Cemu will offer the definitive Breath of the Wild experience at launch

Cemu will offer the definitive Breath of the Wild experience at launch.

We will be able
>Change the game's internal resolution
>Increase the resolution and quality of shadows >Modify or remove post-processing effects
>Workarounds for graphic bugs until we find a proper solution
>Change lighting related aspects of the game
>Add or change any visual aspect of the already existing materials
>Custom Anti-Aliasing solutions with ReShade

Can't wait to see the Wii U vs Switch vs Cemu comparison pictures to BTFO Sup Forums for the last time

Other urls found in this thread:


delete this

Making botw available on wii-u was a mistake



I'm getting it on a physical wii-u because I've been waiting for this game and I can't justify getting a switch for just one game.

I'll probably play it on cemu to get all the dlc for free and hacked amiibo content after the fact.


All at an all time high of 4fps!



Won't be playable until a few months at the very least.

so....link to iso where.

fucking pc cucks all they do is wait and wait some more. Your life is waiting and dreaming.


Are you more proud of playing a game in a spec better than the native hardware or not paying for your games?

>have game installed though steam
>cant uninstall this crap because they removed it from the steam store
>have 30gb of dead space now
>thanks ubisoft

Someone in /vg/ provided a fix for this so that doesn't really count.

>provided a fix
>still can't get into the actual game
>"it will be playable on launch" they say

>Change the game's internal resolution
>Increase the resolution and quality of shadows >Modify or remove post-processing effects
>Workarounds for graphic bugs until we find a proper solution
>Change lighting related aspects of the game
>Add or change any visual aspect of the already existing materials
>Custom Anti-Aliasing solutions with ReShade
Are these just ideas you came up with or will they actually come to fruition?

We can already change the internal resolution of games, and through that increase shadow quality, although I don't think post-processing effects are touchable right now.

Graphic bug workarounds are pretty commonplace, so those will be a thing, lighting probably won't be changed, textures too, custom AA is likely to be possible but I doubt any trashENB or shittyFX nonsense will be possible unless it already is through Cemu.

Depth of field always gets fucked on higher resolution though. I compared 3d world on CemU 4k with the original on WiiU and CemU 1080p. And 1080p wins graphically, but has some weird sound issues, so the WiiU wins in the sound department.

Did someone say pirating games??

I'll do that when I get home from pirating this wine, for free of course!

other thread was taken down we here now

But will you be able to play it on the go?

Yeah.....thought not.

>yfw cemu devs end up not even trying to optimize botw for the emulator so they can still receive money from patreon

you guys know this is bond to happen

tl;dr wii u fags are playing BOTW right now. Switchfags are stuck with their thumbs up their asses. Booting up BOTW on cemu went better than expected (everyone expected it to crash but it just freezes during the control check whatever), meaning that we will have functional emulation within a few weeks.

People will drop their donations if they don't even try to get it working

You can't even play XBX on Cemu lad.

and get it stolen? no thanks.

But I'm playing 3D World right now.

>at launch
game is leaked and doesn't run on cemu, enjoy

Just a few more months till we can get botw playable on cemu. You jealous wiiufags? How's the "game"? Blurry mess I bet. HAHA cemu for life.

Where can I get wii u isos?

Oh STFU, this damn thing won't be able to get above 5fps for at least 2 years - and even when it does, it'll be plagued by terrible graphical glitches.

>pirating wine
Jesus, you finally returned, stop shitposting and save us all.

Oh boy! Can't wait for that glorious 4k 10fps experience and the wonderful pitch black field and the constant crashing after picking up an item.

Truly, it will be the "Definitive edition" at launch~

wii usb helper

Don't believe the CEMU meme

okay, heres your(you)


How functional is the WiiU right now

Suuuure youtube.com/watch?v=MglIFimPd1I

>I'm too dumb to use a emulator!

he's using toads fudger packer game key to prove that zelda doesn't work with the wrong game key.


are you retarded


Why not? He didn't plan on buying it anyway! The store and winery have plenty of money, they won't even notice!

This will be a chance when Nintendrones and Sonyggers unit together against PCuck

how did you get it running on cemu, im downloading the files right now and im asking for a friend

>Cuckbois are buying a Switch when you can play the superior version for free

Like how easy is it to hack the wiiU at this point? I put that shit in the garage for like a year since I never used it but I'll break it out for BotW, I'll buy the game if it doesn't force a firmware update and hacking it is too much of a pain in the ass though.

>not using legacy captcha
You are doing wrong, Pablo.

>it can't even run a fucking fmv properly
It's a shop anyway, but come on.

Is it possible to dump and load textures on CEMU?

>can't even boot the game completely
>maximum 20 FPS

m-m-masterrace amirite boys fuck those fucking nintoddlers amirite

>literally follow instructions
>hurr you're just dumb
Either tell me whats wrong here or shut up with your meme spouting

>complains about the fps
>i-its a shop anyway!

make up your fucking mind.

All that in just a few years We won again PCbros


Okay, you got me. I fucking laughed

>Wii U version being emulated

we will just call you retarded.
does that work for you?

4x switch resolution
higher framerate then wiiu can handle

i'm willing to wait a week for them to patch it working, it could happen before you even get your copy.

You need something called "common key" in this .txt for the emulator to work. Paste this one line above the others:

D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656 # Wii U Common Key

Welcome to Wii U emulation friend o/

Nice. Now I just hope and prey someone dumps Xenoblade X's textures.

>implying patreoncucks wont threaten to cut their neetbux donations if BoTW is not playable by the end of the month

You could be less bitchy but whatever, try these
D7B00402659BA2ABD2CB0DB27FA2B656 # Wii U Common Key
36262B5F49C69164E3BE2BB87C9922A7 # Wii U Common Key
A851D78AB8F0A6FE1E93CFCEAF99A179 # Wii U Common Key
C253B04725C95C344AC158E7C5C93A48 # Captain Toad Treasure Tracker
check your console region too, I havent tried TT so please tell me if it works.

Fuck off Rodrigo el maricón

No, he's only missing the common key, that I've already posted to him.

Hey, it's you again from the same thread yesterday
go away

>higher framerate then wiiu can handle
>20 FPS in FMVs
>Still locked at 30 FPS either way


Someone with a gaming pc + Wii U here.

I got all the wii u games for free + an early leak of BOTW which I'm playing right now for the low low price of 200€

CEMU fags are still stuck in the menu

Why would you have to pirate Wine? It's free.

You can't load them, but anyone can dump. No texture packs for now user

Switch has longer draw distance so I prefer that version.

Also even in the smallest of caves the Switch doesn't go above 30 FPS so the game is hardcoded to that. So you're not getting 60 FPS on the Wii U version.

Wildlands beta?

Just uninstall it from uplay or the classic way.

user, you're talking about the wrong game...

>That shitty setup

Do you live in fucking Brazil or something? lol

Yeah I wasn't looking to load textures anyway since I don't plan to use CEMU. Doubt my computer would be strong enough to run Xenoblade X and I already own it on Wii U anyway. Autistic as it is I just like having texture assets for games.

>looks like galaxy with dof and aliasing up the ass
Well done Nintendo.

Now it's just crashing but I'll assume that it's the rom.
Thanks for the help user

Cool story bro

Let me guess:
You and the other bunch of neckbeards are going to spout the ame shit for the next years when you cant play any Switch game after BotW right?

Like you did with Wii U



Thank god thats the last game for a long time because it took more than 4 years for a simple Wii U to get emulated cant wait to see the tears for years to come when no Switch emulator will be on sight

I like to dump them and then recreate HD versions for a texture pack, but I can dump from some newer games and use in other older games texture packs anyway.

Oh boy it's CEMU shilling day

gotta get those patreon donations right?

Better than shilling Nintendo desu

You're welcome. Protip: don't want to bother with keys anyone ? Download the loadiine versions, they're smaller and don't need the key (already inside the files). you can get some of them here portalroms.com/isos/wii-u (just download the ones that has "Loadiine Ready" in the link)

>Switch is gonna be so easily modded it will take less than a year to get it emulated

according to Nintendo it's just a resolution difference and the draw distance is the same

it does look different in some screens though, but maybe the time of day is slightly different or something; who knows

>according to Nintendo it's just a resolution difference and the draw distance is the same

this guy just installed the game and is about to play

It's supposed to look simplistic and pseudo 2d, still can look pretty nice at 4k.
The aliasing isnt too noticeable, at least not so much as in Mario Kart, holy fuck that game looks awful.

>mfw people said that months before the Wii U was released

I'm not paying for anything anyway, if ONE game is playable from one emulator, is good enough

>according to Nintedo...
It's a lie

>at launch


^that and every other article on the subject



>being this fucking retarded
How is this even allowed? there's fucking fixes all over the god damn place to fix the shit you idiot,for fucks sake.

where is the solidarity between the pc and nintendo bros. i thought you two groups were like two peas in pod. Not oil and water

What happened?

Please both of you. Do not lose sight of your common enemy.

What is this anti piracy/emulation meme on v? Why people so ready to suck corporate dick?