49.99 on pc (42.99 preorder)

>49.99 on pc (42.99 preorder)
>59.99 on console(50.99 preorder)
>duke kekem skins
>gearbox "publishing"

Not even EA wants a hand in this, how fucking low can one man get.

Duke Nukem VO ensured I'd never preorder this game.

>make fun of modern-military shooters
>is a modern-military shooter with gimmicks

The original was ok, torrented it and had fun. I'd pay maybe $10 max for it though. Short and no replayability. An upgrade like this is maybe $15 standalone and $5 upgrade.

It was fun enough for one playthrough, and that's it. The appeal was how it subverted game cliches, but it only did this half the time since it still came off as a very DUDEBRO shooter.

Did they fixed the issues of the original pc release (mainly the 8-bit textures)?

between this and their duke nukem kikery (taking the old version off the market, reselling a "new" version with less content and worse performance for more money) it's pretty clear that pitchford's terrible buisiness sense has finally caught up with him

i look forward to flying wild hog finishing borderlands iii in 2018, once all of their IPs are sold off to satisfy creditors following the bankruptcy proceedings

same fucking game
same fucking engine
Just buy re7 or berseria you fucking dipshit nigger number9

>79.99 on PC and console

>people can fly
>flying wild hog
I never cease to get the two confused

Does the money even go to People Can Fly? i haven't seen Adrian Chimarelez promote it so i doubt it

How the fuck did Randy get the fucking rights to this? Didn't EA publish it and Epic/PCF develop it?

>i look forward to flying wild hog finishing borderlands iii in 2018

Please no I actually like Flying Wild Hog, I don't want them to work on shit series. I'd rather they get to work on Hard Reset 2.

Bet there's not even weapons that use clips in the game

Hello fellow Canuck, life is suffering with these insane vidya prices.


Get it together devs

He is with new studio the astronauts

I paid like 2 bucks for the first one, It's fun but nof fun enough to hook you.

Meh, I liked the game and I could consider getting it but at that price no way in hell I'll be getting it any time soon. Those fucks couldn't even make a discount for previous owners.

People Can Fly owns the IP itself.

Full price for another lazy remaster? Nice one

What a dicktit

I enjoyed the shit out of the game when it first came out, but i can't justify paying full price for it again. That, and i ain't giving Gearbox any of my money. I would have just preferred the original sequel they wanted to do. Even if this sells well and spawns a sequel, Gearbox will have a hand in it, and that will ruin it beyond belief.

>Re-release DUKE NUKEM 3D
>Somehow make it take up 1-2GB of space

Oh Randy.

It'll flop, nobody cares about Randy's last pitiful cashgrab.
The last good game Gearbox made was Opposing Force.

Bulletstorm is a good game, but people already bought it once for full price. You can get the original for like $2 nowadays, why would you pay $60 for it.

>good game
It looked just bas bad as Borderlands, granted minus the insufferable attempts at humor.

Bulletstorm sucks.

Everyone remembers it as the "wacky" shooter in a Gears of War era, but it wasn't funny. There was like one attempt at a joke and the rest of the story was taken incredibly seriously and it all sucked. And it was buggy as fuck.