Souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon
>they all pick samurai in for honor

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon

>watching youtubers, let alone following everything they've said for the sake of finding inconsistencies.

>pick samurai
>make a japanese avatar
>"oh cool dude, you like shintoism?"

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon
This is a real sentence in 2017.

Just end it all.

>buzzword buzzword buzzword katana as buzzword buzzword buzzword weapon

meme as a verb is an atrocity

>give shit to weebs for felating katanas
>love Nioh's eastern designs

I just love those conical hats the Jap farmers wear.

I'm getting fucked in the ass in the mines. Those oni guys at the water source 2 hit kill me.

>watching let's plays

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon

Name eight (8) that do this

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon

>I watch competitive Souls pvpers on YouTube and incidentally I also type like an autismal teenager

Orochi is the only generic weeb class.

>>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon
Many such cases! Sad!

I understood you just fine.

Everyone understands him, but his message is so ridiculous that no one wants to take him seriously.

What the hell are you talking about

>Hating Samurai in For Honor

Orochi sure since hes the Naruto anime kid bait character but the other 3 are cool designs and Kensei is the best.

I you can understand him then by all means share with the class, because I have no fucking clue what he's on about.

>Soulsborne content creators on YouTube criticize the Katana as an edgy weapon, befitting for only neckbeards who like to wear fedoras
>Yet, they all pick Samurai in For Honor

most people are not getting that "meme" is a verb on this context.

maybe if OP wasnt such a faggot and typed "meming", other faggots would understand it

Is this even a sentence or is it just a series of tags?

I had to reread it like 50 fucking times before I began to grasp what you're trying to say, and even then I'm not even 50% confident.

I think what he's trying to say is
"Youtubers who play Souls games, say katana is an edgy weapon for fedora wearing neckbeards"

>not playing Kensei, the most honorable duelist
Wardens are cheap cucks.

Hold on, I speak meme.

Darksouls Letsplayers label katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon. Yet they all pick Samurai in For Honor.

So is For Honor any good? Got some friends who got it so I'm tempted to pick it up and play with them.

I understand mantraposting as well, but did not want to participate as I agree with his sentiment.

It's pretty meh but alright with friends.

Balance is a fucking disaster, the balance team should be sacked. I'm almost certain no one thought of following up a parry with a guard break during the entire development cycle
>Lawbringer is a class designed around parries and parry followups
>None of them are better than a simple gb into side heavy

Maybe they like Shugoki and Great Club


The weed dude looks better afterwards.

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon

>playing For Honor
>recognize some names from when I was a huge PvP fag back in 2012 when Dark Souls was hot shit
>they're all tryhard honor shitters using Warden
Not surprised to be honest

Yes but as said it's Ubisoft in charge of balance. The first patch is buffing a character that doesn't even really need it and not nerfing any of the shit that DOES need it.

How hard did PeevePeeverson slap your shit, user?

>Play souls shit with shit fanbase
>They're shit

I haven't seen him but I played against that memer Oroboro and that one autistic speedrunner Lobos. Oroboro was in Dominion and he was just built into revenge, Lobos was in duels and he played incredibly defensively and put me into the shoulderbash loops until he ran out of stamina.

Not really, hes definitely aged several years. Better pose though, its like he saw that all about the jaw video and applied it

>souls youtubers meme katana as edgy neckbeard fedora weapon
What did he mean by this?