Who did you go for?

Recently got the game and shot straight for Leah

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This game bored the fuck out of me, i tried, i really tried to like it.

The waifus current year look is repulsive, i know there's mods but the gameplay remains dull as fuck.

Initially went straight for Abby but ended up with Maru.

Bitxh makes sentient life in her basement, its hard to beat that.

>multiplayer never ever
I could've got a girlfriend thanks to multiplayer, but guess what, I lost my chance with her
I want my money back

The blonde. Currently got my second kid with her, only thing I need to do is finish up cooking everything and finish the museum.

The drop rates for the artifacts are serious horseshit, this is the second winter I'm wasting with this shit

I didn't know this game had multiplayer

The only person I befriended was old homeless mate. Can't remember his name. I hate this shitty relationship dynamic that carried over from harvest moon. I just want to farm shit and maintain my farm. Here have a rock you needy slut.

Not modding the game so you can marry and impregnate Jasmine?
Pleb taste.

Bitch made a robot to give pre-programmed speech and responses, and you didn't notice her handling its remote control.
It wasn't sentient.
She was just testing your opinions on robot sentience.

That said, Maru is adorable. And I'm a fuggen Sup Forums so it takes a lot for me to say that.

Lemme shoop something up real quick

Here you go. Does this picture adequately describe your artifact hunting?

>not shooting on best girl

I went for Hayley, got her to full hearts and everything but changed my mind last minute and married Sam instead. He's cool and I always marry girls in these games so went for something different because why the fuck not.

It doesn't. It is in the works however.

Boring ass game. Never even finished the first year.
Winter sucks

On the one hand, I kind of like how all the Stardewas have their flaws.
On the other hand, that means no waifu.

Haley starts off as a shallow cunt
Abigail is a bit of a coward and can't beat stage of 1 of Prairie King
Penny has an acute case of Single Mother Syndrome
Maru is not: An albino, A mosquito, or A libido.
Emily is a little too obsessed with her fashion and her occultism.
Leah is used goods, and has a history of abandoning a relationship to follow her own art dreams.

If you're gonna marry a dude, go with Sebastian. He's neglected by his mom and his stepdad, and has his work and his hobbies intruded upon by them.
Marry him, and he'll be much happier, able to follow his work and his hobbies without interruption.

Even amongst the nonmarryable candidates, nobody's really that good.
Sandy ... I'm not sure she's even human.
Pam is a lazy angry fat cunt.
Caroline is a known cheater.
Evelyn, while lovely, is too old to bear you children.
Jas same but too young.
Robin ... Well, let's just say Clint isn't the only one burning the coal.

>idiot doesn't know about winter seeds

Have they added ANYTHING since this shit came out a year ago? I got bored during the first year because winter is unbearingly fucking slow without crops and I had already got to the bottom of the well or whatever.

That feel when 2000,0000,000000000000,0001 Crystal Fruit wine.

Add in some stones and that's her.

I hope they port this shit to the vita. Because I really wanna get this game to play on a handheld. And if it's not on the vita then I'd need to get a switch sometime down the road.

There are crops in winter. Having a green house helps too.

Garbage profit.

I didn't have a greenhouse yet. I remember spending most of my time fishing because I don't think the crops gave that much. I did make it through Winter, but it was so fucking tedious and boring that I dropped the game as soon as Spring rolled around.



*Currently you can do none of these things with potatoes, and are instead limited to frying them in oil to make hash browns.

Stopped playing for a while before I could try Leah on my first run.

I was gunning for Emily this current run, but her new heart scenes are kinda out there and don't involve the player much.

This bothers me. I bought it digitally on PS4 in January as I thought there wouldn't be a physical edition and now there is, and not only that it comes with some nice little extras. I want to double dip but it seems a waste.

>Expecting anything good and on time from chucklefuck
You have only yourself to blame. Dev ahould have honestly remained solo.

Any generous user who would give that game away so I can try it out?

Nailed her so fucking hard.

Never played this but i am willing to give it a shot, what makes it stand out from Harvest Moon games?

pirate it

>Thinking vanilla portraits are attractive

>Can get with boys and girls
>More 'dark' in nature
>Monster battles

It's just an improved version of SNES Harvest Moon.

jesus christ you must spend half the day watering all that shit just for crows to take half of it away

>that image
Holy shit it sure is autism. Farm probably looks like complete shit.

how does time management work compared to harvest moon? Do you need to rush if you plan on doing multiple things a day?

not officially

>not getting the mod that lets you marry Vincent

You're still a pleb.

Why is your greenhouse still a pile of shit if you've been playing long enough to get 40,000+ gold?

eh if i had to double dip on a game it'd be this one.
mostly because i know it's going to one guy.

You wake up at 6am and collapse at 2am if you don't get to bed in time, so you have 20 hours to do everything. One in game hour is 45 seconds so you have 13 minutes in a full day. Buildings all close around 8pm so if you need to speak or give people things then it's best to do that early.

I find it is a rush in the beginning but once you upgrade your tools, get sprinklers and people to help on your farm then you can easily do everything so it's not a huge problem.

I'm conflicted. I don't want to sell out to joja and play on EZ mode, but I don't think the game is interesting enough for me to play long enough to complete all of the bundles.

>not getting the mod where you can marry the dog.


I can't fish, I've tried and tried on PS4 and just can't do it. What am I doing wrong people?

With the iridium foraging perk they're perfectly fine as long as you're not an autistic starfruit wine minmaxing fagtron.

thanks for giving me the time of your day

>get the option to deck Leah's ex
>you knock them the fuck out
I didn't expect it to go that far, but I'm actually quite glad it did.

Jas is best


good choice OP

i'm halfway through year two and have run out of things to do. thank god i got lucky and found all the artifacts. i'd be tearing my hair out trying to finish that shite.

user, please why are you not using sprinklers?

I got the anime mod and the one that turns all of the dateable guys into girls

Also the one that turns your farm animals into mostergirls



Who comes up with these mods..

>Not getting the mod that turns Jasmine crazy

The bundles are half the game to me. It stops being interesting when the endgame is little more than earning millions of dollars to buy the really expensive things.

now you're making me want to actually play this game

All of the girls are trash, the only worthwhile person to marry is Shane

There are lots of good mods. I use a couple that reduce the tedium of the game as well

ive been looking but my google-fu must be shit

Most of them are on nexus

I hated him at first but he's great. I like his cock.. Charlie.

>chicken blush
d-oes shane do inappropriate things with his chicken?

Of course he does, the blue chicken is his own special creation.

>No option to marry Marnie
>No option to marry Sandy
>No option to cuck demetrius and marry Robin
>No option for harem ending with all the girls

Shit game/10

>No option to cuck demetrius and marry Robin
Didn't the dev say he was considering this?

Horrible. This looks like a casualized Harvest Moon for smartphones.

>having demitrius get WHITED
Would actually consider this dev and game based if it allowed it.

I used to shit on this game all the time because it's a lazy Harvest Moon clone but since the new Trio of Towns isn't coming to Europe I thought fuck it and bought Stardew Valley and it's actually great. Try it.


not sure which anime portraits though as there's a few diff ones. most downloaded is this one.


Sandy would be a nice option. She looks pretty cute, or at least with the modded portraits she does.


nice, thanks user


I use all of these. I am pretty much playing a waifu VN at this point

Make sure you backup your game, it took me a few tries to get everything working

Nah, it's western shit with western art, western progressive agendas, western laziness, it's shit.

I like it how Harvest Moon throws bits of japanese culture into the game, such as the obscure 300yen school trip rule.

I played back when Emily wasn't a choice. Took me a bit to figure that out.
So when I did find out I went with Plan B got gay with Sebastian instead.

I love how I got to make him stop smoking since that was my one turn off.

>still can't place furniture outside

its pretty good and has waifus

It's funny, because Marnie actually looks cute in her portrait but ugly as fuck in her sprite, while it's the exact opposite for literally every other NPC in the game.

>Plant my slime incubator in town
>Hatches slimes
>Slime greets the villagers by name as they pass by
>They respond "Good morning, slime!"

I won't defend the default portraits, but please, show me a portrait mod that isn't complete garbage. They are all utter trash. I bet you use some poorly drawn anime one too.

Oh he stops? That's the reason why I didn't choose him in the first place.

thx dude

Marne a shit, get this mod instead


>Loves dancing, so has a great body
>Eats healthy
>Knew fate was going to bring us together
>Meditates to reduce stress
>Still works at the bar from time to time to keep up with friends
>Keeps bad spirits away from our child
>Is too pure for this world

Best Girl

>No option to marry Marnie
Fucking this. Is there a decent Marnie marriage mod yet? I've seen a couple but from what I remember both of them break the game.

my wife eats quartz and makes bombs

Slimes get mad at you for digging in the trash too.

as much as I'm enjoying this game, I have to say Stardew Valley is an amazing example of an artstyle that just got worse and worse as time went on.

Penny is cutest

It always confused me when she ate my gem stones

I think most of the art for the game is pretty good with the major exception of the people.

i just can't understand why he made all of the redhead girls identical, it isn't really a problem for the rest of the characters but penny, robin and leah are all the same person with a different haircut.

>befriending shane
>give him beers twice a week
>missed him at the bar one night
>still have beer in the morning
>give him beer at 10am while he's working
>head to marnies to buy a goat later
>shane is drunk and contemplating rolling off a cliff

It was all your fault user. I give him Pepper Poppers.

Anyone know anything about Song of Seasons: Trio of Towns releasing soon? I'm looking for a portable farming game that's more about farming / social interaction and less about combat / dungeon shit

Then yes Story of Seasons is for you.

I'm not positive but I think its optional.

In his final cutscene I got a dialogue option to say something to the effect of "I wish you would stop smoking." and ever since he hasn't smoked.

Perhaps he quits no matter what. I don't know.

>summer year 4
>did everything
>no desire to play

Is rune factory 4 a good place to pick up on stardew valley withdrawal?

Profit is great for the first year and seeting up profits to buy hundreds of seeds during spring. After that there's no reason to bother with it since you should be rich.

I feel for you.

Generally you won't have to rush. Every morning you need maybe 2-4hrs to water/plant/milk/collect eggs then you can do whatever you want.