This image doesn't lie.
This image doesn't lie
I'm Taurus, and I fucking hate games like Diablo and Titan Quest. Never really cared for FPS or Racing games either.
It definitely got the stealth part right seeing as it's my all time favourite genre. Management is alright, platformers are meh, shmups are meh, roguelike is double meh.
Its not my problem if you dont know yourself.
could not be further from the truth OP
>never played a single game on that list
>have never played an mmo
> Cancer
> Not liking Dota-clones and non-games.
>I'm aries but i'd rather Scorpio games.
aries here
used to like MMOs but don't play them anymore
never cared for strategy games
wrong as shit
Special snowflakes, all of you.
>I play WoW and Warband
>MMOs aren't my main genre
>never played the other games
>don't like city management
>Street Fighter > Soul Calibur
>EvE is garbage
>don't care for platformers
Virgo here
Metal Gear Solid and Metroid are some of my favourite games
Don't know what the top left is
Never tried Dorf Fort and never heard of Gunbird
Aries here. Western games are garbage.
It's shit
SWAT 4 can stay but I'd rather literally any other game selection there
I haven't seen this many literally who games in a list in a long time. it's okay to like things that have a player base over 100.
>zodiac signs
Sup Forums is now tumblr
chan has been infected by dumblrites for a solid 3-4 years. Inevitable ever since the females on the internet boom circa 2010 with smartphone saturation.
I'm a Taurus and I am the exact opposite.
I love Fighting games and RPGs.
Racing games are pretty much what I grew up with
And I bought a console solely to play 1 shooter on it. Even if I didn't end up buying other games with it
I'm Capricorn and the ones listed are my least favorite genres.
>am Libra
>literally played all of those games and 4.5/6 are my favourite
Leo here, those are some of my least favorite genres. I prefer action-adventure, open-world, platformers, FPS, roguelike, and puzzle.
>4 games I love
>One game I actually worked on
Guess I should play Riven then
Did you flip back your sign one based on changing position of the constellations, fampai? If you're an Aqua, you're actually a Capricorn, etc. etc.
reminder that Scorpio is the best sign
Cancers can fucking kill themselves
Wrong. I don't like any of the games of my zodiac.
Trash image.
>be me
>see Taurus games
>"It's a-me! Yippee, wahoo!"
>looks at birthdate on driver's license
hi where are the pisces gf?
While I wish I could be good at those games and respect them, especially those in the pic, but nope. I do like playing brawlers though.
Capricorn here:
Liked Burning Crusade, incredibly sick of MMOs now.
Didn't play Warband much.
Didn't play Sim City much.
Spyro's ok.
EVE a shit.
Like fightans but SoulCal a shit.
>Favourite series is Metal Gear Solid
Eh, 2/5. Shmups and platformers are good shit.
>Zodiac signs
Look I dont want to be sexist, most of my family members are women, but can we address the elephant in the room and talk about why virtually all women believe in this stupid bullshit?
Is everyone a cparicorn here?
Holy shit I love SOTN.
>This image doesn't lie.
It did for me.
it does not lie as much as it completely makes stuff up.
because they're fucking stupid
While I love every game to death in Aries top row, some of my all time favorites are also scattered about in everything else and I don't care about mmos
I hate strategy
Leo here, literally me with even my ascendant or whatever the fuck it's called right.
I'd say it's because they're romantics, but we all know men are more of romantics than women.
Terrible, not even close.
>not moba or f2p
weak bait
holy fuck
>Be virgo
>metal gear solid is ok, metroid prime is ok too
>wtf is the rest of that shit
>OMGGGGGGGGGG DIS TOTALLY ME +1 always upboat relatable memes :)
Why did you make this image?
>like RTS and fighting games the most
What is this sorcery?
Only girls like astrology please fuck off.
Trying to fit in.
>tfw Leo
>My favourite games consist of the STALKER series, esports and H-games
I guess it's not wrong in that I like strategy games but I couldn't care less for brawlers.
The only game I really play right now is Dota.
>tfw dota is like an rts/brawler/fighting game hybrid
It all makes sense why i played it so much now.
Its all about positioning/reads and knowledge.
What it lacks is all of the mechanical skill, but the rest is all there.
Complete bullshit, I'm sagittarius but Cancer, Libra and Scorpio are FAR more accurate for me.
>puzzle, platformer and RPG
I fucking hate puzzles and I'm quite ambivalent toward platformer. I like RPGs though.
This image is fucking shit.
>MFW Scorpio.
How the fuck ?
Its. Wrong though
>Company of heroes 2
Aries here
I prefer character action games as well as whatever you want to call the souls series
I absolutely hate strategy and brawlers.
I'm Aries and I've never played an MMO. Not super into RTSes either.
I'm pisces and the closest thing to any kf those games I've played is fucking mario kart. Astrology needs to get its act together.
>Only played 2 out of 6 games in that list
>Only liked one of them
I don't even like puzzle games.
I'm a Gemini but fuck Europa Uninstallalis 4