Do you feel guilt after pirating a game?
Do you feel guilt after pirating a game?
I usually end up buying games that I pirate unless they're by developers that are dead/I have literally nothing to gain whatsoever from buying them (games not on steam/no achievements/items or cards to jew on the market/no community or multiplayer, etc)
No, but payed games are more fun than free games. There's more incentive to keep playing them.
Most of the regret sets in while I'm downloading the ROMs. I hate all the advertisement shit and how ugly every ROM site looks.
theres was a time i did but not anymore
I used to get a giddy elation that I was sticking it to the system but these days it's just indifference because of how many legitimately bought games I'm drowning in.
I don't feel anything.
Can't remember the last time i pirated a game.
Do you feel guilty after shitposting as fatbeard mc animefaggot ?
Thought so
Nope, I might even buy it and restart properly if I really like it
If I love it maybe I go out and buy a copy. Shit happened with Yakuza 1, emulated it and bought as much of the games as I could.
Never, even from companies I like.
I feel more guilt after paying for a game, because I become worried that that money could have been better spent elsewhere. Not even a poorfag.
tfw new games are so bad you dont even wanna play the pirated versions
no because i always do my best to support developers that i want to stay in business.
That's practically poorfagging.
The only reason I buy games is to collect them, I don't give a shit about anything else.
I've pirated almost every game I've played in the last 15 years so no, not at all.
>payed games are more fun than free games
This isn't true. It's literally just you forcing yourself to play something because you wasted money on it. If you get every game for free, all that matters its the objective quality of the game. If a game you pirated can't keep your attention and make you want to keep playing it, it's shit.
Nigga, I buy and pirate games depending on how much I think I'd like the game.
If I buy a game and I end up disliking game, then naturally I'm going to be a bit mad I wasted money on something and feel guilty that I didn't use the money for something more important.
No, because I never pirate. I actually believe in paying for things I enjoy.
>tfw you are bucaneering for a decade
And yet no game or movie was worth buying. Exceptions are credits for Ragnarok Online or lingerie for Mabinogi Heroes.
i do if the game i pirated is under 20$ makes me feel like a cheapskate.
No, I know that piracy is a bad thing. I know there's nothing moral about it. Occasionally I buy a game after I pirate it, but I don't use that to justify doing it.
No, never have and never will. Been pirating games since I was in Elementary School and my dad taught me about Nintendo 64/Gens/Gameboy emulators. It's just how I've played games forever.
If it's a cheap game and I really enjoyed it I'll feel bad. But I can always pay afterwards so it's no big deal.
With movies/anime though idaf.
Do I feel guilt for an action I knowingly and voluntarily committed? No.
>tfw pirated a 2 dollar game
>forcing yourself to play
What? You bought it because you knew you were going to enjoy it. Or are you the sort of person who impulse buys? By buying a game, you put a sort of effort into getting it, so you feel more satisfaction playing it.
I pirated a lot of games after Henkaku was released, but I barely touched any of them because I have no incentive or attachment to them.
feels good mane
>don't feel bad pirating movies or music
>feel bad pirating vidya
No idea why. Probably because the jews haven't taken over TOO bad in the world of gaming.
it's pretty bad tho
Of course not. Do you feel bad when you jaywalk?
>you put a sort of effort into getting it, so you feel more satisfaction playing it.
If you're autistic, I guess. Even if it's a game you like, when you paid for it, most people feel obligated to play more of it than they would had they not dropped $60 on something. It's why everyone is obsessed with games being five hundred thousand hours long and why the open world meme is so popular.
Scum of the earth.
Right, you want to get your money's worth. But if you pirate a game, there's no feeling behind it. You have no obligation to play the game, no need to make the most out of your new game. You just end up playing it for an hour or two and move on.
Depends on the game, and if I do i buy it.
If I pirate some indie game thats widely popular but only play it for about 5 minutes, I don't feel guilty. The same goes with AAA games like shadow of mordor, I pirated that and maybe played for 30 minutes.
If I've paid money in one way or another to the studio in the past, or if its a game i will go on to spend more than 50 hours playing I end up buying it.
Only when It's good and the developers are still in business. I usually pay for the games I pirate but i'm short on cash. When I get paid I'll gift some user on Sup Forums valkyria chronicles.
I'm from a third world shit hole where a $60 game is what I afford in a week and half of work. So no, I will never felt guilt.
Yeah, its hard to feel bad pirating anime when that shit costs hundreds of dollars a show
So you're saying spending money to give yourself a sense of obligation so you waste more than a few hours playing it is preferable to being able to enjoy a game solely based on it's objective quality instead of how much money you spent? I've 100% plenty of games I've pirated, and I've deleted some after a few hours because when my money is not on the line I feel no reason to push myself through boring, unenjoyable shit.
I bought fairy farters f once already I'm not shilling out 50 shmeckldorfs for any dark advents
I once literally cried for killing an ant for no reason, but never felt bad for pirating
Your incentive to play a game should be how fun it is. You're having fun so you want to keep having fun by playing it. Your incentive being that you don't want to have wasted your money is terrible.
Not with todays "lets make a DLC out of everything" mindset.
lol no
Moralfags out.
considering how video games are worth like 100 fucking dollars and are shit now, no
Not even a little. If it's a particularly good game, I go see about getting a legit copy, usually on Steam or GoG. If it's not a particularly good game, I breathe a sigh of relief that I didn't waste my time and/or money on it.
yes, i've stopped pirating after like 15 games
Is Guilty something edible?
So the problem is that today's games aren't "fun" enough to warrant a purchase?
Not wanting to waste money isn't the primary incentive; it's just another "push" for you to play your new game. I agree that wanting to enjoy the game and have fun should be first and foremost.
>i pirated a 99 cents game
i've practically stole a bubblegum
>it's just another "push" for you to play your new game
This is autism and buyer's remorse type shit. If the thing pushing you to play a certain game is that you spent $60 on it, it either isn't a good game or you wouldn't even bother playing it if you hadn't wasted money. The last game I bought was Bloodborne GOTY edition, and even though it's the most fun I've had with a modern game in the last two years, I still wish I had been able to pirate it because apart from hardware to play games, I would rather spend the money on something else in any circumstance. I just like getting shit for free, and I only play good games because of it.
>Do you feel guilt after pirating a game?
No, why would i? It's not like they lost a sale by it or something.
I don't have the money, or will, to waste on games left right.
And if some of the games i "demo'd" turn out to be worth something I'll buy them once on sale and i got the mone for it.
It's as simple as that.
If you deserve it, you'll get something for it, even if i pirated your game.
If you don't deserve it, well then you haven't gottne or lost a sale either way, so who cares.
no, because every game ive pirated has ended up being a complete pile of shit im glad i didnt waste money on.
Never felt any guilt and I was a teenager during the ps1 days, raped any Sony platform and emulated any title I wanted at any moment.
PC gaming was more like gathering.
Now been using steam in the Last 2 months,never been happier, dropping all the pain in the ass, everything working smooth AND properly, playing mass effect now since never had a chance, noice. Never going back.
Planning to buy a vita because old habit never die. Fuck Sony.
Everyone likes getting stuff for free, user, even moralfags.
Vidya is ultimately a hobby, and people spend money on their hobbies because they enjoy them. Vidya just happens to be really easy to find for free.
Only If it's good and the publisher is not a thirsty whore (like EA)
>not even copying that floppy
Not a single drop of guilt, not then and not now.
i didnt, but i definitely dont anymore, because theres just nothing worth even stealing anymore. videogames are the dumbest fucking things