Be Honest

What's the better scenario

>The switch succeeds in sales and gains plenty of third party support, getting plenty of games over it's life and keeps up a good long lifespan before nintendo goes into its next console with the same momentum

>the switch fails and nintendo gets ridiculed from all over the industry, leading to yet another game drought and dying quicker tan the wii U, inevitably forcing nintendo to stop developing their own unique consoles and become another head in the crowd with sony and microsoft's console designs

The former.

Also, Nintendo has enough money in the bank that the Switch failing isn't gonna ruin them.

Nintendo going the Sega route

I don't get why people want consoles to fail. We need more good games but we need competition to drive people to make better games

I honestly think these two choices are incredibly biased, but while I'm more "neutral" to Nintendo, I think the Switch succeeding like the Wii can only be a good thing. I play more on the PlayStation side, but I can't fucking stand Sony or the games they constantly shill.
No one buys PlayStation consoles for the first party, at least not after the PS2.

The first one.

And all their games become shit?

The second one isn't going to happen. This is the same company that made the Virtual Boy. If Switch tanks they'll just regroup and piss out something else.

Why do people think Nintendo going third party would be a good thing? They'll be forced to take less risks and they'll fall back on making only their big franchises and lesser known properties will become even MORE unlikely

Say goodbye to cool new stuff like Splatoon and just more and more Mario and Zelda where they don't do stuff like BOTW and just play it safe

>and become another head in the crowd with sony and microsoft's console designs

This will literally never happen.


And it brings me great joy to know that the one thing Sony fanboys want the most will never happen.

>Sony fans during N64 era: Nintendo is going to go 3rd party!

>Sony fans during GCN era: Nintendo is going to go 3rd party!

>Sony fans during Wii era: Nintendo is going to go 3rd party!

>Sony fans during Wii U era: Nintendo is going to go 3rd party!

>Sony fans during Switch era: Nintendo is going to go 3rd party!

>Sony fans during the Super Switch 2: Electric Boogaloo Era: Nintendo is going third party!


Nintendo going third party so i can buy their games on PC is the best scenario. otherwise it's just a other piece of otherwise - useless hardware I need to buy

>Option one leads to a healthier competitive environment, and hopefully fostering practices that would help advance gaming for home consoles to a new generation

>Loss of competition causes consoles to stagnate into "graphix" machines and expensive DVDs until the industry eventually dies

Really activates my almonds...

I can't wait until consoles are a thing of the past.

also physical copies.

>making only their big franchises and lesser known properties will become even MORE unlikely

thats a pretty big assumption. if anything, they have more time to work on new games scine they dont have to worry about hardware

>biased as fuck 2nd scenario
Come back when you've learned to stop sucking nintendo's dick, OP.

2/10 bait.

>thinking Nintendo is going to exit hardware business if Switch fails
They have one more attempt past the Switch in them no matter what

>they have more time to work on new games
How long do you think third parties have to make games?

>Not wanting to own the thing you bought
Fuck is wrong with you

Jesus Christ this is the biggest
post I have ever scene.

No it's pretty much guaranteed.

No income from hardware sales means they have to downsize. That means fewer employees to work on more games. Being in a worse position financially means that they have to focus on the sure thing. Thus, only Mario and Zelda and Pokémon and MAYBE Fire Emblem.

>Buh buh buh Nintendo!!!


You are mentally ill.

Define success.
I think it will happen something similar to what's happening to the bone right now.
It will sell, some people and 3rd parties will look towards it on a positive light, BUT everyone will compare it to PS4, since it will never catch up, the investors (you know, those retards complaining that there is too much talk about fucking videogames on nintendo's meetings) will decide that is time to fuck all full game development and focus on gacha simulators for mobile.

>Thinking a factual statement is biased
Console gaming is swiftly approaching a drought as is.
Nintendo's departure would only hasten the event.

In this case the reason to want the Switch to fail is to encourage Nintendo to go third party, causing their games to shed relatively useless gimmicks in exchange for more power and if on PC, modability.
At least that's what I assume OP meant by "become another head in the crowd", if they meant make more conventional consoles, that wouldn't be as good. More power and maybe more multiplats, but essentially just an inferior PC like PS4 and Xbone.

Tbh I think it'd be good if they packed in the console manufacturing and released games on Xbox/PS/PC, but maybe continued to make handhelds.

Opinions and wild delusions aren't facts, user.

I think you mean they have more time to work on OLD games since that's all they'll be making based on what sells

You wouldn't even get a fucking Federation Force in this timeline. You'd get Mario and Pokemon, and maybe Zelda once in a blue moon.

>thinks they "own" what they buy


also, sure is fun having every place be sold out of switches and not being able to play the thing nintendo worked so hard on.

honestly, why don't they just give everyone a shit ton of units? what's the harm? stores can always just keep 300 in the backroom and act all coy still

"hey, derek! we got anymore of those switches in stock?"
"hmm? oh, let me go check. no promises though."

15 minutes later....

"last one we have"

>useless gimmicks in exchange for more power
Do people automatically assume if given more power they'd push it to the limits?

The Wii U was as strong as a PS3, and Star Fox Zero looks like a fucking Gamecube game

Was this supposed to be clever?

it really wasn't.

>"You don't own" a physical, tangible product
>Has no concept of Supply and Demand economics

How to spot a Burnout in 5 seconds

>and gains plenty of third party support
i've never bought a nintendo system for the third party's offerings

Well, they've an infinitely higher chance of putting more power to good use if they have it than if they don't, at least.
If BoTW was developed for a more powerful system it would almost certainly have a better framerate, look nicer, be capable of displaying more stuff at once or some combination of the above.

>If BoTW was developed for a more powerful system it would almost certainly have a better framerate, look nicer, be capable of displaying more stuff at once or some combination of the above.

Why is it only Nintendo that gets hit with this? If the PS4 or XBone were more powerful, they too could have games with betters frame rates/graphics/etc.

There are still plenty of games on the PS4 and X1 that look and play like shit you know

Does anyone know what the red dildo sprite scrolling on the bottom of the Badge Arcade is from?

best case
>Nintendo stops making hardware and develops games for Sony
okay case
>the Nintendo Switch is a success
reality case
>Nintendo stops making hardware and good games and goes 100% into Mobages

The latter, because the Switch itself has too many fucking retarded and anti-consumer design/marketing choices to make it a business model I want to support. I don't want to have to buy a real controller separately. I don't want to have to use a phone app just for voice chat and friend lobbies. If I'm paying for online I want a good service and not to be "loaned" 25 year old games. I don't want shit hardware gimmicks that won't be used by anything except shovelware driving up the cost of the console. I don't want weak hardware causing downgraded ports, if it even gets them in the first place. And perhaps most importantly I don't want to support a company that thinks charging full price for utterly worthless garbage like 1, 2, Switch is a sensible decision.

I agree regarding competition, but I specifically want Nintendo to fail because I don't want to have to deal with games I might like being hamstrung by Nintendo's shitty hardware, retarded gimmicks, censorship etc.

Censorship is not going to stop if Nintendo goes third party


>a xbox game ripoff
>new stuff


Missing a third scenario where the Switch flops and they release a new DS brand with the familiar dual screen setup and literally just tape unsold Switches together, as is Nintendo tradition by this point for hardware designs on the cheap. They're keeping that option open for the time being since they're not certain what their own future may yield.

I won't be satisfied until they fail enough to become humbled and realize they have to value the consumers if they want to grow, instead of the current plan of going "We're Nintendo! Everyone loves us!", as they're slowly catching up with the competition when failure shakes their world up. I also want them to stop overvaluing the VC lineup, since they take forever to release titles with their drip feed tactic, reset every hardware generation, as well as lately charge for repurchases due to "license" shenanigans (which is supposedly changing now for Switch, but I fully expect them to say yet again "pay us a buck per game to have the license to play the Switch version of a previous VC title you bought, similar to the Wii U situation)

I'm not really complaining about BoTW's fps, grafics and so on as they stand now, just saying that stuff could be better if they were third party.
Mostly I just think modding would be cool, although it depends on how big the scene gets I guess, Nintendo games probably wouldn't get Beth-tier modding scenes. I suppose they already kind of have it with stuff like Project M, but there'd be more of it if they released their stuff on PC.

In exchange we lose portability and whatever features Nintendo might decide to centre their consoles around in future, which isn't important to me personally. I only ever liked the handheld gimmicks.

Sure but Nintendo games would still look better/have fewer dips/etc. if Nintendo were to go third party and develop them for PS4/X1, a minor benefit but a benefit nonetheless.

>if Nintendo were to go third party and develop them for PS4/X1, a minor benefit but a benefit nonetheless.
Not guaranteed

>tape two switches together
>less than one hour battery life

Nintendo make some good games but terrible hardware.
Going 3rd party might finnaly convince them to ditch the whole family friendly thing and do more games like Baten Kaitos or just more "daring" visual/ascetic ideas in general.

Its getting harder and harder to justify buying a Nintendo console; The very idea that one company's games are held in such high regard that its worth buying an entire console for is ridiculous, And yet here we are.

I think it's just a sausage.

You are all mentally ill, if you like playing it just play it, who fucking cares who makes it, in the end, you are still wasting your life playing vidya.

>2nd option brings about the death of the video game industry
sign me the fuck up

it is very clearly sushi,...,. are you memeing rn?

If Nintendo is "keeping the industry alive", how come there are so few people buying their games and hardware in the grand scheme of things, with about 100M+ PS4 / Xbox One / PC players, with untold millions of mobile gamers on iOS & Android making up the gaming industry?

People really need to stop and think about such statements, since Nintendo has become Sega-tier irrelevant in the grand scheme of things, where at best they serve a portable niche to offload some exclusives, and at worst are just about as anti-consumer as they can legally get by due to laws and backlash.

Except Nintendo said they will take their IP's with them if their business dies.

id like to think if nintendo fails they will bring their ips down with them so nobody can use them

Correct me if I'm wrong, but since they're a publicly traded company, if their business tanks, what would stop a company like Sony or another JP company with enough cash from just buying the majority of the company and taking it over?

Or if they really botch it, their stuff is forced onto auction to pay off debts they've accrued, with no input whatsoever as to who gets it.

Just because they used that classic stockholme syndrome line to get their die-hards to keep them afloat the best they can, doesn't mean Nintendo can actually live by that.

hhhh not memeing i know its not a dildo, but i cant figure out what it really is. it doesnt look like a salmon roll or anything close up, it looks like a dog dick.

Stop falseflagging

Pay me 50 cents a post then

do i look like mr monopoly?

i just want the new posters to fuck off so what ever gets the job done

i want the old nintendo fans not these fucks

If Nintendo gives me another super Metroid on the switch I'll buy 3 of them.

nobody was tallking about sony until you mentioned them.

fuck off

Well, i don't know about better scenario, but the first alternative seems to be the most likely one

I didn't pre order, chances of getting a NS in obscure low pop town?
I'm a canada and towns are all at least 20-30 min apart outside the cities

The former. Even Nintendo's competition agrees that Nintendo continuing to exist and being relevant is essential to the gaming industry. While I'm right alongside the majority of people who say Nintendo needs to have powerful hardware to keep up with the other consoles, I also truly believe Nintendo's gimmicks can be game changers, even if they don't apply to every game. We can all agree the Wii U was a big failure and part of that came from the Gamepad being a mandatory part of most games, but games like Splatoon with its touch screen map and gyro aiming and Mario Maker that lets you drag and drop objects into a custom Mario level on your controller and playtest them on the TV provided gaming experiences you can't replicate on a PC or PS4. If Nintendo drops out of hardware, all consoles and PC games will be fundamentally similar with nothing to differentiate them and gaming will stagnate as a whole.

Former, I don't think Nintendo could handle another big failure and despite what PC/Sony fags think they'd probably all commit seppuku before going third party.

Fuck you, sanik kart was the best cart racer we've gotten in nearly a decade. Generations was enjoyable enough and self aware, and having the community relations not only to localized a long fan requested game (puyo tetris), they picked up a fan project by some notorious fan game creators to officially publish.

If that's not the track record you want Nintendo to have I don't know what's wrong with you. Remember AM2R?

I have a feeling the Switch is going to flop hard.

$300, too expensive.

It's a tablet. Mom's aren't going to want to buy another "iPad" for their kids.

No games. BoTW is coming to the Wii U, and all the Nintendo fanboys already have a Wii U.

It's a piece of pixelated sushi from the Pixel Collection.

If Nintendo ever goes third party then you better hope someone takes their place because a PS monopoly would be the one thing that would kill the industry with very little competition.

And let's be honest, do you want Activision Blizzard, Valve or Riot to take their place or Sony going absolutely arrogant like the early PS3 days and make nothing but the worst shit and decisions

Wow, 2 games about 5 years ago and fangames

truly Sega is back on top

>Nintendo only sells hardware

Don't let the console war shitposting fool you, Nintendo isn't competition anymore. They're just trying to do their own thing.