What's the best Elder Scrolls game and why is it Oblivion?

The only thing I hate about oblivion is that it is the entire reason we have DLC now.

Not everyone only plays console games, user. DLC was around long before Oblivion.

Because it looks better than morrowind, had a decent story, great quests, some hilarious NPCs, and gives you a reason to explore since you cant craft all the best shit like skyrim.
I actually believe it is the pinnacle of TES. Prove me wrong.

Expansions were around before Oblivion.
Expansions are different. They are entire games worth of content added to a existing game.
Oblivion put out Horse armor and started out the world with the most pointless of DLC.
Truly the be all end all of the service.
Everything else you can consider "DLC" is just free updates to a video game.

Nigga, Morrowind had like 8 addons you could buy in addition to its expansions. Battlefield 2 had two map packs for sale in addition to its expansion. Just because you couldn't download shit on your Xbox doesn't mean it didn't exist.

your right

But the leveling was dogshit no arguing there

Daggerfall is the greatest. The content is almost infinity.

what makes daggerfall so great is this whole daggerfall is best thing just a meme or is it actually better in some aspect?

It is the most RPG-like game in the series and you can do pretty much anything in it.
You can definitely say it's the best but it's also reasonable to say it isn't the best too since it has flaws. Opinions.

Oblivion had great immersion, music, atmosphere, good voice actors, overwhelming sense of adventure, polished early game main quest progression.

It would've happened eventually either way user. Oblivion didn't put the idea into everyone's heads, it was just the first game with the balls to try it.

Is this subtle bait posting that image and trying to claims it's the best. Holy fuck at that pic.

Fixed 100% by mods though
You can't fix all the flaws in Skyrim or Morrowind with mods, their sort are baked into the game unlike all the problems present in oblivion.

>tfw you've been on Sup Forums long enough to see it go from absolute hatred of Oblivion and reverence of Morrwind to hate of Skyrim and love of Oblivion

I'm getting old guys

I've got a bad feeling though that when the next 'Elder Scrolls: Argonian Simulator' game comes out it's going to be actually shit.

Cause it was our first TES

Oblivion is a travesty of game design. Every single game mechanic is fundamentally broken in some way. Consider just level scaling alone: it means your character grows proportionally weaker as you gain levels. It fills the world with daedric armor-wearing bandits and 1000-HP mudcrabs. It makes all unique items gained from quests useless, as they also scale to your level at the moment you completed the quest. Just this one single mechanic irreversibly fucks up your character, the gameworld and the itemization.
Add to this dumbed down mechanics(AKA muh spears), Disneyworld game design, terrible console-first menu and inventory design, terrible quest design, terrible guilds(they're all just linear series of quests which can all be completed simultaneously, without any interplay between them, as in Morrowind), terrible stealth which makes you invisible to everyone simply by crouching in front of them, terrible dialogs, terrible character models, terrible lockpicking& persuasion minigames, terrible writing...
Pretty much one of the worst game of all time.

Also, let's dispel this notion that Oblivion quests are good. They are not good. 95% of them consist of running around in circles and hitting things with your sword. There would maybe be some exotic, terribly written reason for you to run in circles and hit things with your sword, which is apparently enough for neo-Sup Forums to proclaim these the best quests ever.

In fact, the only reason that the mediocre DB questline is so highly regarded is that it breaks the monotony of running in circles and hitting things with your sword. There's still no branching, no meaningful consequences, not a single skill or stat check in the entire questline- these are not good quests.

The only people who would find Oblivion better than Morrowind are the

I still like Skyrim more.

I hate Bethesda, but one thing they get right in TES games are the atmosphere. Both Oblivion and Skyrim feel comfy and like there is a lot going on around. Obviously going into towns reveals that to be bullshit, even Solitude the "capital of Skyrim" is like 11 houses big. But when you're in the wild, it feels like a living, breathing world. What a shame Bethesda doesn't care about making actual games and just wants to half ass them for easy money and leave it to modders to make them playable while they take credit for it all. They have some legitimate talent, at least in world building. If they stopped caring about consoles, we could get a pretty cool game out of them I bet.

Daggerfall > ESO > Oblivion > Battlespire > everything else

daggerfall is significantly worse than arena

The controls fucking kill it dude, don't even start.

Daggerfall is the deeper TES ever. Giant World, thousands NPCs, a lot of factions and infinity quest, also 7 different finals, and character development is fantastic. RPG content, plot, immersion, everything.

The game is free, there is an install tutorial and a patch that fix all bugs.

Coffee and something to take notes, and enjoy the world.

agreed, skyrim had way too much shit that was fucked.

also playing morrowind right now, enjoying it so far but I would have not been able to enjoy if I didn't have the fifty or so texture packs I have installed.


>hurr durr look at me

might play it sometime, it is free after all.

well if they can pull it back with tes 6 ill be happy. They fucked up horribly with fallout 4 and there should be a new engine with the next installment. I love skyrim too, but on my fourth playthrough I realized a few things that killed the game for me. mainly fast travel, gps compass marker, and the lack of RPG elements.

don't think two hours is long enough to follow the STEP guide for morrowind. If you don't somewhat modernize a game over ten years old, you might want to uninstall it after two hours.

worst thing that plagues tes is the consoleniggers. Gives us terrible ui, casual elements, poor engine, dumbed down lore, low quality graphics, and the realization at Bethesda that they don't have to put RPG elements in the game because the consoleniggers will buy it anyway.

consoleniggers are literally the scourge of good rpg based bethesda games.

saying that I did play oblivion, skyrim, and fallout 3 for the first time on console and still loved it. But I would have loved it even more on pc like I am now.

Daggerfall is the only TES main quest I ever finished.

It has an empty, featureless, procedurally-generated world the size of England! It has enormous, complex, procedurally-generated, mazelike to the point of occasionally being impossible to traverse dungeons! It has enormous cities with literally hundreds of buildings that are 96% copypasted houses with copypasted interiors and copypasted residents to explore!

It's the epitome of quantity over quality.

>Horse Armour DLC
Definitive historical marker for the start of gamings downward trend of developers profiting of unfinished games (oh whoops! fixed that in this new DLC for only $7.99 + a map) or selling season passes for in-game hats.

>Level Scaling
The absolute hands down most retarded game mechanic to add to an RPG. An entire world levelling up with you is an un immersive concept and one that doesn't properly reward any actual character progress

>Only 4 voice actors
This shit got old fast. Especially hearing those multiple personality disorder beggars

Game was fun, is comfy to re-visit.

But the game has earned its dunce cap.

>It's the epitome of quantity over quality.
And yet the writing is still better than anything Bethesda has done since.

>spending that much time on the STEP guide instead of just using Morrowind Watercolored for maximum A E S T H E T I C with minimal performance hit

this desu

Arena is very underrated.