We wuz men of the West n sheit
@1:35: youtu.be
We wuz men of the West n sheit
@1:35: youtu.be
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LMFAO when i saw trailer i expected someone would post that on Sup Forums
Where's the other token minorities?!
I think you mean Tolkien minorities, like the Hobbits.
I hope they make the game less repetitive and less of a ass creed/bamham ripoff. Being able to fight fel beasts and Balrogs seems pretty neat.
SHUT UP Sup Forums
get out of my board
hyped as fuck
inb4 they keep the fucking bullshit 'immunities' on orcs so that endgame is you kiting some faggot around to all the explosive barrels so you can actually damage him since they're immune to everything else.
>your board
>hyped from a cinematic trailer
>hyped as fuck
Your board is
>take a steaming dump on Tolkien's legacy
>People are lining up to fondle said turd
Tolkien's legacy has already been piled under shit with The Hobbit.
>shilling a cinematic trailer
Nice try.
Yeah, but you don't go asking for a second helping of shit, you tell them right off.
WE WUZ LORDZ (of the ringz)
Imma finna cop me dat ring
>hyped as fuck
>Black appears in the trailer for less than a second
>Used simply to imply some land other than the primarily white Gondor folk and the totally white elves have noticed that shit is going south
>Sup Forums becomes more triggered than Tumblr
Don't worry, your predictability just makes you cute.
I thought the darker races were subservient to Sauron
im just gonna drop this here
because fuck you
That doesn't sound like a valid reason to like something.
They are, but the Shadow of Mordor games are set just before he really sets out on the war-path, meaning it's possible they haven't been subjected fully yet.
If he's from Harad, that would be pretty neat actually. Shadow of Mordor doesn't give a shit about the actual LOTR story, so why not have some fanfiction about the lands in the east as well?
Except shitskins have nearly always been subhuman in every one of Tolkien's works. There are absolutely no examples of successful darkie civilizations on Middle-Earth.
This is pure, shameless, libtarded fanfiction.
Ah, the legendary counter baito, sasuga user-kun
>shitshow of mordor an absolute embarrassment of a game is okay and widely praised
>appearance of black man in a sequel to said game is a travesty and desecrating the legacy of lotr and tolkien
Middle-Earth isn't the entirety of LotR's world, user.
>casually shows the Dindu next to a white woman
Why couldn't they just put a nigress next to him? Why do they always have to hamfist interacial shit into everything?
were there any blacks in lotr?
>putting niggers in glorious middle earth lore
fuck off, tolkien hated niggers
But it's the only place where darkies exist. Everything in the undying lands is white as snow. Ainur are all white. Elves are all white. Eru is white.
google european people history
do it and understand that white identity is under attack from all sides.
also shadow of mordor was shit.
How many white women will they show him impregnating?
Nope, not a single one.
Lotr is the last high budget successful series untouched by diversity quotas.
>In Middle-Earth
but I thought blacks are orcs and muslims are people from harad?
DEUS VULT brother
White identity is under attack from all sides?
Fucking. Wew. Lads.
ITT: That Miiverse screenshot
Control yourselves.
there's a qt tho, i hope she's important and not get fucked up like cgi supergirl by netherealms
Was browsing YouTube without adblock on for the first time in like seven years, first thing I see is this shit. The fuck.
It's not just google. Try search through duckduckgo too.
eyyyy fukin lords a da bling mane
watchu talkin bout u wanna throw dat ring out nigga dat some tight sheeeet *equips the ring* wooooooaaaaaaaahhhh im feelin it nigggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *uses magic ring powers to create fried chicken*
what is happening to videogames?
why are blacks running around in gondor and world war 1?
>do it and understand that white identity is under attack from all sides.
It is you who is the cuck my friend
die nigger
is sauron an old white dude
Yay multiculturalism comrade! We will fight the fascists on all fronts including their pass-times.
Let us paint our agenda everywhere to subvert the masses, they won't notice until its too late!
well uh, technically nah
Assuming you're a white guy
Would you go to Japan and take your white european wife with you and have a kid and pretend that the kid was Japanese?
>do it and understand that white identity is under attack from all sides.
The only sides under attack are mine.
You know that racists tend to have a lower IQ.
Gotta spread dat Marxist propaganda everywhere , silly goy. Don't you want to rewrite some more history?
>triggered by niggered
>bringing up Sup Forums boogeyman
>thinks it owns the board
I wonder where you're from.
*Insecure white nerds intensify*
they gonna butcher the story even more. who cares about one black dude. they can always tell he's from far south lands
Niggers can create their own fictional worlds where they really were kings and queens.
Fuck off and stay away from this already established one, Tyrone.
you know when whites eventually chimp out and become the menace they were made out to be remember not to whine
kek. rewrite history. black people have been around for longer then white people retard, of course they were involved in major world events also. they just werent talked about until recently because of people pretty much doing the same shit you do on here, and we see how well thats worked so far. it will take some time, but the ture history of humanity will someday be written.
>Any thread even remotely Sup Forums influenced gets deleted
>Sup Forums is a boogeyman even though you can find endless posts with screenshots of your shitposting being held up like victories on Sup Forums
lel deus volt my white ally
>Any thread even remotely Sup Forums influenced gets deleted
As it should be on the VIDEO GAMES board
Don't you have reddit to shill, Mediamatters?
how are they even allowed to take such a steaming pile of shit on his legacy? FUUUUUUUUUUCKING CUNTS
Why is that Uruk dressed like a gondorian soldier? And why isn't he being attacked by the soldiers around him?
this is video games related
this is about a video game company shitting on the entire franchise by reinventing the lore by inserting modern identity politics
Looks like Tolkiens work is getting BLACKED
He is a plant. He screams racist if you confront him
Haradrim and other tribes from East and some places are described as dark skinned, agreed BF1 is fucking bollocks but pls contain your autism.
>Marxist propaganda.
Jesus christ stop embarassing yourself.
Sauron a qt
This must be what the elves feel when men come in to their hidden cities and seduce their daughters.
C'mon Russia nuke the USA
Literally who cares?
You will be fucking exterminated with pesticide that specifically targets niggers you parasite leech chimp
this is exactly what happened in post ww1 germany
degeneracy was pushed on all ends and "media" got niggerized by jews who tried to reinvent cultural classics
>muh lore
>muh Tolkien
I don't even give 3 shits, Shadow of Mordor was a legit fun game and the nemesis system is really well crafted. Lore be damned, Sauron can be a fucking wookiee for all I care, I expect fun from this game.
Holy shit!
anyone who isnt a nigger loving american
We wuz elves and shieet
Who will take care of their son?
>reinventing the lore by inserting modern identity politics
>reinventing the lore
There were niggers on Middle Earth.
Haradrims and some Easterlings were described as dark toned in the books, while Rohirrim hunted some niggas wearing skin armour and shiet IIRC
Checkmate Sup Forums
now google "american inventors" for the true rage
>There were niggers on Middle Earth.
no there were not
>Haradrims and some Easterlings were described as dark toned in the books
as in arabs not niggers
>black inventors other than GW Carver
Comedy gold.
he's just the tolkien black guy
So only Sup Forums then, which makes this not video games.
I haven't seen a black person in my life due to my country and generally don't care about Sup Forums's insecurities, but adding blacks in LOTR is too far.
>So only Sup Forums then
so by your logic the entire rest of the world is Sup Forums?
No joke, I just woke up and saw the trailer and first thing I said was, "No, there were no blacks in Middle-Earth". Then I came here to see if someone was posting about it. That aside, it looks good.
those aren't full fucking midnight mode niggers though you nigger
this is what, the 3rd or 4th thread Sup Forums has posted that will soon be deleted?
>black """""people"""""
How can men of the west even compete
Eh, at least it's no WE WUZ ELVES N SHIIIET
maybe he came all the way from the east. Sauron had blacks/dark skinned men in his army iirc
great even more lore rape with the shitty oc donut steal
According to you, the entire rest of the world that isn't a "nigger loving american" gives a shit about a black person in a videogame. I'd say the majority of the world couldn't care less.