Sad Scavenger Edition
Risk of Rain Thread
Why is he so sad Sup Forums?
>tfw no items
best boss
I suddenly sympathize with him
Saddest boss
post hours while we wait for a host
tfw under 100 hours
I havent updated it but it's something like 640 now
Can someone gimme a quick rundown about these threads? Is the game like an MMO or something? What do you need a host for?
104 hours.
You're at 653 hours now.
Multiplayer needs forwarded ports
It's a game on steam that's pretty fun. It's a rogue-like and has multiplayer. It's frequently on sale for less than $3 on steam and is well worth the money. You should buy it and join us for some games.
Holy shit, and I thought I had a lot.
204 recorded
probably a couple dozen offline/off-Steam as well
Thanks for reminding me snails
That's nothing, there's a guy going around with a 1000. Granted I will beat him someday
Is the multiplayer vs or co op? I remember playing this a while back but I don't think it was finished at the time.
Co-op, RoR pvp when
How do you not get bored?
I mean, about 100+ hours of mine were probably only single player, only played once with Sup Forums (trying to change that right now) and the rest were with local buddies.
It's a finished game. It's co-op multiplayer. And it's Fun.
how tf do you play enforcer?
I dunno, playing with Sup Forums is fun. Experimenting with item builds has been keeping me entertained too.
>RoR pvp
Actually thought about this with a couple of friends a while back. Loader would be op as fuck desu.
Any hosts?
what's with her nose?
Poorly. Game just isn't designed to favor his lack of mobility or area denial
It's how the artist draws noses I guess.
How do i get good at this game?
wat character
for Sup Forums mode, abuse ropes/ladders. also jump.
for vanilla just rush the teleporter.
Alone? You don't, good luck getting through the game solo Enforcer.
Co-op? With luck your team will have your back while shielded, but you're still very vulnerable to funballs and the missile/electric/teleporting elites.
Let's go boys! I can squeeze in some runs before bed.
I only have one
tfw you get cremated so hard host crashes
We in
alright, i'll close it for now
need host
Metrid pls
die pls
Goodnight Idol.
Friendly reminder that Ryuujou is best kancolle
Goodnight metrid
Wrong boat.
>good luck getting through the game solo Enforcer.
The first time I got through the game on my own was playing Enforcer.
I'm still pretty consistent with him as long as I don't turn on Glass.
Multiplayer is another story, I can't play Enforcer in multiplayer at all.
open when
Host open
tfw you die and you watch everyone else play
tfw cucked by Ifrit's wall
Thanks Hopoo
I thought I was good at this game. Guess not.
RNG has opened your eyes
tfw crash
thanks hopoo
Good night again everyone!
RNG a shit, it's all on luck for getting the right items and you get fucked over often.
Thanks for the host bb
I'm up for another hour if anybody decides to host.
No, fuck off. This only incites faggots to scream at us to move to /vg/.
Literally nobody
I guess you weren't here last week when that one guy made a fuss.
Anyone alive for a host here?
I've woken up and my back still hurts, but I'm down to play.
>that one guy
Who cares if one guy spergs out about these threads being here?
pls someone host
i've just got the game as a birthday present
Happy Birthday!
fuck it. ill host a game
this ones for you birthday boy
Karen is the best girl.
>climbing a rope
Crashes galore.
Open again
Good job Huntress
Someone gimme some good meme builds.
I tried doing a fuckload of barbed wire but the game just crashed.
I hate that about this game some times.
my b
I've barely had any errors in single player, but mp is crash city.
Host is open or nah?
Does this game have dedicated servers yet?
It will never have dedicated servers, or a list of lobbies.
Host, pls respond!
Thanks, hosts, it was fun.
Good night.
Stack fireworks, smart shopper, rapid mitosis, and captain's brooch.
open again 3/10
join up faggots
Get as many banners as it takes to fill up the whole screen and then keep getting syringes until you can fire 1000 projectiles a second
I thought those only stack up to like 8
Oh now this is a good idea.
8 gives you the biggest benefit, they keep going up though and you can attack faster but at a diminished rate after 8
this is bf1 pepe draw by my galaxy note5
someone ask me give this drawing
so i uploading Sup Forums
Wrong thread.