>22 more days
22 more days
do they enough time???
Huh, Sera is actually kind of cute in this picture. Lighting does wonders on ugly people.
>triple aaa game
>can't figure out how to make normal looking realistic faces even though they literally fucking face scanned that head from a hot model.
It's actually baffling at this point that they can't create any sort of attractiveness out of female characters
They revamped the lighting system.
Changed her eye color
Can't you make your own pathfinder? why is everyone bitching they are ugly? just make your own waifu
how can anyone play or buy an EA bioware product after ME 2?
you have to have some kind of brain damage to do any of that
You can customize both twins and the dad will look like a mix of the two
Custom characters in Bioware games look horrendus.
I hope I can make one of the twins a pale chinese ginger and the other a nigger with purple hair
But that's not how genetics work...
Unless the twins conceive their own father?
I hope they can fug each other.
Thank god.
if bioware does this I'm buying their game
Is the one you're not playing gonna die?
Oh. Not bad on this pic.
One of the previews imply they get injured/crippled and spend most of the time in the med bay
Actually looks better.
Not unless you know what you're doing
I've literally had my head in the dirt for the most part on this game, and never even bothered finishing 3, let alone remember the first 2. Can someone give me the broad strokes of what andromeda is about?
Of course not, but it's easy shorthand for familial resemblance that doesn't require you to do all three by hand.
that's with mods user
Post animated verison and we will laugh together
You're right. I got nothing.
You guys are buying such games from gamestop :^)
>spend an hour making a good looking character in the creator
>look like absolute shit ingame
I swear she looked good in the character creator
So stop fucking shilling it all the time.
Since Mass Effect is in the shitter indefinitely what were some things that bothered you in the franchise? For me it was the Technology was seemingly lacking. There weren't many nefarious techs or bots compared to things made in the year 2077.
Stop forcing your meme.
Actually looks worse.
Already? The game has no hype at all. It's gonna flop.
Did you pre-order my game, user?
Not a meme really simple observation and comparisons. One universe creates pretty elaborate and horrifying technologies like trauma harnasses that puppet corpses, a virus that forcibly births monsters and bots with more ordinance than fort knox. And the human beneficial entity doesn't have some faggy edgelord weeb but rather a 12 foot tall, absolute loyal goliath that terminates any and all threats to the government.
y-yes mistress
>there are people on this board who bothered with bioware games after ME2
Even with vanilla you can do nice things with human and elve.
Qunari however, even with mods you're fucked.
I dont want yours aids get the fuck away from me ill never buy anything from biosjwmuslumfeminestware
I'm amazed someone managed to photoshop a character into something cute for a change. Every other attempt is off or downright ugly. Props to that user.
Lighting helps a lot holy shit
Same shit that happened to miranda, bitch looked like a gorilla in the wrong lighting
How could we know Bioware had gone to shit BEFORE ME3? ME2 wasn't bad.
>Sup Forums is actually looking forward to the next Mass Effect
Time for me to leave
ME1 was shit but it had some great ideas in there under all the poor execution, ME2 was just plain shit.
sorry grandma, i didn't. get back in your grave.
Chill brah, no one is looking forward to this, we're just poking fun at it. This is going to be The Room of video games.
I thought that was Horizon already. Fuck, I just realized Horizon might make a Bioware game look better by comparison.
This place pretty much turned into a disgusting glob of Neogaf, Reddit and some Tumblr after the GG tidal wave pulled back in the filth.
See? All it takes is slimming the jaw. That's it.
Why is this so hard to understand for designers?
I'm looking forward to it, wanted a new comfy space game for a long time now.
Softened the bags under her eyes too.
>how could we know Bioware had gone to shit BEFORE ME3?
did you just forget that SWTOR and DA 2 happened?
It's hard to play the first game again knowing that shepards goal was attempting up to save these sad sacks of shit
Also touched up the cheeks, mouth, eyebrows, nose.
Kinda cute
>mass effect
>space game
i think you mean, chest high corridor shooter featuring gay sex
I honestly dont think Cora looks that fucking bad desu. Atleast compared to the other women like female Ryder or Shrek.
Now that I see the before and after, yeah. But what leaps out at you is the more feminine jawline. And manly jaws is a recurring theme in the character designs that generate backlash. Like Aloy, the Shrek asari (whatever her name is), and Piper from FO4.
Get your eyes checked.
I unironically cant wait to play this, it is my most expected game of the year.
You are underestimating those huge manly cheeks.
You mean Ansari?
Depends on lighting and angle, they're all like the Seinfeld two face girl.
wew, would've been great if they went on their own adventures and you could find them exploring planets and what not.
Dad will probably die at the end of the game too, shit is predictable as hell.
Cora is pretty cute. I don't see how people would think other wise.
>dude bioware sucks lmao :d fuck sjws!!!
Thats how.
Makes her look old. Like a grandmother trying to recapture her youth, or someone who would like to see the manager.
I can see that. But she's still very attractive, I think people are just shitting on her because she's apart with Mass effect.
Perfectly described Sup Forums.
The only thing Cora and Claire have in common is the hair.
And the square jaw and jowls.
It's the 'fat friends' effect.
Ryder is 22, any info on how old Cora is? Is she a christmas cake perhaps?
>oh user, you're so cute...
why is Sup Forums under the impression that everyone likes anime aesthetics?
>got rid of laugh lines
>anime aesthetics
Are you saying she's actually less attractive?
y-you too, sara.
If you don't have huge manly cheeks and a wide jaw you're anime. Feminine women don't exist.
But I don't want to be gay
He just removed skin complexion and shadows. He made it less real. Not everyone likes anime look over actual human look.
That's transmisogynistic. Trans women are women.
I better get some Turian titties.
They don't have tits.
git gud
Damn. New Shrek is looking great.
What is that webm from? There's a new trailer out? Male Ryder looks OK, he's no default Shepard tho.
As someone who was profoundly disappointed with Mass Effect 3, I'll buy Andromeda one day. I definitely won't buy it during release, though.
I will just wait until Italians will deliver it.
>8 more days
God bless dual audio.