Who is the best girl in Stardew Valley and why is it Penny?

Who is the best girl in Stardew Valley and why is it Penny?

Is this game like FarmVile?

Harvest Moon

kind of a half assed Harvest Moon with a fingernail clipping of Rune Factory.

>get hyped as fuck for the multiplayer in the game before it's out
>game releases without it
>fine, I can wait
>a year later and it's still not out
Literally all I wanted to do was have a comfy farm life with some other anons.

Definitely tied with Leah. Leah best girl.

It's Haley, not Penny.


>City slicker tramp

No thanks.

it's haley, but they're all shit so who cares

I need a girl who's happy to get gifts of dirt and roots. She's also a total loner so I don't need to worry about jock mcchad-face whisking her away.

Leah best girl

me and my wife love the HM series and really wanted to co-op farm

Holy fuck l cant stand that artstyle. Can you mod it out of the game to make it look more Harvest Moon-ish?



Delete this.

Only girl who most definitely has her hymen still intact. Of course she is the best girl.


I don't know user, Vincent has seen some stuff.

Because thats the only one with good art.
The rest are manzilla

She's only interested in you to get out of the trailertrash lifestyle user.

Literally worst girl.

Have there been any major updates or additions to this game since it first came out? I played it a good bit on release, but haven't touched it since.

Leah best girl.

Nevermind, reading up on them now. It seems there is a lot of new content, and I'm not even a third of the way through the notes. Looks like it's time to start a new farm.

because you can tell she needs it. shes just got that look like "pick a hole idc"

Hottest boy coming thru

I liked the game, even got the plat.

But there's no endgame. You meet the ghost and that's it. Really no objectives after that

Is there a mod that allows you to marry more than one person? I want an harem.

Her mother is better.

What was his problem, Sup Forums?

Which mod is this?

please tell me there's a polygamy mod?