concentrating the power from the old blood.
> you're
> Correlation again
How do you function on a daily basis, have you worked out your name or is that just some correlation you have yet to accept.
The paleblood in that sentence refers to nothing else, very clearly - alongside its use in the same way elsewhere.
I dont really want to know your interpretation because it will clearly be nonsense.
>You're probably not even a hunter the entire game because they usually say something like "Good hunter, you're presence somehow soothes" - but notice how there's a comma between you're and hunter!
that's correct grammar which indicates a half pause after an address
if I said "a nameless darkie roaming the streets smashing letterboxes. Nigger." would you interpret it the same way as "a nameless darkie roaming the streets smashing letterboxes, nigger?"
refer to the example above
>The paleblood in that sentence refers to nothing else, very clearly - alongside its use in the same way elsewhere.
good job vaati
>The nameless poster in this thread beckoned by Bloodborne in the title. Shitposter-kun.
Not the same remotely - the sentence in the note is set up with a subject at the end: beckons the ______, paleblood. If your sentence was "letterboxes attract a nameless darkie, nigger" It would be closer, except for nigger being a vague insult and not a unique name.
Furthermore the note isnt spoken or addressed unlike a sentence being said to a person.
At this point you have to realize you are clutching at straws and radical doubt to make your arguments work at all right, and no-one is agreeing with you.
At this point this has to be bait
>except for nigger being a vague insult and not a unique name.
that's the point I wanted you to arrive at, my man, now try thinking about what paleblood could refer to in place of a name
>Furthermore the note isnt spoken or addressed unlike a sentence being said to a person.
>and no-one is agreeing with you.
the community has completely retarded theories, so I'm okay with that
Maybe the moon presence is not the antagonist as we are making her to be. Maybe she(probably) is just trying to control the fuckery that ensued by organinizing the hunts, after all the great ones are sympathetic in spirit. Killing the wet nurse slays the nightmare but mergo can still be heard, meaning the hunter did not kill mergo. Heck, even Queen yharnam bows to u for slaying the nightmare that means the theory that MP has some personal vendetta against the great ones is wrong