ITT: Be nice to one another about video games

Let's have a feel good thread for lonely, or just plain nice people here on Sup Forums. This is our home, our community, so let's have something nice to live for.

There will be bait, but don't you have enough self control to ignore it?

What games are you playing? Looking forward to? Wish you could play?

I've been messing around with NES emulation recently. I'd never played StarTropics before, it's pretty good so far. I had no idea what to expect really going in. The music rules.

hello rato


Hellooo RATO

Arigato rato

I'm playing Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright to hold me over until Breath of the Wild and Fast RMX.

This is a nice thread idea. We don't usually have relaxed threads where we're nice with each other for a change. It's usually just in special occasion threads like E3 or Sup Forums The Musical.


Hello rato. Pls be nice to me.

It is nice but everyone here is too eager to shitpost


Or every porn thread

I want to buy RE7 but i can't afford it since im planning to get all yakuza games on PS2,3 and 4 so im toned down

I've been doing a similar thing with the old RE games because I can't afford 7 yet.

Bought 6 the other day, it's a lot better than people say. I think part of it is knowing that 7 isn't an action game as well.

What's a good place to start with the Yakuza games? Should I go chronologically or is there a MGS3/MGSV equivalent where I can jump in with a newer game and go back after?


I've seen this guy for years and never asked this, what the fuck are those things on his face, they look like fucking wetnaps

I bought that game but never got around to playing it. Does it play more like one than the other?

You do investigations as Professor Layton doing puzzles and then do Phoenix Wright trials. You take turns playing each game style.

I think they're for when you get sweaty or headachey. Probably has vicksish stuff in it. Like icy hot.

Started playing Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 yesterday. Not too far into it though.

I'm looking forward to playing Sins of a Solar Empire again after all these years once I fix my PC. I have never touched the expansions.

Cooling pads. It's surprisingly effective for when a game is kicking your teeth in.

aloha rato

hello rato!

Kawaii ne

I'm only playing Nioh. Sad they trashed the difficulty on the early levels but it's getting more difficult as I go

I'm looking forward to Breath of the Wild, probably gonna invite some friends over for fucking about.
I'm playing some Xenoblade and Fire Emblem to hold me off until then.

Pirate 7.
It's not worth the money, way to short and gets extremely mediocre near the end.

I'm looking for bosses to fight and kick my ass.

Thinking about Megaman but i want something like Vergil from DMC3.

I'm playing Disgaea 3 Vita and Tales of Berseria.


Good boss fights are hard to come by. I liked the bosses in Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 but they're fairly easy once you understand mechanics.

I'd say go with Megaman

That thing would kill you if it could.

Its a baby wombat

>Only know one ''''friend''''' who is getting a Switch on launch
>Isn't getting Zelda or Arms
>1-2 switch
>hes antisocial as fuck and always nervous in public so he hardly has any friends to play it with

Playing Darksiders II and Ori and the Blind Forest while I wait for BotW. Multiplauer-wise, I just got into playing Tribes: Ascend. I'm shit at the game, but I'm having alot of fun with it.

You're a baby wombat.

What are some good FPS or third person co-op games for the PC? And would you play them with me ? :3

If you play a game I don't like, on a platform I don't like, or disagree with me on anything I will insult you and spaz out on you.

>Can get banned for replying to these kinds of pictures now
>But it's rato

I hope you get eaten by rabid Dingoes OP.

[spoiler[Jello Ratto

I'm this close to buying UFC 2 now that it's 20 eurosheckels. Forgive me lord, I need my fill of fighting simulators and realistic body movements.

I'm also poor as fuck and need a long lasting game that I can play with podcasts on the background.

Looking for couch co-op action games with actually good story lines for PS4, can anyone help?

I've been playing Dark Souls 3. INT runs are hell earlygame.

also HeIIo rato