Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross
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For me it is the Medicine Stick. The best lever action rifle.
This is the Winchester P94 Industrial Plasma Rifle
It turns wasteland savages into puddles of goo.
>tfw no Legion bf
is there more of him
This is the actual best weapon in the game. It's ok if you want to have your personal favorite weapon to larp with but you can't argue against this gun being the actual best weapon in the game.
would be a shame if someone killed you for your hat
Is the 12.7mm supposed to be the .50AE? I like to think of it as the Fallout equivalent of a Desert Eagle
Why is an old lever action the most expensive weapon in the game again? This shit costs more than advanced tech and nuke launchers.
It does almost as much damage as an AMR with the cowboy perk
.500 in = 12.7 nn
so yeah that's about right
*12.7 mm
Who are you calling degenerate? I've killed a ton of profligates.
Doing a legionary RP playthrough, what weapons do you recommend me using? I used console commands to give me centurion armour + dead sea and some spears, but I've a feeling once I get to vegas these won't actually be very effective
>used console commands
fucking why. use a machete and a .45 as a backup
I just want a fucking fix to the glitch where the feathers disappear when looking from the opposite side.
Any weapon you want. Don't let the legion dictate your weapon choice. If you're going for a melee character I'd use the chainsaw or the ballistic fist.
I've played the game 'properly' for hundreds of hours now. It gets a little boring after a while.
>Power Armor
Not acceptable, unless its a Minigun.
But I roleplay as a survivalist mechanic who fixes guns and robots
literally Sup Forums
and I roleplay as a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, hand over the T-51b Power Armor you likely scavenged off one of my dead brother or sister.
Eat this surprise energy weapons 100 pulse gun
i roleplay as the courier
you're fucked
You're roleplaying piles of ash now.
more like you're roleplaying "entire family buried beneath 50 tons of concrete and asphalt"
>he doesn't use the robo scorpion sonic emitter
Not him but you can have this dick and nice .5mm barrage you toaster fucking faggot. I looted my power armor fair and square and I'd never have a boy scout faggot live after telling me to hand over my shit.
>tfw optimized all of my 4k textures
>tfw looks amazing but now the hoover dam centurions are missing textures on their helmets
What do? I wanna just do an install of the vanilla version somewhere else on my hard drive and find + drag the texture back into my main folder from there but I wouldn't even know where to look for it, especially since it's JUST the dam war version of their helmets.
In what circumstance would firing a mini nuke not be retarded as fuck?
Can't argue with that
the giant mechascorpion and the legendary bloatfly have the health to justify it and have big enough arenas for you not to kill yourself
legionary/NCR assassins.
It's a good idea as long as it's aimed towards profligates.
>There was never a Fallout Tactics 2
>Tactics 2 was planned to take place in the Southeastern US in Florida
>Enemies would have been irradiated super lethal plant life and average Floridians
I wish sneaking wasn't so awkward in the engine.
Trying to do melee+sneak is hard without stealth boys
>to the town of our freedom
>Town of Our Freedom
Grait bait, got me good
>town of our freedom
>pic related
I'm a fucking idiot, dunno why I have those fucked up lyrics there, been a while since I last looked at it. It's Agua Fria
>town of Our Freedom
posts like yours are a diamond dozen
>always been against legion
>get to Caesar today and listen to his whole speech about synthesis between the NCR and Legion
>it actually makes sense.
I want to go for explosives-only playthrough, maining primarily mercenary grenade launcher, is there some mods recommended to make me not run out of ammo early and make explosives more fun?
Nice hat you've got there chief. Might if I take it?
If anyone here wants to make charisma not shit and followers more interesting, try CCO's follower tweak module, you don't have to get the whole thing. Works with Jsawyer Ultimate
>Overhauls the impact of companions. Followers now only do half damage, but only take half-damage as well. The maximum number of followers you can have at once is now based on your Charisma, instead of always being two. Followers must be supplied with ammo. For convenience, they are immune to drowning and poison. Their carry weight is reduced by 75.
this game is so unstable, no matter what i do it'll crash at random intervals.
i finished all the dlc, and almost every main quest, and now im trying to do the companion quests and its nonstop crashing. fuck.
Tri-Beam Lasers are shittier than normal Laser Rifles
I miss when Laser rifles looked cool like in FO 1/2/Tactics
I have, and every other crash fix mod people recommend. nothing will work.
It actually works. Try the 4GB patch too.
I've been doing the same kind of playthrough. Use dynamite/guns in early game, then whn you reach nipton search the houses for a grenade rifle. One of the vipers in an ambush also uses a grenade rifle. Fnv throwing fixes is a handy mod so your grenades won't bounce around like crazy.
I'll finish mine later, its taking forever
>want to play fo3
>whatever I do game won't launch, OS optimization a shit
>install NV instead, never heard of it before
>end up having one of the best videogame experiences of my life
Sup Forums didn't fail me two years ago
fuck dead money though
Gotta wonder how many people played NV because of how fucked FO3 is on later Operating Systems.
>that Courier's hand
Literally only Benny and House cared about the chip!
>legionsexuals calling anyone degenerate
it's just like alt-right irl
except that they are actually fit and go out to live their dreams.
Built to Destroy is such a mediocre early game trait and a great late game trait
>Believing NCR propaganda
Have fun taking orders from a woman, profligate.
All Queers should be hung
You hear me arcade
I imagine Arcade is pretty hung, user.
>All Queers should be hung
Gotta stimulate that prostate.
I love the medicine stick but prefer the way the standard brushgun looks.
Better to take orders from a woman than from a delusional autist who got his education a few issues of rad-burned popsci philosophy tabloids
Literal degenerates
t. literal cuck
Quick where can I find this piece of hardware?
It also sells for a decent price.
Stole it and sold it to the same merchant who own it and they bought it like the cucks they are.
Caesar's idea of synthesis between the ncr and legion sounds pretty good to me honestly. Create a new state from the ideological clash of the former states.
I am Death, the fister of doom, submit for execution or get your head ripped off by my bear hands.
All legion scum will be ripped to shreds.
remove legion
When will we get another game with Midwest BoS vs Legion with an infinite respawning Dogtown
I want to do an explosives playthrough that has me making tons of explosives so i can use the detonator and lure people into my deathtraps.
Sadly explosives are hard to make, effective ones i mean
>start NV
>cant stand the awful animations and the awkward shooting anymore
Not only Fallout 4 was shit, it also ruined the previous ones for me. FUCK YOU TODD
>first playthrough
>steal anything that doesn't move and pickpocket everything that does.
>stole everything from supplies to the power armour of a sleeping BOS paladin.
What does karma do anyway?
It seems useless.
And why is stealing legion shit lose me karma?
They're literally terrorists.
Gun Runners for almost 30k
That's quite the investment, how many toy cars to I have to collect to get the required funds?
A lot
>kill fiends and raiders
>collect and repair their weapons
>sell when fully repaired
So what, 6 Legion Assassin squads worth of equipment?
Got the legion safehouse key and lucky shades. Does that mean it's ok to slaughter them all now?
>What does karma do anyway?
Literally nothing except some dialogue options.
Its kinda sad that the most fitting ending for the Courier is the one that got cut off.
Frankly after doing most quests and DLC, picking anything but Yes Man feels wrong. All the quests and DLC have this theme of "letting go" yet all the factions but the Legion cling to something (Which explains why Ulysses does not want to nuke the Legion despite them shitting on him before)
I feel like that cut ending where you just fuck off somewhere else and leave the Mojave to its fate would've been the best ending in the game
It doesn't really affect much beyond the end slideshow, unless it's a high-impact action that changes karma (for instance, killing House)
Its manageable, currently doing the blood money DLC, I just gathered all three followers.
Those legion assassins are annoying but at least they tend to appear just as I save, so no biggie.
I like slaughtering me some legionnaires.
this gun?
I didn't know Hitman was a playable character in New Vegas
>blood money
Kek, Isn't the heist dlc called blood money?
BTW thanks for sponsoring my next play through.
Agent 47 the assassin of kings.
I'll kill all the important leaders in the most efficient way.
Gotta keep the idea in a notepad somewhere.
>they never see it coming.
dead money