>Hey user, congratulations, you are now the head game-designer of the next souls successor for the FROM SOFTWARE!
>But you have to come up with the new setting and mechanics, user.
So, what's on your mind?
Hey user, congratulations, you are now the head game-designer of the next souls successor for the FROM SOFTWARE!
Fuck restarting.
Bloodborne 2.
Star wars or sci-fi in general with laser and plasma swords.
One hit might kill you but you could get lucky and only have a limb cut off.
King's field like with VR
It takes place in space, on mars
you fight mars monsters
I blow all their money on a DMC4-style game with invasion mechanics
present day except with mecha
Steel battalion in VR
Giant abandoned space station hurtling through the universe with demon aliens and nano tech as magic
Jolly cartoon fantasy, think Adventure Time or Spirited Away, I just want some weir ass nonsensical fun cartoon world.
Jumping/Platforming, and not in the traditional souls way of simply falling, but something more like mario. Now air combos are a thing and fighting has more variety. Similar to dmc but with a tighter jump.
a souls game set in or influenced by the gantz manga.
but with more weapons and gear, and multiplayer functionality similar to that of monster hunter
Blood Dragon style synthwave with electro soundtrack, laser katanas and giant cyberdragons
>all these sci fi posts
yea nah. make it like Actraiser, be fucking God returning to earth to vanquish monsters.
mecha anything
Pirates Souls
Sci-fi but way harder on the body horror and less on the lightswords etc.
Protagonist is stranded on a massive, living Hellstar Remina-esque planet that has entrapped and/or driven insane countless other spacefarers of all sorts of races and their descendants.
Levels consist of varied shades of bio-hell punctuated by the ominous and explorable sized husks of different ships and dwellings
You spend the game uncovering all this while building snippets of lore about the races you find and the origins and purpose of the world as you search for whatever remains of your crew by this point.
Rebirth mechanic this time revolves around nanomachines that rebuild your body from capsules scattered out by your ship as it went down, with the lore caveat that the more you are 'remade', the less your rebuilt consciousness can cope with the trauma of death- which forms the equivalent to hollowing
Big shades of Giger, Carpenter and Prog album covers
>player steps on field with Darkseid's sign
>a distant figure floating in the sky
>suddenly, a healthbar appears, with text right above it
>"Superman, Son of Krypton"
If you don'thave a kryptonite ring in your inventory, you're fucked.
bionic implants
set on a deserted rimworld colony
Vaporwave Souls
the whole game is baised on progression but if you die you have to start from scratch, no save states but you can still participate in the same missions however you will be at a severe disadvantage.
A setting like Book of the New Sun series or vampire hunter D; despite being the distant future people live like it's the middle ages. High tech ruins of sky scrapers lit with torches and fireplaces, any old world technology is met with fear and distrust. Man made horrors which still walk the earth after thousands of years. Devices which bend reality in maddening ways, ancient weapons capable of eldritch devastation
Roman empire. You have a stage on a giant ship in transit to arabia
I rule that all future FROM games can never have encounters with multiple enemies
>it's an ideas thread
enter thread, post your dumb OC, sit back and wait for validation.
no discussion ever happens in these things
More or less sounds like Let it Die
Sci-fi souls
Starts when you arrive to abandoned absolutely fucking massive space ship cause you heard sos signal or something convenient
Ship's full of aliens, AI gone berserk, crazy cultists worshipping the two, cyborgs and human crew and inhabitants of the ship. Souls type setting where everything has already gone to shit when you arrive. Lot bigger emphasis on what kind of character you want to build, you can become ayylmao cultist, stay as human, start worshipping the AI, become partially machine etc. what you stick with gives you access to the chosen tech and weapons and different endings. You get to explore outside of the ship in some segments of the game as well and there are levels with gravity shenanigans.
Wild West Souls
Okay, I'll just make armored core FA2 but not call it then and instead of giant robots they can be androids. Bing bang boom best game literally ever
Mesoamerican Souls
Nautical Souls
You heard it here. Ships, docks, cursed treasure, all that stuff
I want to create something like The Sims, but with a more serious consequence system. Japanese obviously, small apartment etc, but with bad life choices having permanent repercussions for a few generations at least.
A Souls taking place in the Tenshi no tamago universe
The most fucked up lore
this would be perfect
So, Sunless Sea?
Lead off from Bloodborne where you play as the infant Great One the hunter turns into in the true ending. The formula is vaguely souls related but you are trying to ascend beyond simply existing on your plane but becoming interdimensional as well as the one true god of the cosmos. You fight Great Ones and it all feels a lot like looking up into the sky from under the second part of Rift.
It also has aesthetics like those leaked concept arts from HL3. Weapons are replaced with rune etchings that morph your physiology and everything is in a hard to describe foley-created language that has english subtitles for clarity yet everything is kept short for the sake of brevity and you slowly uncover a conspiracy keep any of the Great Ones from ascending to true All-Being God.
cyber hi tech souls.
this is kool too
Set it at the beginning of time instead of the end.
PC is a low ranking god of little renown.
devours the souls of other gods.
PC is the villain but not revealed until the end of the game or hinted at vaguely throughout in souls style.
sequel deals with ex-PC being some kind of tyranical monster mad on souls and shit.
Call it Soul of Sin or something else edgy like that but change the 2 word souls title for novelty sake.
>Sunless sea
>Anything like souls at all
Beyond sharing eldritch inspired lore and designs they're different in most ways.
Firelink Shrine is now a space ship
Different planets are now levels
"Magic" is now tech
Weapons are plasma based
You fight aliens and colonists
itd be a lot more fast paced and have tighter controls.
missions would be more focused on a few varied strong monsters and maybe a few trash mobs or ads, with the emphasis on a time limit as well.
Gundam Souls
This could be fun
Fucked up megapolis where laws of physics sometimes dont work and surroundings are sometimes not euclidean at all. Also time is not working quite well too so different locations have different timelines.
Think tower of barbs but horizontal and more mindfuckery.
>not having a caveman/dinaosaurs setting
Fucken plebs
Scifi like other people have said. Basically Metroidsouls.
>Plasma whips/swords and big dumb mechanical shit effective for taking down robotic and armored enemies
>Classic weapons effective for organisms
>Firearms replace bows and sorcery, you attune different ammo like different schools of magic, certain ammo can parry like in BB
>Shields still exist
>Armor matters
>STR/DEX remain as usual
>TEC and INT determine firearm and plasma weapon scaling
>Luck works like it does in DaS3
>Poison, Bleed, Burn and Frost statuses, all scale with luck
>Frost is buffed, burn causes slight damage at intervals and a slight stagger on each tick
Dark Souls but with Wrestling, boss fight with the Cerebral Assassin, The Undertaker, Mankind etc.